Published at 10th of June 2024 05:51:33 AM

Chapter 10

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Wow! I thought she was respectful to her grandfather.

"Let me explain to him, Grandpa," Kanna said. Her grandfather just nodded and sipped his coffee from his cup.

"The assassins have long wanted to take something valuable from us. I was just five years old back then when I witnessed their cruelty in our world. When the rise of magic comes, we bring out a diamond that symbolizes all of us. That is our lives. That diamond is the most important of all. If that diamond is shattered, we will all lose our lives," she said. It seems like the diamond is also their source of life.

But why do the assassins want to take it?

"Why do the assassins keep trying to take the diamond when it's dangerous, if it falls then all of you in this world will perish?"

I said. She sighed.

"Yes, that's why it's very dangerous. The assassins are no longer afraid if it breaks. Because they have another source of life which is their King, whom no one has met or seen. It's always cloaked in black and stays in the dark. Their King is powerful and ruthless. They want to kill us, so they and their followers are trying to take the diamond in the palace."

She explained. By the way, isn't her cousin also looking for a diamond? What's that? Do they have multiple life sources? Well, that's okay too.

"Eh? What is your cousin looking for? Isn't that also a diamond, and there are plenty in the cave, so don't worry if he steals the diamond from the palace."

I said. After I said that, Kanna suddenly got annoyed. Geez, why is she so irritated? What's wrong with what I said? She shouldn't say that the diamond is rare in their world.

"Don't say that. Because the diamond in the palace is different from the diamond you saw in the cave!"

She said angrily. Alright, she's quite strong too. Seems like she's not in a good mood.

"What's different about the diamond in the palace, huh? Show it to me."

I said. They fell silent after I said that. Huh? Why don't they say that the assassins have already taken it?

"Alright, let's go to the palace later. I'll show you the diamond of life."

She replied. Oh! I thought they already took it, but apparently not.

"Oh! Okay then."

I said.


As Kanna said, we headed to the palace where she said she would show us the diamond.

Yui was so fascinated by the sight because of its beauty. She's like a child; I need to keep an eye on her so she doesn't get lost inside the palace.

"We need to ask permission from the King."

She said as we walked down the aisle, and at the end of this aisle was the throne where the King was seated.

When we were in front of him, a child spoke. Who's this little one?

"Oh, Kanna, it's been a while since you last visited the palace. How is the search for the magic breaker going?"

Greeted the child! Where did that come from?

Kanna bowed down. I didn't know who she was bowing to as I couldn't see anyone seated on the throne, and it was annoying where the child's voice came from.

"Kanna, why are you bowing down, who are you bowing to?"

I asked. I also looked at Yui. Even Yui was bowing down.

What? It seems like they have some issues in their minds.

"Who is this boy, Kanna?"

Someone asked. I kept looking around until a hand on my head forced me to bow even lower, and my face hit the floor.

It hurts (--###--)

"He is Suta, your highness. He is the magic breaker," Kanna politely said.

I asked Kanna who she was talking to as she was answering the child, and what! The King?

"Who is this King you are talking to, Kanna? The child is teasing you, there's no one seated on the throne!"

I said while my face was still on the floor. Kanna finally let go of my head.

"Ah, so he's the one? He's very special indeed you have brought him to our world, and he is willing to help us," he said cheerfully. I looked at the throne; the voice seemed to come from there.

When I looked, no one was seated. Until my eyes widened when someone suddenly appeared. How come? A child? Their King is a child?!

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