Published at 19th of June 2024 12:57:19 PM

Chapter 17

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"Don't underestimate us, Luclux, we can kill you in less than a minute, so be quiet if you don't want to die now!"

A woman shouted while being restrained by her companions.

What is Luclux? Is that his name? They seem to know each other, so why do these assassins act all high and mighty?

"Well then, prove it to me," the man replied with a confident smile, his hands open in challenge towards the assassins.

The previously restrained assassin couldn't hold back anymore and swiftly approached the man to attack.

The Assassin used her water power and directed it towards the man. The attack was strong, I'm not sure what to call that kind of attack, but the water bubbles floating in the air suddenly exploded on the man. It was like a dynamite blast hitting his body, but he seemed unaffected, showing no expression on his face.

If it were me, I would be rolling on the ground in pain. Seeing the wounds on the man's body, it looked like he was scalded by hot water. Wow! I still have time to be amazed at this point, right? Even though we are on the brink of death with this woman I'm currently holding so she won't fall into the deep abyss.

Kanna couldn't see what was happening, but she was quietly staring at me with intense eyes. What's with that look! I'll lose my strength out of fear if she keeps staring at me like that!

So, I tightened my grip on her hand, swallowed my saliva, and just turned my gaze back to the man and the five assassins.

"Is that all you've got, Deorc?"

The man asked as if he wasn't satisfied with his attack, still questioning if that was all. Is he immune to pain or something? For me, that attack was strong enough to make me roll in pain if I were him.

Let me see again. Is the name of this woman Deorc? It sounds like a male name, right?

Tsk! Their names are so weird! Luclux? Deorc? It's like they're out of this world on Earth.

"Don't underestimate me because our battle is just beginning, Luclux! If you want to end this, then you'll have to follow my lead. I know you're eager for your death, so I'll grant you that wish!"

The assassin spoke at length, trying to control her anger as she unleashed her water power once again from her hand.

"You talk too much! You're getting boring," the man replied, yawning. It seems like this man is really testing the patience of the assassin.

"Shut up!" the woman shouted and attacked again using her sharp water power, now resembling sharp needles.

There were so many of them, all heading straight towards the man who stood calmly with his hands in his pockets.

I was impressed by the man, even though there were water needles heading towards him, he remained calm.

It seemed like he knew the outcome, so I just closed my eyes and didn't watch the fight.

I stayed like that for a few minutes until I decided to open my eyes.

"You look like a fool, you know that?" Kanna said rudely, rolling her eyes and avoiding eye contact with me.

"N-n-no, I-I don't! You don't know what's happening, so that's why you're saying such things," I replied, my lips trembling. It's scary to talk to this woman because she seems like she would hurt someone.

She didn't say anything and just stayed silent. Well, that's a relief.

What's happening now? All I can hear are explosions behind me where the assassins and the man are standing.

Honestly, I still don't know what the man's power is because he hasn't attacked earlier and was just standing there.

Who is he?

Because I was curious about that man, I glanced at him and was surprised to see that the four assassins were floating and unconscious.

Wow! What's happening?

As I let out a small gasp in surprise, the man suddenly looked at me. He had a serious look, and shortly after, the five sleeping assassins fell to the ground.

I was startled when he walked towards me and Kanna, causing me to move slightly.

Before I knew it, I quickly fell down as the ground I stepped on earlier gave way.


Both Kanna and I screamed as we quickly fell into a very deep abyss. I'm a guy, okay? I can scream in situations like this, so don't think otherwise. Because I'm straight! Okay?

Here we are, still falling with Kanna screaming and cursing at me. It hurts in my ears and heart, her words piercing deep into my bones.

Let's not mind what she's saying as she's talking trash at this moment.

While in the midst of falling, suddenly some chains quickly approached us and we were able to grab hold of them tightly. This was our only lifeline at that moment to prevent us from falling completely.

Kanna and I both held on to the chain and she quickly pulled us upwards.

We passed by and ascended over the cliff, then leaped towards the ground. Kanna landed smoothly while I ended up hitting my face first.

Ouchiii~ that hurts!

I said, holding my reddened face.

Both Kanna and I were puzzled by what just happened. Until someone behind us spoke.

"Oh, Kanna, is that you?!"

The man looked surprised. Kanna quickly turned around, and so did I, as someone recognized this woman.

Who could this be and why does he know my companion?

While looking at the man, I was surprised to see Kanna suddenly getting excited and quickly embracing this man with a hug.

Wow! They really do know each other. But why all the hugging though?! >.

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