Published at 10th of June 2024 05:51:37 AM

Chapter 6

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I replied, approached the wood to be chopped, and took the axe that was stuck in the wood.

After I received it, I didn't expect the axe to be so heavy that I involuntarily bowed down due to its weight.

"Oh Grandpa, this is really heavy."

I said. Grandpa chuckled, approached me, and took the axe.

"Son, this weight is normal for us. Kanna can easily handle this, even with her smaller build compared to yours."

He replied. My eyes widened in astonishment.

What?! Kanna can handle this easily, while for me, it feels so heavy that it's like lifting a wrecking ball instead of an axe like Grandpa.

I sighed deeply.

Why am I so surprised? Everyone here seems to have magic, maybe they possess extraordinary strength like Superman, who can lift airplanes with one or two hands. They are so strong that I really can't lift as they do.

I scratched my head.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, it seems like I can't handle this. Your axe is really heavy for me."

I said. The old man laughed again, lowered the axe, and approached me. He placed a hand on my other shoulder.

"Son, no matter how weak and different you may seem in this world, you possess abilities that are not found in this world. Wait, I have something to give you."

He said, turning to enter the house.

What could he be giving me? I wondered, why am I even here in their world? I can't really help. I don't have the strength like theirs, I'm just normal. How can I save their world from the evil assassins if I can't even lift an axe that Kanna, who is smaller than me, can easily handle?

Damn! It hurts my masculinity, bro.

I suddenly turned as Grandpa emerged from the house. He was carrying a sword.

I was amazed by the beauty of the sword Grandpa was holding. I thought to myself, can I even lift that sword with its weight?

"Grandpa, that's a beautiful sword."

I complimented the black sword with a hint of gold design.

"Yes, Son, this sword is indeed beautiful. I will give it to you, use it on your journey with Kanna."

He replied. I was surprised that Grandpa would give me his sword. But it's a waste, can I really wield the sword he's holding?

"Grandpa, thank you, but I don't think I can use it."

I said, feeling embarrassed.

"No, son, you can handle this. If you're concerned about the weight of the sword like the axe, don't worry. This sword is designed for someone like you, a magic breaker."

He replied. Wow, there's a sword specifically for a magic breaker like me. Cool!

"Thank you so much for this, Grandpa! Can I try it?"

I asked, and he nodded, handing me the sword in his hand. I was glad that I didn't feel the weight of the sword.

I swung the sword, cutting through the grass. Wow! My sword is really sharp.

"This sword is awesome, Grandpa. Thank you so much."

I said, and he nodded and smiled.

"Grandfather, you've already given him the black sword?"

The woman behind us said. I looked back and saw Kanna with her hands clasped.

"Yes, dear. She needs it to protect himself from enemies."

Grandpa replied. Kanna stayed silent and looked at me seriously.

"Come with me, let's train."

She said, turning away. Wow, we're going to train? It seems like I'll be joining in training with Kanna here. It's both scary and exciting.

I hope her training won't be too brutal.


"Whoa! Kanna, easy!"

I shouted as she continued her relentless attacks on me.

We've been training for a while now, and I'm really exhausted.

I ended up lying on the grass from sheer exhaustion and looked at my hand. It turned black from Kanna's fire.

There's no wound, and it's not swollen; it's just blackened like charcoal.

"Hey, get up, what's with your laziness!"

Kanna said as she lightly kicked my side. It tickled.

"Later, Kanna, I'm really tired."

I said, closing my eyes. She fell silent as well. I felt her lie down beside me, so I glanced at her.

I'm having a hard time breathing! Kanna looks really beautiful up close.

I noticed she also glanced at me, causing me to quickly avoid her gaze and blush in embarrassment.

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