Published at 10th of June 2024 05:51:35 AM

Chapter 8

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"Grandpa, I'm here. Is Kanna here as well?"

I shouted as Yui and I entered the house.

I asked Yui to sit on the sofa.

"Stay here, Yui. I'll be right back."

I said, leaving her there. I needed to find Grandpa as it seemed he was not at home.

Upon realizing the old man wasn't there, I also went to look for Kanna.

"Kanna, are you here?"

I called out as I went upstairs to check her room. She might just be in her room resting.

When I reached her room, I hesitated. I was afraid the previous incident might happen again where I accidentally saw her without clothes.

I swallowed nervously. Why should I be nervous? I never used to knock before. Maybe I should knock first before entering.

Alright, I'll knock first.

*Knock! Knock! Knock!*

"Kanna, are you in there?"

I asked after knocking on her door. I didn't hear her respond, so I decided to go in.

I slowly opened the door and entered her room.

I froze as I saw that she was asleep.

I approached her.

Why am I getting closer? I just wanted to look at her face.

I approached slowly and reached her bed. I knelt on the floor and gazed at her.

She was in a deep sleep. Some strands of hair were blocking her face, so I carefully brushed them away to see her face.

What am I doing? Suta, stop it, do you have feelings for this girl?

I shook my head. I have no feelings for her.

I stood up from kneeling and headed towards the door to leave. Then I stopped when I heard her voice.


She called my name, clearly just waking up.

"What are you doing here?"

Oh no! What should I do? What excuse should I give?

I panicked as I still didn't face her.

Suta, quickly think of an excuse.

I just scratched my head and faced her with a smile.


That was my only reaction. I had no other reason.

She looked puzzled, furrowing her brows.

"Tell me, what are you doing here?"

I'm trapped! What should I do?

"Kanna, I need to talk to you."

I said. Her forehead wrinkled even more.

"About what?"

Do you think I should tell her about Yui?

"Kanna, do you know about the black sword that your grandfather gave me?"

I hesitantly asked. She stood up and approached me.

"I don't know, I just know it's a sword. Why?"

She asked rudely. Oh well! Kanna is much nicer when she's asleep.

Seriously, does she really not know anything about that sword?

"Uh, well, never mind Kanna. Where is your grandfather?"

I asked. Maybe Grandpa knows something about it.

"I don't know. Isn't he downstairs?"

Her answer left me blank. This question is useless, there's no proper answer. She doesn't know anything.

"Is that so. Alright, I'll go downstairs. Yui might be looking for me."

I bid farewell to her and turned to leave her room.

"Wait, Yui? Do you have a girl?!"

She shouted and quickly approached me.

I turned to look at her and nodded.

I saw her blushing with anger.

What is she mad about if I have a girl – Wait.

I have a girl!

"Wait Kanna, you're mistaken."

I told her as I realized what she said. She was fuming with anger.

I was about to ask her what she was mad about when I jumped out of her room.

"Wait, Kanna, stop! Don't try to kill me!"

I shouted at her.

"Why do you have a girl? Who is she! You didn't come here just to flirt with girls. You're here to help me, you beast!"

She shouted, startling me with the fire heading towards me. I blocked it using my hand.

"Kanna, stop! Don't burn your grandfather's house, we'll be in big trouble!"

I said as I tried to control her attack. I wasn't affected by the fire as it just smoked on my hand.

"No! You're annoying me, I'll kill you, you fool!"

And she threw the fire at me again. I didn't realize I had an unnoticed attack. Everything seemed to go in slow motion, and it was about to hit my face when someone shouted.


Yui shouted as she quickly transformed into a sword and came to my hand.

I immediately held her in my palm and threw the blazing fire out the window like a baseball.

I gasped for breath, feeling the tension. We heard a loud explosion outside, like a grenade.

"Phew! Thank you, Yui. I thought I was going to die."

I said and leaned against the wall.

I almost forgot about Kanna. I was getting annoyed with this girl. Does she really want to kill me?

"Kanna, you're not funny anymore."

I said seriously to her. She suddenly knelt down and looked stunned. I approached her, not expecting the hand that touched my cheek.


"Ouch!. Kanna, why?!"

I shouted as I touched my cheek. It really hurts.

"Is your girl the sword?."

She asked. I didn't quite understand her question, but I just nodded.

"Yes, she's Yui, my sword. Can you please stop trying to kill me!. I might die because of your mistaken assumption."

I replied irritably. I looked at the sword and she transformed back into a person. Yui was kneeling down with her head bowed.

"Tsk, leave me alone for now, don't come into my room again."

Kanna coldly said as she stood up and went into her room. The door slamming shut made me flinch.

Oh, Kanna, I didn't expect to meet someone as rude as you.

"Suta-sama, are you okay?."

Yui asked me. She seemed really worried about the near miss with the fire earlier. It's a good thing she was here, otherwise, I might have passed out and Grandpa's house would have been burnt down because of Kanna.

I smiled at Yui and patted her head.

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