Published at 10th of June 2024 05:51:30 AM

Chapter 12

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"We need to leave, dear King, thank you for the delicious food," Kanna said before we left the palace. We first had a meal before leaving. We also had a little chat about me and other things.

It was awesome because their long table was full of food. I was so full from the many dishes they had.

"No worries, Kanna. Just take care on your journey," the King replied. Kanna nodded, and we bowed to the King before leaving the palace.

I couldn't believe it, but as we turned around, the palace suddenly disappeared.

"Eh? Kanna, did the palace disappear?"

I asked her as we walked away.

"I suggested it to the dear King earlier," she replied without enthusiasm.

What did she say? I couldn't remember her saying to the dear King that the palace would also be made invisible.

"You weren't listening because you were busy with your Yui," she added. Ah, I remembered those times when I was talking to Yui to eat slowly.

"I was listening at that time. You told the dear King that the palace needed to be hidden so that the diamond wouldn't be easily found and the assassins wouldn't enter," I replied. She rolled her eyes and started walking ahead. I followed.

"And I also heard that the King's guards need to be ready in case someone enters the kingdom."

I said. She didn't reply, but I didn't stop talking either. I shook my head at Kanna's words to the King.

"*Sigh* I thought you were smart, Kanna. You should have just told the King to make everyone around the palace invisible. At least that way, the people in the kingdom wouldn't be harmed."

I said. My idea was better than hers, right? Just hiding the palace wouldn't be enough to prevent the assassins from finding out. What if they used the people in the kingdom to reveal the palace's location? It wouldn't make sense.

I stopped walking suddenly, and Kanna stopped too.

"I didn't think of that," she murmured to herself. I smiled at what I heard. It seemed that someone like me from Earth was smarter than her.

Suddenly, Kanna looked at me and approached. She gazed at me for a long time. I was surprised when she dragged me back to the path we were walking on and pushed me back towards the palace.

The palace was so far now. Was I the only one going back there?!

"Come on, hurry up and tell the King. After all, you're the one with the good plan for everyone's sake, right? So don't worry, we'll wait here with Yui for your return," she said. So, I agreed to go back to the palace alone.

I won't elaborate on what happened when I returned to the palace. You already know the reason for my sudden return.

"Your plan is excellent, Suta, thank you for coming back. I didn't realize that just hiding the palace wasn't enough. I need to hide everything surrounding the kingdom from the assassins," the King said before I told him about my brilliant idea. Wow! I'm so smart, right?

"Yes, Your Majesty. I need to go back now, Kanna might get bored waiting for me," I replied to the King. The King chuckled and dismissed me.

I started running towards where Kanna was. We were already far from where we stopped, close to the kingdom's entrance.

It was time for Kanna and me to journey to the Forest of Dean. Grandpa said it wasn't a scary forest when we left to visit the palace before our trip.

"I already told him," I gasped as I said to Kanna while holding my knees from exhaustion.

"Good, let's continue," Kanna replied and stood up.

"Wait, can we walk later? I just ran from the kingdom, I'm tired," I complained to her. She just rolled her eyes at me and started walking away without waiting.

"Then stay here. I'll go walk," she replied snarkily. Gosh! Can I please have a different partner? I can't stand this woman. I won't last long with her, right?

I couldn't do anything but sigh deeply and follow her.

"Suta-sama, are you okay?" Yui whispered to me. I nodded, shoulders slumped as we walked through the forest.

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