Published at 27th of April 2021 12:24:41 PM

Chapter 889: 889

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Chapter 889 The First Wave of Face Slaps

In the banquet hall of Qiao Nian's college banquet on the third floor of Yufu.

Zhang Yang, Qin Si, and Bo Jingxing are at the table. In addition to Bo Jingxing, there are Luo Qing and others.

Originally, Zhang Yang came over to eat, and there was some meaning to betray Qin Si’s favor. He also knew that there were not many people here today, but as more and more people came in, he was a little restless sitting in his seat, surprised and surprised. At the same time, I was a little bit lucky. Fortunately, when Qin Si asked, I immediately said that I had time, so I took time to come over today.

He stared at the door, watching Ye Lan and Ye Lao as Lu came in one after another, as well as people from the Wei family, Wen Ruxia, etc.

Three people from the four families standing at the top of the pyramid came from Beijing. Only the Shen family came, but the Shen family was weaker than these three families. The courtesy point of the Beijing city is called the four big families. , If it’s not sound, it can also be said to be one-third of the world.

Shen Jing said whether he will come, but it has little effect.

At least it will not affect the grade of Miss Qiao’s entrance banquet.

"Shao Qin, you didn't tell me that there were so many people coming to the college entrance banquet for Miss Qiao." Zhang Yang was a little bit unable to sit still, as if there was a nail under his buttocks. The main reason was that the number of people who came to the college entrance banquet was not It's a lot of them, but the big ones make him nervous.

It was not surprising that Qin Si looked at Ye Lan who came in, but he was not so calm when he saw the energetic and energetic Ye Lao in a shirt and jacket.

Look at what is behind Yuan Yongqin, Yuan Jia, Su Huaiyuan, and Weilou and Wen Ruxia that Zhang Yang saw. The corners of his mouth twitched, and the eyes on his cynical face darkened. He pursed his lips and said, "I don’t even do it myself. Knowing that some people will come, I will tell you a fart."

He was not surprised that Aunt Ye would come, and he could even understand that Ye Lao came to support sister Qiao.

Including Weilou, Wei's family didn't owe sister Qiao a favor before, and it's normal to come here.

But who told him what happened to Su Huaiyuan and Yuan Yongqin?

Didn’t Yuan Yongqin fall out with the Yuan family in Beijing? I haven't contacted him for more than ten years. Today, I came in side by side and sat at a table to participate in Qiao Nian's higher education. Who can tell him what this is like?

Sister Joe’s small school banquet is so attractive?

He remembered that Wangye had nothing to do with Chengfeng Group anyway, and he never walked around.

Who are Yuan Yongqin and Su Huaiyuan directed at?

Qiao Nian?

"..." Qin Si thought of this, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch again, a little surprised but not so surprised.

At first, didn’t he also think that Qiao Nian was a senior high school student who came around the city, and then he slapped his face?

It’s just this...Where did Master Wang find the "sister" of the fairy, it's too fierce, this relationship is not worse than him!

Qin Si hasn't seen Ji Nan come in yet.

was hit by Zhang Yang's elbow lightly, lowered his voice and said to him: "Qin Shao, Miss Jiang is in the group again."

Qin Si frowned, with an impatient expression on his face, took out his mobile phone, and just dropped his head to miss the coming of Ji Nan.

He looked at the group.

Jiang Xianrou is particularly active.

The atmosphere in the group is very good, and most of the people are talking about the things that come out in the afternoon.

As Zhang Yang said, Jiang Xianrou shot him again and sent a message in the group.

[Qin Shao, two thirty in the afternoon, Sinan Clubhouse, do you have time? @秦璨]

He turned up quite annoyingly, and turned to the place where Jiang Xianrou first Aite him, and saw Zhang Yang help him reply below, saying that he had no time.

(End of this chapter)

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