Published at 10th of June 2024 05:51:40 AM

Chapter 3

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Am I going to die now? Please, I don't want to die. I haven't experienced anything yet!

I'm still a virgin!



I groaned in pain from the slap on my cheek.

Reason why I opened my eyes and touched my sore cheek.

I looked at the woman disapprovingly. She continued to stare at me without turning away.

She seemed like a robot now, no reaction. It seems like I was left alone.

"Hey miss, where are we and what's happening?!"

I finally spoke. We were no longer in the galaxy but in a place with many Sakura trees, or in English, Cherry Blossoms.

The place was beautiful because the petals were falling. It felt like we were being showered, and the scent was refreshing.

The woman faced me and approached.

"I'm sorry."

She said. She was asking for forgiveness. Her demeanor was gentle, and she seemed genuinely sincere in asking for forgiveness.

I didn't know what to do.

"Miss, what's happening? Explain everything. I know you know what happened earlier."

I said. Confusion was evident on my face about what was happening.

She bowed.

"I am Kirisaki Kanna. This place is not Earth, you are in our world, Suta, and I brought you here because I want your help"

She replied, now looking at me. I avoided her gaze.

"What can I do to help? And hey! How do you know my name?! Are you stalking me?!"

I asked in shock, pointing my finger at her. I was just a student! And I had no idea what was going on?!

Surprisingly, I was in their world now, and she knew my name.

"I'm not stalking you?! Trust me. I just need you, that's why I was following you earlier."

She replied, smiling shyly.

Okay, she said she's not stalking me.

"Wait, are the people okay there? Is it not the end of the world in our world yet?"

I asked. She nodded and bowed shyly.

Shy indeed.

"Come on, I have a lot to tell you about our world."

She said and suddenly took my hand and pulled me.

Now we were walking hand in hand. Shit! It felt like heaven! I was holding hands with a cute, beautiful lady.

"Where are you taking me?"

I asked in the midst of the suddenness.

"To the kingdom. It's a bit far, so as we walk, I will tell you everything about our world."

She replied. I nodded, signaling that I will listen.

"In our world, many things are different. I know you may not believe it, but everything you see later will be real."

She said with a slight smile at me before looking ahead.

"What is different? Do you have advanced technology, and am I in the future?"

I asked in disbelief. She frowned and gave me a look.

"No. It's even more different than all the differences in your world. Here, we use abilities. Some of us have the power to use magic based on our capabilities."

She replied. I paused in disbelief at her story and couldn't believe it.

"Is that true! Are you trying to fool me?"

I shouted at her. She just raised an eyebrow at me, so I immediately fell silent.

Should I believe this woman? Is it true that magic exists in this world? But she hasn't shown her magic yet.

"Kanna, what's your ability?"

I asked. She smiled mischievously, then ran away from me and turned around.

"Just watch and see what I can do."

She replied, then her hand lit up, and suddenly, fire appeared in her hand.

"K-Kanna, don't point that at me!"

I shouted as she aimed it towards me.

I was surprised when she shouted to release the fire in her hands and the blazing fire broke free and headed towards me.

I could see it in my eyes. Slow motion.

I didn't know how, but I blocked her fire with my bare hands.

When it hit me, the slow motion suddenly stopped, it became reality.

"Aahhh! Kanna!"

I screamed as her fire was in my hand. The impact was strong, and the strong wind hit me as the fire blazed. I felt like it was the end for me.

But it wasn't.

Although I was burned and scorched, I didn't feel anything else. I looked closely in front of me.

Smoke was rising, and the fire that I blocked with my hand was gone.

Kanna? Did the fire suddenly disappear?

I looked at my hand, there were some burns but not too severe.

"What happened?"

I asked while looking at my hands.

"What happened is that you are immune to our magic. You are a magic breaker in our world, only a person like you has that ability."

She explained.

"What do you mean? Just because I stepped into your world, do I have magic now?"

I asked with a frown.

She slapped me on the face and sighed.

"Idiot! No. You don't actually have any ability. The truth is, a person like you is not affected by our magic. That's why I brought you here."

She replied.

"Why did you bring me here then?"

I scratched my head as I asked her.

"I want you to help me eliminate the assassins who have been disturbing the peaceful world for a long time."

She replied. Huh? She wants my help? Using this magic breaker ability of mine? But I'm not good at fighting.

"So? What do I care about that?"

I asked.

I'm from Earth, in our world, there is no magic. Especially in Japan!

I stepped back as she suddenly approached and quickly pulled the collar of my polo uniform.

"You're getting annoying! I said I want your help to eliminate the assassins who have been disturbing our peaceful world! And to stop their evil intentions in this world, Suta!"

She shouted in anger, her hand burning on my collar. I panicked as her hand was burning my collar, so I patted it to make the fire go away.

"Relax, Kanna! Are you going to kill me, you might burn my polo uniform!"

I retorted in annoyance, then pushed her away slightly.


She scowled and turned away to start walking.

I couldn't do anything either, so I just sighed and followed her.

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