Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:38 AM

Chapter 16

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Boreas POV

"Wait, don't walk away!" Eve then stopped me by pulling on my arm, "Let me finish."

"Like I said...not interested, I'm not going to risk my life for anyone."

"The bodyguard is just a title...I just want you by my side."

"Yeah, I'm into older women, but I rather them be mature, you're still a bit too young, maybe we can wait till we're 17 or something. Even if that's a bit lower than what I prefer."

"What?! No!"

"Well, whatever it is, no thank you, I rather not be tied down as I'm a free spirit."

Sometimes, it was better to play the long game, to sacrifice immediate gains for the promise of greater opportunities down the line. And I've already made my decision. By annoying her and rejecting her offer, I could establish myself as someone unyielding and independent, which means that I'm difficult and have a high standard...and with a high standard...I'm going to be so rich.

Alright, first...the hot nurse/healer...each genre has one and I'm going to leave a lasting impression now before coming back later, there's going to be the trope of how people would skip classes just to see her...But my disappointment couldn't be any higher as the campus popular healer...was a guy.

I then listened to nearby gossip that confirmed that he was the campus healer, a handsome and popular young man whose skills were renowned throughout the academy. Rumor had it that he had been offered the prestigious position of royal healer, but rejected it to work with more people and have opportunities to heal future talents.

He's a 190 cm tall guy, who is 27 years old, has black hair, and blue eyes, and goes by the name of Theodore Thorne Krystal, the Krystal family originated from the north, which is famous for their swordsmanship, so it's unusual for such a talented healer to emerge from such a background.

The East specializes in magic, the South is in crafting, and the West is in healing. But he was desired by all 4 nations in the world as he is ranked 5 by his age, and yet his healing skills are even better than his ranking, and the ranking determines the strength, not by how good they are in their profession. A flaw in the system.

As he passed by, a group of admiring female students gathered around him, eager to catch a glimpse of the famed healer. I watched from afar, unable to shake the feeling of envy that welled up inside me. I too want to be as popular as him, I even see the gazes of the female staff...this guy is just too lucky, born into nobility, handsome, smart, kind, and talented...damn him.

I'm attractive too, so why wasn't I popular? And like other protagonists, I have a stand-out feature, no one would have hair this naturally white...god damn. Well, I'll just prepare myself to find famous informants tomorrow that I can use in the future.

"So how did you get us called to the director's office on the first day?" Mari asked, "It's been 3 days."

"Well, I thought that it was about the scholarship, but apparently it isn't."

The director was this guy named Benson Jaylen Wynn, who looked to be in his late 50s, about 170cm tall, with salt and pepper hair, and dark blue eyes. I'm not going to list his endless achievements.

"Well, since we can't just wait to transport his parents here, we thought to approach the guardian that is accompanying him." the director said

"Her eyes are up there."

"'s not every day you can admire a nymph's beauty..."

"You have 2 wives."

"Again, sorry." he apologized before his face turned serious, "So, the teachers have received letters from the teaching staff of your village, and seemed that their suggestions were correct."

"What did he do?" Mari asked

"The program itself doesn't just teach magic, but also many other things, like science for example, despite most schools disregard it a lot. As the combination of magic and science can help advance us even further, it's why our institution is the best as we have the best question that was asked today was what do you call the science of classifying living things...can you guess what he answered?"

"Taxonomy?" Mari answered with uncertainty

"No, he said racism."

"...Was he wrong?"

"Well...yes and no, but you clearly get the idea...he's...special...and some teachers said that they wouldn't mind teaching him alone in a more sophisticated class, though that would mean one-on-one sessions far away from everyone else as he's clearly ahead of his time."

"What about the advanced class?"

"We tried that class earlier today." the director responded, "He proved himself worthy, however...well, a lot of the children in that class...well, all of them are from a higher status. So they tried to isolate and bully him once they saw that they were an easy target, a few even tried to pick a fight or taunt him by punching his arms."

"How many cried?"

"All of them." the director answered, "Teacher included, for siding with them."

"Impressive, but they deserved it. They picked on him." 

She's getting it.

"Exactly, that's why I'm suggesting getting a class with carefully selected teachers who wouldn't pick on him due to his status and age." the director replied, "It's cheaper to pay for this on my end than giving 5 teachers paid leave for therapy. As for the magic side of things, we can also do the same arrangement as the others may resent him and would team up on him in class."

"Well, I don't mind." I interjected, "I'm just here for the magic, and having a one-on-one session would only benefit me."

On the weekend, when we were allowed to leave campus, I went to the red-light district, Mari wasn't coming along as we were scared that they'd just confuse her as a worker from there while also just attracting us unnecessary attention, and little guy like me can just go around without much trouble.

So why am I here?

Well, it's a cliche of this kind of unsavory establishment having the best informants and spies, not only that, I can get my hands on a few blackmail materials against several nobles, I'm using all the stereotypes to my advantage and this world can't stop me.

"Why are you here?" a voice asked

I then turned to see a hooded man behind me, under the hood...

"Mr. Theo."

"Do not address me so casually, I'm your teacher." the healer replied

"Well, you shouldn't be if you're hanging around here."

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