Published at 19th of June 2024 12:57:17 PM

Chapter 19

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"Huh? And for what reason?" Kanna raised an eyebrow as she asked with a puzzled look.

"Maybe he was afraid of my strong presence, especially since I really want to kill the deorc king," Korai replied, that's why Kanna turned her head to look at me.

"That's normal, Suta. That's how we are when it comes to enemies, it stirs our blood and gives us strength because of the determination to eradicate the deorcs, especially their king," Kanna said.

It's not surprising, especially because they no longer have their parents with them due to the deorcs, and only their grandfather and they are the remaining family in their home.

"And besides, don't you also see something else, Suta? Apart from our thirst for killing deorcs, you also see auras, where the aura is based on the strength and weakness of your opponent's aura..." He said seriously, that's why Kanna and I look a bit of shock. 

He really knows about my identity being a magic breaker.

I look at him and I nodded slowly, a bit overwhelmed by the revelation.

"Impossible," Kanna said emotionlessly.

"It's true, Kanna. He sees our auras. I know a bit about him. If we want answers to the hidden ability of the magic breaker, we can find that out when we go to the death forest, but before that, join me at the fog mountain," the guy said in a long explanation. We all nodded in agreement.

I was surprised when the guy reached out his hand to shake mine.

"By the way, magic breaker, I'm Korai, Kanna's cousin," he introduced himself. I shook his hand.

"Just call me Suta, calling me magic breaker feels strange," I replied shyly. He chuckled and scratched his head before we both let go of each other's hands.

"Hehe! Sorry, okay, I won't call you magic breaker anymore. But you know, Suta, I really hope you can help us. Because you're our only hope now," he said with a serious expression. I was taken aback.

Can I really help them now? But how can I do that?

"Oh! I have something to say before we head to the fog mountain," Korai said, looking at both me and Kanna.

"What is it?" Kanna asked sharply, raising an eyebrow.

"That place is extremely dangerous, so I'm warning you not to stray too far because many people have gone missing in the fog mountain and no one has come out alive from that mountain," he said.

What does he mean by no one comes out alive from that mountain?

"It simply means that many monsters inhabit the fog mountain and roam the forest. So we need to be careful because we might encounter some of those monsters later," Kanna said seriously. I swallowed nervously at the terrifying thought of that place.

Wait, I just asked that in my mind! How did Kanna know what I was thinking?

"What's bothering you again?" Kanna asked, giving me a sharp look.

I quickly turned away. Perhaps she could read it on my face, so she knew I was confused about what Korai said earlier.

I turned around as Kanna's cousin spoke up suddenly.

"Kanna is right, Suta. So be alert later because we don't know when the mist will come out to confuse us or separate the three of us," Korai said. I raised my hand to speak, and both Kanna and Korai looked at me.

"Well, actually, there are four of us because we have someone else with us," I said. Korai looked puzzled as he stared at me.

"Someone else? Who? When I saw you both, I didn't see anyone else with but you and Kanna." Korai said with confusion. I sighed and called Yui.

My sword, which was sheathed on my back, immediately lit up and transformed into a person, surprising Korai.

"What may I do for you, Master Suta," Yui greeted as she knelt down and bowed in front of me.

I felt awkward and scratched my head immediately.

"Oh, Yui, don't do that. I'll introduce you to someone," I said to her as I gestured for her to stand up. She stood up without hesitation.

"Yui, this is Korai, Kanna's cousin, and we will travel together now," I told Yui. I then turned to Korai, who was still amazed at what he saw.

"Korai, she is my sword that you referred to as the black sword. Like you, many were surprised that my sword, as a magic breaker like me, can transform into a person— I named her Yui," I explained. Korai smiled and patted my shoulder.

"You truly are amazing, Suta. Your skills as a magic breaker never fail to impress me," he responded. I couldn't help but smile.

"Tsk! Alright, he's impressive. Can we move now? We still need to bury the corpses," Kanna said grumpily. Korai chuckled and approached Kanna, putting an arm around her shoulder.

"Yes, we can do it now, pfft!" Korai replied, amused by his cousin's response, playfully tousling her hair.

Ugh! This woman is really grumpy. Will she ever change?


We are currently walking towards Fog Mountain. We have already buried the bodies we found with Kanna before encountering the assassins. While walking, Korai suddenly stopped for an unknown reason, looking up as if he was observing something in the distance.

I also stopped and asked him in confusion, "Hey, what are you looking at?" as I caught up to him. Kanna and Yui followed us and also stopped when they reached us, curious about our conversation.

"Oh? Why did you stop?" Kanna asked grumpily as she approached us with her arms folded.

Korai let out a sigh and pointed to the place he had been observing earlier.

"Do you see that place over there..." Korai said, looking at us and pointing to the mountain that was almost covered by thick mist.

Kanna suddenly rolled her eyes and spoke up, "Tsk! How foolish of you to ask. Of course, we see it, do you think we're blind?"

Korai sighed and ignored his cousin, who then turned to me.

"Uh, yeah?" I nervously replied. I think that might be the Fog Mountain they were talking about. We can see it from where we are, even though it's still far away.

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