Published at 10th of June 2024 05:51:28 AM

Chapter 14

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She looked at me with a hint of disgust.

"Touch you?"

She looked me up and down before rolling her eyes.


She answered and stood up from kneeling in front of me.

I don't know why, but this morning I felt like teasing Kanna, hoping she wouldn't burn me in annoyance.

"In that case, Kanna, why were you staring at me earlier? Do you want to kiss me or something?"

I teased her and approached Kanna, who had her back turned.

She didn't say anything, but I could see that she was getting irritated as she turned to face me, her cheeks flushed red.

"D-Dream on. Me? Kiss you? A-and what reason would I have to kiss you?!"

Her words couldn't come out smoothly. Seeing her like that made me grin even more as I approached her and said...

"I don't need to answer that, Kanna, because it's obvious that you like me. Well, I'm handsome so there's really no woman who isn't attracted to me."

I confidently said, shrugging. I was surprised when Kanna suddenly kneed me in the stomach, causing me to groan in pain and hunch over while holding my stomach.

"Who do you think you are! How dare you think you're handsome! Wake up to reality because you're really not handsome at all, super... so irritating! Your face is just so thick that I really want to slap you."

She said angrily, trying to restrain herself from slapping me. I was scared because I had experienced this from her when I first arrived in their world. She can slap really hard. So, I didn't try to tease her again.

I just grinned.

"Fine, you're not looking at me anymore, just don't slap me."

I pouted at her. She rolled her eyes and moved away from me, no longer paying me any attention. That was also the time when Yui approached me and whispered to me discreetly.

"You know what Master, Kanna is lying, you're not ugly at all, believe me."

She said and then walked away, following Kanna.

Ugh! I know that already, she doesn't need to tell me. But I'm starting to feel annoyed, when Kanna says it, I believe more that I'm really ugly.

Tsk! Why do I feel conscious now. Nevermind.

• • •

As we continued our journey, I couldn't help but glance at Kanna. She has been ignoring me since earlier, and I'm not used to us traveling without any interaction with each other.

So, in order to mend our relationship with each other, I approached her and walked alongside her.

"Hey, Kanna, are you still mad?"

I asked her. She didn't speak and just kept looking straight ahead. I sighed.

"Kanna, I'm sorry, please don't be like this."

I pleaded, feeling like a puppy wanting to be cuddled by its mother and following her every move.

She stopped walking and faced me. I gulped as she looked straight into my eyes.

"I'll feel more at ease if we just forget about earlier."

She said firmly. Why is that such a big deal for her? Could it be true that she actually wants to kiss me? But tsk! I'm just assuming if I think that's what she's going to do.

Kanna? Kiss me? Nuh~ that's even more unlikely.

I just nodded at her in response, indicating that I won't bring up what happened earlier.

I could see in her eyes that she was pleased with what I said, but suddenly it disappeared and she returned to being moody.


She responded curtly and turned away to continue walking, with me following behind.

After hours of traveling, we were shocked by what we witnessed not far from where we stood. There were travelers lying on the ground, all covered in blood.

I didn't know what to do as this was the first time I had seen something like this, but Kanna, who was beside me earlier, suddenly ran towards the bodies.

Kanna went through each person lying on the ground, feeling their pulses.

As she checked each one, there was no change in Kanna's expression except for intense sadness and pity for those bodies.

Even without asking her if they were still alive, I already knew the answer from her expression.


I softly said, touching her shoulder.

"Why are they doing this to us, why are they singling us out one by one?"

Kanna said coldly, hands clenched tightly.

Despite the sadness in her eyes, she was trying to stay strong, but tears betrayed her and involuntarily fell from her cheeks.

Feeling sad, I approached her and wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks.

"Kanna, don't cry. I know it's painful, but strengthen yourself. At this moment, we won't let them continue to kill good people like them at the hands of those assassins."

I said gently. She didn't speak, just nodded. At that moment, I saw a different side of Kanna, not the sassy one, but someone consumed by anger.

This time, she was filled with sorrow, tears streaming down her eyes as she gazed at the corpses. I didn't want her to be like this; I preferred her to be feisty and grumpy rather than this, as if she was being left behind by the world.

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