Published at 10th of June 2024 05:51:39 AM

Chapter 5

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I went out of the room and went back to Kanna. I turned the doorknob to go in, but suddenly stopped and gaped at what I saw.

Kanna was in her underwear. She was also surprised by my arrival. I didn't know what to do. I saw her expression slowly change from surprise to annoyance, with her face turning red with anger.

I instinctively stepped back as she walked towards me.


She said with frustration.

"S-sorry Kanna, I d-didn't mean to."



She punched me in the face. I fell to the ground and felt dizzy. I still heard what she said before I passed out.



I woke up with a sore jaw. Ouch, what happened?

"Oh, you're awake, son."

Said the old man who was facing the window earlier.

"Who are you?"

I asked, looking like I had just woken up.

"I'm Koga Raku, the grandfather of Korai and Kanna. Are you Suta, son?"

He asked, and I nodded.


(Open door aggressively)

Suddenly, a woman entered the room with raised eyebrows, looking at me.

"Good, you're awake... Pervert."

Darn it! It's Kanna, and I immediately remembered what happened before I passed out.

I blushed and avoided her gaze. I couldn't get her beautiful figure out of my mind.


"Ouch! What the heck?!"

I said in frustration as I held my head. Kanna suddenly slapped me. She's a sadist!

"Get up and let's eat... Pervert."

She said and then turned around and left the room.

"I'm not a pervert. I didn't mean to do it!"

I shouted in annoyance, running my hand through my hair. I heard someone laughing nearby.

I forgot that he was still here.

"Grandpa, how long was I unconscious?"

I asked. The old man smiled.

"You were out for two hours, my son. I thought you'd be out longer with the impact of the punch from my granddaughter Kanna."

He replied. Two hours? Was I really asleep for that long?

"I'm sorry."

I said and quickly got up from the bed and went down to bow in front of him.

"I understand, son. Let's go downstairs and have dinner."

He said to me, and I nodded. We went down the stairs together.

I saw Kanna wearing an apron and preparing the food.

This was the first time I saw her with a not so stern expression on her face.

Until she noticed us. She first addressed her grandfather.

"Grandpa, come here. I cooked your favorite soup with cyclops eye."

When I heard what she said, I cringed. What kind of food is that?!

It suddenly killed my appetite.

My expression quickly changed when I saw Kanna looking at me.

When she saw me looking at her, she rolled her eyes and turned away from me in a grumpy manner.

"Okay son, sit down and let's eat. Don't be shy, just take whatever you want."

Grandpa told me as we sat down in front of a wide variety of dishes.

What's going on? It seems like they have a lot of dishes.

There's meat, vegetables, bread, fruits, and drinks. I noticed that Kanna's grandfather enjoys beer.

"Grandpa, when will cousin come home?"

Kanna asked while they were eating.

Should I eat too? Grandpa told me not to be shy and just help myself.

I got some meat and started eating while listening.

"Korai, your cousin is on a mission. The King ordered him to find the diamond in the north."

The old man replied as he took a sip of beer from his glass.

"Is that so, I hope he's okay."

Kanna's concern, I only noticed her like that now. She's really beautiful.

"Don't worry, granddaughter. Your cousin is strong, he can handle his mission."

The old man said. Well, I feel out of place.


I exclaimed as I accidentally cut my finger with the knife I was using to slice the meat.

It was bleeding. The cut wasn't too deep, but my finger was bleeding heavily.

"Son, your finger is bleeding, wait a moment, I'll treat it."

Grandpa said and approached me to treat the wound.

I was surprised when his hand, which he placed on my wound, suddenly emitted a strange green light from his palms.

I gasped as I saw my wound heal instantly on my finger.

Grandpa, what the hell! You're amazing!

"Grandpa, what did you do?"

I asked in amazement, looking at my hand with no wound.

The old man laughed.

"I'm a healer, son, that's my magic."

He replied. Wow! Really wow! People here are so amazing I feel envious.

I noticed Kanna raise an eyebrow and inform her grandfather that she will be upstairs and to call her when we finish eating.

That girl is really grumpy, is she always like that?

The next day...

I woke up to the sound of wood being chopped outside the house.

It's too early to be chopping wood. I got up from bed and went to the window to see who was chopping.

I saw that it was only Grandpa. He was alone there, with a half-smoked tobacco in his mouth.

Wow, Kanna's grandfather seems to be a smoker.

I decided to go down and visit Grandpa help him with the wood chopping.

"Hey Granpa, it seems like you're chopping wood early."

I greeted him as I stepped out of the house and approached him.

He paused from chopping the wood and looked at me.

"Oh son, it's you. Why did you come here, are you bothered by what I'm doing?"

Grandpa said as he placed a hand on his hip. He must have noticed my concern, so he laughed.

"Oh son, I'm old, my hips tend to ache normally."

He replied and laughed. I think I should volunteer chopping wood for Grandpa first.

"Alright then Grandpa, you probably need some rest. If you'd like, I can chop the wood for you."

I said, and Grandpa looked at me with a surprised expression.

"Are you sure, son?"

He asked. I don't know how to chop wood, but I'll give it a try.

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