Published at 10th of June 2024 05:51:41 AM

Chapter 2

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After Awhile...


Finally, it's lunchtime. While I was packing up my things at my desk, Souta approached me.

"Yo, man, what was that scene earlier? Why did you slap yourself in the face? I thought there are no mosquitoes in this school."

He was laughing again. I just sighed and wiped my face.

"I just panicked earlier because of Ma'am. I didn't know that everyone would hear the loud slap on my face!"

I replied and slumped in my seat.

I heard him laugh.

"Yeah, it was so loud, I thought there was a fight going on. *Laughing* But when I saw you, you were just slapping yourself. I could see your seatmate was also puzzled, *Laughing hard*"

He couldn't stop laughing. I just sighed and messed up my hair out of embarrassment.

"Alright, that's enough. Are you still going to laugh? What you did yesterday was even more embarrassing."

I said disheartened. He finally stopped laughing and blushed slowly out of embarrassment.

"Uh! Can we just not talk about it? I don't want to remember that, dude!"

He shouted and ruffled his hair, probably trying to forget his attempt to court a guy who looks like a girl in front of many people.

I just smirked. It's a relief that the teasing has stopped. He stayed quiet on the side, and it seems like the trauma from what happened yesterday has returned.

"Wrong move."

I thought to myself.

"Yo, dude, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It's your fault for teasing me, that's why?!"

I said while scratching my head. I didn't notice how quickly his hand went towards my head.


"Ouch! Dude, I said I'm sorry."

I said, pouting and rubbing the part where he hit me.

"Okay, okay, don't do it again. I have trauma from that, dude."

He replied. I just laughed and stood up, then put my arm around him.

"You're so annoying! Okay, I won't do it again, let's just go eat."

I said as we left the classroom.

• • •

"Phew~ finally, we're home. Can you believe we've been sitting in our seats since earlier?!"

Souta said. Our class was over, it was time to go home.

I smirked at what he said.

"What?! You want to stand in class all afternoon?"

I teasingly asked. He chuckled and gently pushed my shoulder.

"Not really, I just want to lie down in bed and sleep. I've been so sleepy in class since earlier. Teacher's teaching was boring, that's why I wanted to sleep."

He replied, yawning and stretching.

He's been doing that since our teacher started discussing earlier, and he's still the same now.

"It's obvious. You're lazy to listen, if you took it seriously, you wouldn't be sleepy in class."

I lectured. I was surprised when he suddenly clapped loudly once and put his arm around me.

"Yeah! Dude, you know I'm lucky to have you as a friend, you're a good influence on me. Okay, I'll really take it seriously tomorrow."

He said with a smile, looking into the distance while his hand was clenched.

"You look like a fool. Alright, I'm going home. See you tomorrow, dude. Bye."

I said as I walked away to go home. He nodded and turned around to go home as well.

We have different routes, so we don't go home together. He's on the opposite route from me, and it's the same for both of us.

While walking alone, I suddenly stopped when I saw the beautiful girl, looking at me and standing in front of me.

"She's here again? What does she really want from me, why is she observing me?"

Due to my curiosity about what she needs, I tried to approach her. She was just too far away from me.

As I approached her, she suddenly turned around and ran away.

"Wait, Miss!"

I called out and followed her. I also started running to catch up with her.

What was going through this girl's mind that made her run away immediately?

We were in the big city where our school is located. There were a lot of people, making it difficult for me to find her.

With so many people around, I kept mistaking others for her. Some were getting annoyed and wondering why I was pulling them and facing them, but I apologized. There were just so many girls with short hair like her that I kept mistaking.

"She's so hard to find in this place! Where could she be?"

I whispered to myself as I scanned the area. Finally, I saw her, so I quickly approached her, weaving through the crowded street. I just apologized to the people I bumped into as I needed to hurry and not lose the girl I was following.


I shouted as I grabbed her arm. She was startled and looked at me.

Our eyes met, sending shivers down my spine.

We stood like that for a few minutes. I didn't know why, but it felt like everything around us suddenly stopped and the world spun.

Was this what they called love? But it was weird because my heart wasn't racing, and it felt like what was happening around us was real. This wasn't imagination!

I looked around. Everything was spinning, and people and buildings were disappearing one by one, as if fading away.

"What the heck is happening?!"

The girl in front of me remained calm, just staring at me. Meanwhile, I felt like it was the end of the world. We weren't informed that the world was collapsing!

Everything in front of us turned into a galaxy. Even in the galaxy, I could still breathe. But where did the people go? Why was it just the two of us here?!

I wanted to ask the girl, but no words came out of my mouth. What the heck! The situation was getting nerve-wracking, and I wanted to scream out of fear. So, I just closed my eyes tightly.

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