Published at 10th of June 2024 05:51:40 AM

Chapter 4

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We finally arrived in their kingdom. It seems like the assassins did not occupy this place because the people around are acting normally.

It feels like I'm in ancient times because all the buildings are made of brick walls.

The people are happy, and there are children playing on the streets. We also passed by carriages in front of us.

Wow, this is really different from Japan. It feels more joyful here compared to our world.

Fresh air! While savoring the breeze in the surroundings, someone suddenly held my hand.

It was just Kanna, looking straight ahead while pulling me along. I noticed that people around us were staring at me.

I wonder what they find so intriguing that they look at me like that.

"Hey Kanna, why are people looking at me like that?"

I whispered to her quietly, just enough for her to hear. She also glanced at the people around us while we walked, then turned to me to look at me from head to toe.

"Aren't you wondering about your attire being different from ours?"

She said. I was surprised and looked at my outfit and theirs.

Oh, indeed, it is different. That's why they've been looking at me like that all this time.

"Oh, yes, I'm in a uniform. Oh, Kanna---."

I didn't finish my sentence as she suddenly spoke.

"If you're worried about your attire, don't fret."

She said. What? She knows what I'm thinking?!

Yes, that's what I was thinking earlier. It's a bit uncomfortable when you stand out and people keep staring at you.

Let's blend in with the trend here in their world, like being in a game world, but this is real. Not all people here are NPCs; they are real individuals living with extraordinary magic.

It's so envy-inducing, darn it!


I was about to pull up my trousers when someone suddenly tugged them from behind. I got choked and stopped abruptly.

When I looked back, it was just Kanna, giving me a fierce look.

"Where are you going?"

She asked with a scowl.

"We were walking earlier, why did you stop?"

I said and faced her.

"We're already here."

She replied. So I looked around to where she was facing, a house.

"Is this your house then?"

I pointed to the house while looking at her.

It's quite big, with a second floor and a small garden in the backyard.

"Yes, let's go in, someone is waiting for us inside."

She said and opened the gate, only up to my chest level.

For those who don't know, this is the only distant house in their kingdom.

"Who's waiting? Your parents?"

I asked as we entered their gate. She suddenly stopped by the house's door upon hearing my question.

"No, my parents are dead."

She quickly answered and hurried into the house. I was surprised when she closed the door on me.

I hope she didn't really close it so I could still enter.

But are her parents really dead? Why? For what reason?

"Are you coming in, or should you stay here?"

She asked rudely while peeking through the window.

"Ah no, I will go inside."

I quickly responded and immediately entered.

As I entered their house, I was immediately struck by the beauty of the arrangement of their things. Their floor was made of wood, extremely shiny like a mirror because it reflected the sunlight, further brightening the surroundings in the house.

"Your house is beautiful."

I complimented. It's simple but really beautiful.

"Is that so."

That was her only reaction. What kind of girl is she?

"Sit there for a moment, I'll look for my grandfather."

She said and went up the stairs.

I followed what she says and sat on the sofa.

After a while, she also came down quickly.

"Grandpa is not here, I wonder where he went again."

She asked herself and sat beside me.

She closed her eyes now, and her hands were resting on the sofa's headrest. It looked like she was leaning on me.

I observed her for a few minutes until she opened one eye, surprising me even more.

"What are you staring at, huh?!"

She asked aggressively, grabbing my collar again and bringing my face closer to hers.

"Ah, nothing! Really, nothing!"

I replied nervously and avoided her fierce gaze.

She let go of me and stood up abruptly.

"Come with me upstairs."

She said seriously, not looking at me. I furrowed my brows in surprise.

"What are we going to do up there?"

I asked. What is this girl planning? I feel excited about it.

What could it be...

"We're going to look for something for you to wear. You want to change that, right?"

She gestured towards my attire. Oh yeah, I nodded and stood up, scratching my head.

"I hope you're not going to make me wear women's clothes."

I said awkwardly. She frowned and rolled her eyes.

"No! We're just going to borrow Korai's clothes. I remembered he left some clothes here that I washed and kept in the cabinet."

She replied and started going up the stairs. I followed her.

A few moments later.

"There, grab that and put it on so I won't get irritated with you."

She said and suddenly threw the clothes at me. Luckily, I caught them.

"Tsk, brat."

I muttered and slowly unbuttoned my uniform polo.

"Hey! Go change in the other room, you're disgusting!"

She shouted and a pillow landed on my face.

Damn! This girl is annoying. She's not just a brat, she's also acting up.

"Fine, sorry."

I said and took the clothes and went into a room to change.


I said once I finished changing. I tidied up my uniform and placed it in the bag with only a few things inside.

I decided to leave my bag hanging on the wall for now.

From now on, I will be here in their world. In a world full of the unusual.

Wow! It feels really exciting.

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