Published at 10th of June 2024 05:51:34 AM

Chapter 9

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"I'm okay, Yui-chan."

I said with a smile at her. I saw her gaping with flushed cheeks.

Eekk! She's so cute.

Later that night...

"Son, I can't believe that your sword turned into a person. I thought it was just a simple sword."

Grandpa said, looking at Yui eating.

I didn't know that like Yui, the sword also eats.

Grandpa was just as amazed by my sword as Kanna, unaware of the magic breaker sword. He said he has had it for a long time and kept it hidden in case someone from another world strayed into their world.

But I didn't stray, Kanna brought me here.

We are currently having dinner. Kanna is still quiet and not saying anything.

I wonder what mischief she's up to now. It's surprising how quiet she's been since earlier.

"Suta-sama, I can't reach it."

Yui said to me as she struggled to reach the apple.

"Okay Yui. I'll grab it for you,"

I said and handed her the apple. She smiled.

"Thank you, Suta-sama."

She said and started eating. I smiled back.

I glanced at Kanna. She was giving me a dirty look.

Oh? What's bugging this girl now?

I took an apple and offered it to her.

"Do you want some too?"

I asked her, but she just glared at me and took the apple from my hand, biting into it with annoyance.

This girl is really grumpy.

After a while of eating, we promptly headed to our rooms to sleep.

I stopped before entering my room when I remembered Yui. I turned to face her. She was behind me, following along.

"Oh no, where should I put you to sleep."

I said, knowing we couldn't stay in the same room.

It's hard to resist. I can't have a girl in my room.

"What's the problem, Suta-sama?"

She asked, tilting her head in confusion. I blushed suddenly and ran a hand through my hair nervously.

"Uh, it's because I can't have a girl in my room, and you know, I'm a guy."

I awkwardly explained. She didn't react and just went ahead and entered my room.

"Don't worry, Suta-sama. I'll go back to being a sword. You can go to sleep and don't worry about me."

She replied. Well, that works, somewhat.

"Are you sure?"

I asked. She nodded and glowed, transforming back into a sword in a few moments.

I let out a sigh. It's good that things will be somewhat okay for my sleep.


While I was sleeping on the bed, I suddenly woke up to the light shining in my eyes.

I just realized that it's already morning.

What time is it?

I checked the watch I was wearing.

My eyes widened when I saw that it was 9am.

Why did I oversleep that much?!

I was about to get up from the bed when I felt a hand on my stomach.

I looked under the blanket and was startled to see someone beside me.

"Whoa! Yui, what are you doing here?" I asked when I realized she was sleeping next to me.

She was sleeping so soundly earlier when I hadn't noticed her.

"I'm sorry, I was about to wake you up earlier but I was enticed to lie down on your bed. Your bedding is so beautiful and soft that I fell asleep too," she explained. I sighed.

Maybe it's the first time she has slept on the bed.

I got up and stood up.

"It's okay. You should get up too, and let's go downstairs," I said, and she followed me as we went downstairs together.

We reached Grandpa and Kanna who were talking. So Yui and I approached them.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry for waking up late," I apologized to Grandpa. And Yui and I sat down.

"Oh, it's okay, son. Your rest was timely because you and Kanna will be traveling," he said. I furrowed my brow at what he said.

"Where to?" I asked. Kanna and I will be traveling, but where are we going?

"You will be heading to the edge of this kingdom, son. I learned from a known traveler that the assassins are planning to attack the kingdom again. So, before they reach us, you should go ahead and make sure they don't attempt to take the diamond from the palace."

Take? What do the assassins want to take from the palace?

"Grandpa, what do you mean? What do the assassins want to take from the palace?" I asked. Grandpa was about to answer when Kanna interrupted.

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