Published at 19th of June 2024 12:57:18 PM

Chapter 18

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As I kept glancing back and forth at the two talking and catching up, my face gradually started to frown. 

Do they not notice me here? They've been talking while I'm right beside them, right?

But to them, it seems like they're the only two people here and I'm... nothing! Just invisible. Okay, I'm not here, I'm just a ghost. Whooo~

It's really annoying. —___—

Why is Kanna looking at this guy like that? Her eyes seem to sparkle, and her smile is so genuine? Why are they so close to each other, huh?! Who is this guy that Kanna is talking to? Ugh!

I'm not jealous! Really, it's just so... arggh! I should just leave this place. It would be better to distance myself from these two for a while. Should I just stand up? What's my role here, a model? A rock? A tree or just their background? Ugh! I won't allow that! I'm the main character here! Some people just love to steal the spotlight.

Speaking of attention seekers, finally, they noticed me.

"Oh? Is she the Magic Breaker, cousin?"

The guy pointed at me. Seriously?!


I asked in surprise, quickly turning and approaching them.

What does this mean? Did I hear it right?

"Oh, cousin. Why?"

The guy asked, eyeing me. His eyes squinting a bit and his lips slightly pursed.

I was surprised and quickly waved my hand in front of him, forcing a smile.

"Nothing! It just caught me off guard. He-hehe!"

So annoying! Why didn't I think that he might be Kanna's cousin.

Of course, sometimes my paranoia gets the best of me.

"Wow~ really? I thought the Magic Breaker would have a strong presence, but looking at you, you seem so weak and just like an ordinary person, right?"

He said in amazement. Seriously, that hurt! What does that mean, tell me.

Is that a compliment or an insult?

So irritating!

"You're right, cousin. Even I can't believe he's the Magic Breaker because he looks weak."

Kanna calmly said. 

Ugh! This girl is joining in now. My temper is rising.

"Haha! Oh? Chill, dude. Don't get mad. We're not insulting you, we're just stating the truth."

The guy said with a grin, his eyes almost half-moon shaped. 

You know that look? Eyes almost closed. Ugh! And that smile of his that looks like a dog's. So infuriating.

"Do not mind her... Let's change the topic. Cousin, have you already accomplished your mission?"

Kanna asked in a grumpy tone while looking at her cousin.

"Uhh~ not yet. I'm on my way to Fog Mountain to fulfill my mission. So, are you two coming with me?"

Her cousin asked the two of us.

As I listened to them, my annoyance slowly faded away.

Did he invite us to accompany him? If Kanna agrees, I have no choice but to agree as well since our journey today depends on her.

But why? What's in Fog Mountain that he's going there for?

"Alright, we'll come with you but on one condition,"

Kanna said, raising a finger while looking directly at her cousin.

"Uhh~ seriously. I'm already inviting you to come along, and there's still a condition. Sigh! You really haven't changed, my dear cousin,"

the guy replied with a smile, then leaned his elbow on Kanna's shoulder. Kanna moved away, causing the guy to lose balance and sit on the ground.

"Ouch! My butt hurts! Kanna, why did you move away? Now I lost my balance,"

the guy said with a frown. Kanna remained silent, just avoiding eye contact and folding her arms.

"Alright, what's your condition, Kanna, for you and him to join me?"

the guy asked. Kanna looked at him, grinned, and said, "Join us after you finish your mission."

The guy was surprised and laughed at her statement, raising an eyebrow.

"Haha! Don't you know yet, Cousin? Our mission is the same. So I will definitely join you, even if I don't want to, because our intentions are the same, and that is to kill the Deorc King,"

he said, and as he mentioned that, a dark violet aura surrounded him, making his appearance darken with a fiery black hue.

Among us, I was the only one who stepped back upon seeing this. Why does his aura feel so strong and intent on killing?

It's scary...

When Kanna noticed me, she turned to look at me..

"Is there a problem?"

Kanna asked. I couldn't speak, so I just shrugged and lowered my head.

What kind of aura is that? I can feel the strong power in him.

But why is Kanna still calm? Can't she see the aura emanating from his cousin?

"I know why she reacted like that, Cousin,"

the guy suddenly said, rubbing the back of his head. I lifted my head to look at him.

He knows...

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