Published at 10th of June 2024 05:51:31 AM

Chapter 11

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"Kanna, what is his magic? And why is a child is the King? Does this child know how to lead this kingdom?"

I whispered to Kanna. But instead of answering me, she hit me on the head.

Huhuhu! It hurts; I think I got a bump.

The little one suddenly laughed. He looked like he was in the movie "Boss Baby" - so tiny and cute, but this one was seated on the throne, wearing royal baby clothes and a crown on his head.

I was even more surprised when he revealed a bottle hidden behind him and immediately drank the milk.

"Yes, I am the King. There's nothing wrong with being a baby. I am smart and perfectly capable of being the King in this kingdom. My magic is invisibility, and I can hide the room where the diamond is hidden," he whispered in the end. Darn! This kid is so cute; it's tempting to pinch him. This kid is also cool.

"Suta, would you like to see the diamond?"

The King asked. I scratched my head and stood up from kneeling.

"Is it okay?"

I said awkwardly. Kanna and Yui also stood up.

"Yes, yes! Come on, I'll show it to you. But wait, who is this woman?"

He asked, pointing to Yui with his little finger. I looked at her.

"Oh! Yui is my sword, she can also take human form."

I said and he was amused and amazed.

"Is this the black sword of the magic breaker? I just found out that the black sword can also take human form."

He said, amazed. Why did they just find out now that the black sword of the magic breaker, like me, can take human form? Am I the only one from another world who has come to their world?

"Come, I'll show it to you."

He said excitedly, about to get off his throne but couldn't reach the floor with his baby feet.

Kanna took a deep breath and approached the King, lifting him and bringing him down.

Wow! Kanna also has compassion, after all. I thought she would just leave the baby like that. It was so difficult for him to come down; what if he falls from the throne and rolls down the stairs, this baby will cry.

I wonder for how many months has this King been in power? It's good that he can walk.

We followed the King until he stopped. Where did he stop? He stopped in front of a large painting.

He looked cute there, taking a bath with bubbles on his head and holding a toy.

He's still a baby. But such an intelligent baby because he became a King. Hmm~ where could the parents of this little rascal be?

"This is you, right? In the painting. Where is the door to the room? Is it behind this painting?"

I asked. I was about to walk to see the back of the large painting when Kanna suddenly pulled me by my clothes.

"You're naughty, stay here!"

Kanna said. How snappy! I just wanted to see the back of the painting.

"*Laughing* The room is not there, come here."

The king laughed and asked us to come to the side of the painting. Huh? I thought that was where the hidden room with the diamond was.

I looked to where the King was looking. Why is the King looking at the wall? What's on the wall?

"Is this the hidden room?"

I asked as the child nodded and excitedly placed his baby hand on the wall.

As the child's hand touched the wall, a door suddenly appeared. How cool! Baby, you're so cool!

"Okay, you guys open the door, I can't reach it."

The king said and scratched his head. I took the initiative to open the door.

As we opened it, we were greeted by a sight of a pool with a statue of a mermaid in the middle, one of her hands holding a diamond. Is that it? I need to go in; the diamond held by the mermaid statue seemed peculiar.

"Why is your diamond like that, with different colors and what looks like dust inside?"

I asked as we all entered the hidden room.

"I told you it's unique."

Kanna retorted. I just ignored her.

I just stared at the diamond; it felt like it was drawing me in until my vision zoomed in, and it seemed like my eyes entered the diamond.

I saw people using different kinds of magic. Happy people of all ages.

I saw everything they were doing. I couldn't help but be amazed; this diamond is truly unique. Until I snapped back to reality.

"Did you see the life of the diamond?"

Kanna asked. I nodded. Their lives are within this diamond. It really should be protected and not fall into the hands of assassins.

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