Published at 10th of June 2024 05:51:29 AM

Chapter 13

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Yui handed me some water.

"You need this to perk up, Suta-sama," she said. I took it from her hand and drank it.

It's a good thing I have someone who cares about me. The other one seems to have no idea what compassion is.

I had just arrived, and we immediately started walking. They didn't even give me a chance to rest, huh?

This woman is really something else.


We've been walking in the middle of the forest for a while, but I still don't know where this woman is taking us.

I wonder if I can ask if we can rest? Yui and I are so tired from walking, we've been exhausted since earlier.

Moreover, it's getting noticeable that the sky is darkening. It's getting dangerous if we continue.

"We'll stay here for the night."

Kanna said and sat down.

I also sat down, exhausted.

"Oh, thank you for finally deciding to rest."

I said. Kanna glared at me.

"Are you scolding me?!"

She snapped. I quickly rolled my eyes and stood up to avoid her.

"No! Fine, I'll just go look for firewood before it gets dark."

I said and walked away to gather wood for our bonfire night.

Yui also ran towards me.

"Suta-sama, I'll accompany you."

She said and I nodded.

"Alright, Yui."


After a few hours, Yui and I returned from gathering firewood for our bonfire.

I was surprised to see Kanna holding three large fish and a bow at her back.

"Where did you come from?"

I asked her. She lifted the fish and then lowered it.

"I just went to get our dinner nearby. When you two left, I thought of taking a stroll. I saw a stream with plenty of fish so I caught some."

She said. I also noticed that her hair was wet.

She must have taken a bath. I thought about sniffing myself. I realized that I smelled a bit foul, so I looked at Kanna.

"Where's the stream?"

I asked her. She pointed me towards it, so I handed the firewood I brought to Yui.

"You stay here, I'll just go to the stream. Don't follow, okay?"

I ordered Yui. She nodded, so I walked towards the stream.

I'll take a quick bath. It's not yet too late as the sky still has an orange hue with some darkness creeping in.

After removing all my clothes, I immediately waded into the water to swim underwater. While swimming, I saw some fish swimming alongside me.

It's fascinating because some of the fish glow in the dark, they look awesome.

I enjoyed my bath so much that I didn't realize it was already night when I resurfaced from the water. I immediately dressed and went back to where Kanna and Yui were.

I found them grilling the large fish that Kanna caught.

They were chatting. But when they found out that I had arrived, they suddenly fell silent.

I wonder why?

"Hey, the smell of fish is so good. Can I have a taste?"

I said as I was about to grab a piece of fish, but Kanna tapped my hand.

"Wait, it's not fully cooked yet... You're just hungry."

She said. She's being snappy again. I didn't argue and just sat down quietly, surrounded by the fire in the middle of the three of us.

"She's so snappy even for just offering a taste."

I whispered and lay down to look at the stars in the sky while waiting for the fish to cook and for Kanna to feed us like a mother.

Tsk! They don't match. Who would want to marry this one when she's so snooty.


I stirred awake feeling someone staring at me. Slowly, I opened my eyes and saw a figure. I couldn't make out the face clearly as my vision was adjusting.

It's already morning. As my eyesight cleared, I was surprised to see Kanna's face in front of me.

She was staring at me up close, as if there was a hidden meaning in her gaze.

We both jolted when we realized that our eyes had met, and we quickly looked away, feeling equally awkward about the situation.

What is this woman doing, suddenly surprising me like that?

And why was her face so close to mine earlier?

I couldn't help but wonder what she was doing while I was asleep.

While gazing at Kanna, who was now looking away, I couldn't help but smirk at her and ask.

"Kanna, you didn't actually touch me while I was asleep, did you?"

I asked uncertainly. Why did I ask that, oh no! I think my manhood got the better of me again.

But I couldn't help but grin mischievously when I saw Kanna's surprise upon hearing my question.

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