Published at 13th of June 2024 08:20:19 AM

Chapter 15

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Weird as it may sound, this is what I feel at this moment.

"Kanna, do you want to leave?"

I asked. But it seemed like I made the wrong move because she suddenly looked at me with a fierce glare, as if she wanted to slap me.

"Are you even human! Do you want to leave them behind? Do you know that there are people in front of us! How can you say I want to leave when I'm not leaving them here to decay? I want to give them a proper burial, Suta!"

She said through sobs. I fell silent; she was right, what kind of person am I to just leave them like that and not give them a proper burial.

"Sorry, Kanna, for what I said. Let's bury them first before we continue."

I said as I stood up, offering my hand to help her up.

Before we could prepare, we suddenly heard rustling sound from behind, alerting both Kanna and me. We turned to face the noise.

We immediately saw the appearance of the assassins.

"You are the ones who killed them."

Kanna accused the assassins sternly. It was evident she was furious about the slaughter of people like them.

"We need to kill all of you because that is the command of Lord Galvanic," one of the assassins said, with a female figure.

"I will never forgive you," Kanna said coldly, and I was surprised when she suddenly rushed towards the five assassins to fight them.

I didn't know what to do, so I drew my sword from behind and stood ready, anticipating anyone who would come at me.

I didn't have the strength to attack first, so I just waited for someone to approach me.

I was surprised when Kanna was wounded by those assassins, so I shouted her name. I didn't know what to do, but I knew I had to act now.

I ran and blocked the five of them from approaching Kanna, who was now kneeling and enduring the wound on her side. And damn! Her wound was severe.

"Kanna, are you okay?" I asked in the midst of facing these assassins.

She coughed before speaking.

"Don't block them, they need to pay for what they've done," she struggled to say as she tried to stand amidst the pain she was enduring.

"Kanna, don't try to fight them anymore, you know you're already injured!" I scolded her and tried to block her from the five of them.

But Kanna is really stubborn and still stood up despite the difficulty.

"I don't care! Move aside!" She shouted and pushed me to the side using her hand. But I won't let her fight anymore so I faced her and held her shoulders tightly.

She paused and was surprised by my actions.

"You sent me here to help you, so let me be the one to fight them now," I said seriously.

"Yes, I did say that. But you're not used to fighting yet. You might even be the first to die instead of me," she said, making me grin at her words. I knew I wasn't used to fighting, but I didn't want to just stand by and do nothing.

I admit I'm scared of what might happen to me, but I'll leave it to fate to help her, so I'll stand by what I'm about to do now.

"That won't happen. Because I won't allow it. I'll be with you until the end - remember that," I replied, causing her to be speechless at my words and she didn't insist anymore.

"*Sigh!* You're taking so long to bid farewell to each other, maybe you can talk in the afterlife because we're going to kill the two of you," said one of the assassins. I faced him and saw from their expressions that they were getting impatient.

"Are you looking forward to your own death that you're rushing things now?" I said coldly as I faced them. It's as if I wasn't the one speaking because my demeanor was different from before.

"Don't worry, because I'll hurry it up for you," I added, tightly gripping my sword.

I feel like there's a dark aura surrounding me. I don't know if it's just my imagination or if I'm really being surrounded by a dark aura.

The five assassins stepped back and prepared to attack.

"You won't scare us with your threats! We know who you are, so don't act too mysterious. Foolish mortal!" shouted one of the assassins. Despite their attempts to act tough in front of me, it's obvious that they're scared of me because of their current actions.

I grinned at their words.

"Oh, yes, I am indeed a mortal, but don't you know that someone like me, a mortal, will be the one to end your lives?" I said sarcastically to them and walked closer to them.

"D-don't come any closer if you don't want us to kill you right away!" stammered another assassin.

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