Published at 10th of June 2024 05:51:36 AM

Chapter 7

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"Tsk, don't be delusional. Just because we're sitting next to each other doesn't mean I like you."

I was surprised by what Kanna said. That's not even on my mind! What's up with this girl?

"It's not on my mind. If that's what's on your mind, don't worry, I don't like you, so it's okay for you to sit next to someone as handsome as me."

I replied casually. I noticed in my peripheral vision Kanna's face gradually turning red.

"You're so shameless! You're annoying!"

She shouted and slapped me hard on the shoulder, then quickly got up.

Where is she going? After hitting me, she just left.

That girl is so easily upset. I wonder what's on her mind; she seems really angry.

Oh well, it's up to her.

I looked up at the beautiful sky, feeling the fresh breeze and admiring the scenery in their world.

While pondering, I was surprised to see a face blocking my view of the sky.

A cute girl. She didn't block my view anymore. I got up from lying down and looked at the girl.

She's really cute. But what is a beautiful girl doing here?

"Uh, do you need something, miss?"

I asked the girl. She knelt down and looked at me, tilting her head as if puzzled, but her face remained normal.

Darn it! Girl, don't do that; it's my weakness!


She said. Master? Why is she calling me master? Who cute girl calls me master?!

"No, Master is not my name. I am Katatsuki Fiercest Suta. Just call me Suta, miss."

I told the girl. She lowered her head and blushed.

"No, I cannot. I need to address you as Master."

She replied. Huh? Why? Who is she, and why does she want to call me master?

"Miss, who are you? Why are you calling me your master when we just met?"

I asked her. She didn't answer but pointed to where I put my sword.

I suddenly stood up and realized it was gone.

"Darn it! Where is the sword? I'm in trouble with Grandpa; someone must have stolen my sword!"

I said frantically. I didn't know what to do when I felt the girl pulling my clothes.

"Master, please don't worry, I'm here. No one steal me," the girl said as I looked at her. She was still kneeling. I furrowed my brows at what she said.

"Don't joke around, I'm serious here. My sword is really missing," I said, taking a deep breath as she stood up.

"I am your sword, Suta-sama. I am your Black Sword," she said. I was surprised by what she said. My eyes widened in astonishment at her.

"How can it be you? You don't look like a sword. You're a girl! You're a human, not a sword!" I shouted. She smiled and blushed, looking like she was getting giddy.

"Suta-sama, you are my master who treated me as a human. I love you, master," she said. She was about to hug me, but I stopped her.

"Wait a minute. I'm confused about you. Show me my sword. Give it to me!" I said, extending my hand to her.

"As you wish, Suta-sama," she replied. I was surprised as she glowed and transformed into a sword. I was shocked. She really was my sword. She floated towards my hand.

I couldn't believe it. My sword was transforming into a human, too.

"Can I talk to you," I said to my sword. She glowed again and transformed back into a human form.

"Yes, Suta-sama," she said. She was cute, with fair skin, pink pouty lips, long black hair, and she was also wearing black clothes with a lace of gold.

"What is your name?" I asked her. She bowed her head and blushed.

"I don't have a name, Suta-sama," she said softly. What? No name?

"Why don't you have a name?" I asked again. She didn't speak, just bowed her head. I sighed.

"I'll give you a name then," I said, thinking of a beautiful name for her.

She was pleased to hear it and waited for the name I would call her.

"Hmm~ can I call you Yui?" I said to her. Yui suits her well.

I was surprised when, after I said that, she quickly hugged me, happily.

"Suta-sama, thank you!."

She thanked me teary-eyed. I just smiled at her reaction.

"I'm glad you liked it... Yui."

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