Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:42 AM

Chapter 13

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Boreas POV

"Uh, what?" Matt exclaimed in shock

"Maybe if you have a beautiful sister or something, then maybe I'll be your friend to get close to them, but unfortunately...I don't think I can get along with people like you as friends...I can probably tolerate you for group work, but I like to be honest from the get-go."

"What do you mean? My sisters are very pretty, many think so, my eldest sister is even called an unobtainable flower."

"A title granted to her by 50-year-old you not realize how creepy that is? Seriously, what's with the title? It's hella overused, and this is the first time that the author ever used the word hella...that's how bad it sounds. It's like something out of a bad novel or a sleazy romance movie. But no, it's real life, apparently.

"And don't even get me started on how every genre does this. Like, seriously? Are we so devoid of originality that we have to keep perpetuating these tired old tropes? It's like writers can't come up with anything better than attracting a male audience with pretty artificial women."

"That's sickening!" Matt retorted

"Oh, you agree?"

"No, your mindset."

Yep, this guy is someone who remembered his past self alright, no young kid would use the word like mindset. And he's even dense enough to not realize the possibility of other people like us, he doesn't even realize that I'm in the same situation as him...that means I can use him.

"My sisters are some of the smartest and most talented people in the world." Matt remarked

"Yeah...sure, anyway, I got standards, can go back to your daddy and play with him while I'll just go fishing or something."

"Ah...I get're jealous!"


"Of me! I got the sword while you, its founder didn't, so you're resenting me."

"You' idiot? Can the duke household not afford you a proper teacher?"

"Then why are you acting like this? Even if my father didn't command it, I would have still come and tried to be your friend."

"Yeah, and I said that I'm not interested."

I got a good look at his face now, so I'll try to think of ways to find the other one, but as I left him there, the guy went after me and pestered me all day, it was kind of annoying. The duke only encouraged him, and my parents didn't help as they tried to lecture me on the importance of having friends. it's not that I don't understand, I just don't think he's the kind of guy that I would be friends with.

After the duke left, I got myself a bit of peace. The duke gave me this bronze medallion as a gift of his goodwill and stuff like that, one of which was "being friends" with Matt. He gave me a lot of stares and many other kinds of gazes before he left, but he never brought anything up.

His eldest son hasn't acted on Matt either, but I suppose that it'll take a while and the grudge will boil up within himself for a really long time and the lid will just blow up at random.

I'm now just preparing myself to go for this stupid youth program that will take place in a bit. First is to get Mari to redirect her connection to the sea to my blood, and I hear that it's quite painful. Fun.

"...Do not...I not insult anyone." Dad advised, "If they insult you or look down on you, ignore it...if you can't take it, come back here and we'll make sure that they'll all go away."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"'s the others that we're worried about." Mom replied as they both gave me a hug.

We're leaving with one of the regular merchants who are from the eastern empire, they can only drop us off after the gate though. We made sure to have proper IDs to get in and everything, so we didn't really have to worry too much, especially since the merchant has these tiny mana crystals that can somewhat hide Mari's presence so that we don't attract unnecessary attention.

Quite expensive, but we used the money we got recently to fashion it into a necklace for her. Most people can tell that she's not normal and would dig deeper.

And sure enough, the guards who checked our IDs were stunned at the sight of Mari when they asked to see her face due to our IDs not having pictures, which kind of sucks since you can just steal an ID and pretend to be someone else sometimes. By sometimes, it's because our ID has our own mana residue or signature whatever on it, basically an equivalent of mana DNA, they would ask us to inject our mana into the card, and if it matches, the ID would glow, if not well...just hope that rarely happens lesser for criminals.

Back to Mari though...2 of the guards proposed to her right then and there, and one of them was married too. The crystal hid her presence to a certain extent, but not her beautiful face, so it's unavoidable.

Apparently, the location of Lucille Magic Academy itself is not in the Eastern Empire, and is only a misconception, the building for the application, testing, and youth program is here, but the actual school itself is on some private island with its own mini-city and is enforced by the headmaster. teachers, and hired mercenaries.

The reason why they have this infamous building here is because it's the original building, though not with a lot of adequate facilities.

After about 2 days of traveling, we arrived at the site and I'm not going to describe the place, imagine your stereotypical fantasy magic academy, and that's basically it, you readers know what to do. Your imagination is great, after all, it's the only place where your girlfriend exists.

As we arrived though, there was this buzz in the atmosphere. There's just a lot of chats and gossip about the youngest of the Western Kingdom's royalty, Princess Evengelina Anastasia Penelope von Belmonte...yes, that's an actual name. A 10-year-old girl is also joining this youth program.

Based on how this story is going, she's going to end up as Matt's love interest.

But once I saw her golden carriage, and her getting out of it...the people gasped in shock, 2 guys who looked to be in their mid teenage years, one guy in his early teenage years, and a butler stepped out before the so-called princess herself. I then listened to the people, and those guys were apparently the princes and a son of a marquis, who were dropping her off.

...Let me guess, she's the other hero who's reincarnated. She's the one protagonist who's in an otome game-like setting. She's going to be revealed as the adopted child, and her brothers and that childhood friend is her harem, she'll probably pick 2 more up on the way and...hah...well, at least I found them early.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!