Published at 13th of June 2024 08:20:18 AM

Chapter 16

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"Then go ahead! Let's get this over with," I retorted, and swung my sword once.

"You're too confident in yourself, mortal!" shouted the assassin and charged at me. The other four followed suit, attacking me one after the other.

I was impressed by them because they were all attacking me at the same time. It's as if they didn't want to be defeated.

One of the assassins used numerous green vines that were aimed at me, so I quickly cut them with my sword. He intended to tie me up so I couldn't move.

Then another assassin used the earth, making it float in the air and directing it towards me. I kicked some away while dodging the others.

Next, another assassin used water. What could I use to fight against this? I didn't know, so when it appeared in his hand, I was surprised as it came towards me. As it got closer, I was just staring at it until fire suddenly appeared and met the water. It exploded, and I saw the water evaporate in the fire and then suddenly disappear. I looked at the owner of that fire.

"K-kanna," I stammered as Kanna appeared behind me, her hand ablaze.

"You almost got hit there. Tsk! Good thing I was quick," she said, moving beside me. I couldn't help but worry.

"Kanna, I can handle this, so you should just watch!" I said irritably. I wanted her to rest because she had a wound on her side.

"You're so dramatic! I'm okay, don't worry too much. Are you interested in me?!" she said loudly, surprising me.

"H-hey Kanna, don't put any malice in what I said. I just consider you as a friend!" I replied. Why am I even explaining to this girl? The way she said it, as if I have feelings for her. Tsk! Such a feeling.

"Leave me alone! Tsk! Just be quiet!" she said, and immediately charged at the assassins. I was left grinning at her and followed to defeat the remaining ones.

Why does Kanna always say that I have feelings for her? I don't have any. Tsk! Women, really.

While we were fighting the assassins, we couldn't avoid getting injured. I'll admit, I'm still too weak and not used to fighting because I'm still a beginner, but I'll try to become skilled so I can be strong in battle.

I saw Kanna retreat from the attack of her opponent, so I quickly approached her to ask about her condition.

"Kanna, are you okay?" I asked with concern. She avoided my hand and angrily snapped at me.

"Mind your own business and let's just finish this!" she replied, then winced and held her side. There was a lot of blood flowing from her wound, so I instinctively reached out to help. We were both surprised when I did that, so I quickly removed my hand from her side and avoided eye contact.

"You're so stubborn, that's why your wound is getting worse. I told you to rest because I can handle them," I stammered, then moved away from her.

"I-I can still manage," she weakly replied. I was about to respond to her when we were both surprised by the ground beneath us suddenly cracking.

"We will finish you off," said the assassin who had the earth ability, and the ground beneath Kanna and me suddenly split in two. Kanna screamed, and I was startled when she was no longer behind me. She was now on the other side of the chasm, so I quickly dove to find Kanna.

The chasm was so deep that I couldn't see the bottom. I quickly spotted Kanna clinging to a rock, so I reached out my hand to her. She grabbed it with her own hand.

"Hold on and don't die, Kanna," I said as I held onto her tightly to prevent her from falling.

"Stop talking nonsense! Just pull me up!" she snapped. I wanted to do just that, but it wasn't possible because the ground I was on was about to crumble. Any movement and we would both fall. What are we going to do now?...

While deeply thinking about what to do, someone suddenly spoke from a distance.

"What's this? You're not fighting fair. Did you attack from behind? Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Cheaters," a stern voice said from a distance. I looked in the direction of the voice and immediately saw a young man emerge from behind a tree. He was wearing a vest and seemed to be around my age, but slightly taller.

But wait! Has he been there this whole time?

"Who are you?!" one of the assassins exclaimed upon seeing the man. It was clear that he had been watching us fight and knew that we were being helped by these assassins.

"You don't need to know who I am yet, Miss. Because I don't want to associate myself with people like you, assassins or should I say, assassin killers?" the man replied with a frown. The five women started to panic and had different reactions on their faces upon hearing his words. But after a few moments, one of the assassins spoke up.

"Hah! It's good that you finally recognize who you're messing with. Maybe you want to wet your pants and run away in fear while we count down the seconds before we kill you," another assassin said with a smirk. The man tilted his head in disbelief upon hearing her words.


The man replied with a devilish grin. The mischievous smile of the assassins suddenly disappeared, but the man remained unfazed by their words.

"Do you also believe in yourselves? Do you think you are strong enough to easily say those things? Well, do you think you can defeat me that easily?"

The man said with a playful look. The assassins seemed insulted as they struggled to contain their anger, their eyes flashing.

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