Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:48 AM

Chapter 10

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Boreas POV

It's currently nighttime as I just laid on my bed and thought of nothing while Mari was just in my room, reading some books that I borrowed from my parents because I was bored. It was mostly just awkward silence, which I didn't mind, I have to learn on how to deal with such things so that I can understand you readers better. Think of it as sympathy...or empathy, whichever one it is.

"You know, it's a great coincidence that you are born into a family that also has the last name Silver." Mari said

"It is, but I just assumed that the goddess chose the parents or whatever...I mean if she can make me reincarnate, she can definitely do that."

"What was your previous home like?"

"Well, it's not the best."

"Like how bad? I have lived in an abandoned underwater ruin alone for decades and I don't even know what a lamp is until a few days ago."

"My parents work in a mortuary, which is like...right next door on the same plot cuz my parents did own a bit of land that was bought during my grandparents' time."

"You've seen dead bodies before."

"Without my parent's permission, yes, even pictures...some murderers are quite...well...I've seen things that even Jeffrey Dahmer would applaud."

"What language do you speak over there?"

"Plenty, but for our novel, it's English, due to the author not wanting to write the narration of how I learned a new language, and not wanting to burden the artists when we somehow get animated or drawn into a comic, because just putting it in English will be easier."

A swirling, circular portal appeared in front of the village. With people marching out with banners and trumpets, the noble procession rode into view, led by Duke Hoff himself on a steed. The duke was a 189cm tall man, looked to be in his 50s, and had red hair, blue eyes, and a well-trimmed beard. He also has some shiny golden armor on, he's a literal walking flashbang.

The duke's wives and children followed closely behind, their own horses adorned with embroidered saddle blankets and gleaming with polished armor.

"If nobles can create a portal...what's the purpose of them bringing in their horses?" I asked dad

"That's a good question, son," he whispered back, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, "Perhaps they prefer the traditional approach or it'll look more grand."

They even brought along a whole squad of mages and, this was just so unnecessary? As if we can do anything.

"How did you get out of your room?" Mom asked as I made myself a jam and honey sandwich, "I just locked your doors."

"Oh, those locks are easy to break out of, and those locked windows...don't give me the look, I'm not hanging out under bad influence...for I have NO FRIENDS."

"Are...are you actually proud of that? Or did you develop all of that due to your loneliness?"

"No...if I was lonely, I would not be learning about how to break in or out of rooms. I'd make drugs."

"Answer me it our parenting or was it"

"Wow, you're my mother."

"And yet you can speak in comprehensible sentences at a very young age...I'm pretty sure I still give you good night kisses every night and have your father tuck you in. But every time we give you presents, you play more with the box...we even gave you a box one time, but you enjoyed the box that the first box came in."

I folded them into planes, with wind magic, it was really fun.

"Don't worry, if you're scared of me becoming a supervillain, a protagonist like me would only go that route once something or someone precious is taken away from me."

"The fact that you thought of that route pretty quickly concerns me even more." Mom sighed and facepalmed.

Since my parents couldn't stop me, I went and visited the ruins along with Dad, and the Hoff family a week later when the duke brought all of his children, in the hopes that one of them would get the sword. He even promised to pay us if they did receive the sword after his subordinates confirmed that the sword resembled the ones described by an ancient hero, so now, a piece of news like that skyrocketed the value of the blade even more.

Duke Hoff approached the sword. He grasped the hilt firmly, his muscles tensing with effort as he attempted to pull the blade free from its stone prison. But no matter how hard he strained, the sword remained firmly embedded, even with magic, he couldn't even lift the rock out as it just stood in place.

Duke Hoff stepped back with a frustrated sigh, gesturing for his wife to take her turn. With a graceful stride, she approached the sword and grasped the hilt, and pulled with all her might, but like her husband before her, she was unable to free the blade from its resting place.

One by one, the duke's children followed suit, each taking their turn to try their luck at pulling the sword from the stone. But despite their best efforts, the outcome remained the same, as the sword stubbornly refused to yield to their strength.

It wasn't until the duke's youngest son stepped forward, his eyes shining with determination, that the crowd was very pessimistic at this point. He was 3 years older than me, so physically 10, same red hair, but green eyes as his mother. His name was Matthew Hoff, a bit disappointing compared to the almighty Jack Hoff.

With a firm grip on the hilt, he pulled with all his might, his muscles straining with effort. And to the amazement of all who watched, the sword began to budge, inch by inch, until finally, with one last heave, it came free from its stone prison.

Of course, the youngest of the Duke bloodline is one of the guys that I'm looking for. I mean, what the hell did I say? I called this trope out a long time ago, and yet the author still went for it. So overpowered is the sword? Not even Mari knows since the goddess is once again unhelpful.

But what I do that its overpoweredness is dependent on the writing.

Tsk tsk tsk, can't be showing your favoritism this early...I'm the protagonist.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!