Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:21 AM

Chapter 18

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KingSilver Please give me tropes suggestions in the comments, I will abuse them. Also...the onee-san headmaster won.

3rd Person POV

A week passed after Theodore and Benson started teaching Boreas in the one-on-one class, and now they're seated in the director's office with glasses of whiskey. Director Benson poured two shots sliding one across the desk to Theodore before raising his glass in a silent toast.

" definitely a genius," Theodore said

Benson couldn't even deny the truth of his words, for in just a short span of time, Boreas had displayed a level of aptitude and comprehension that far surpassed his peers.

"It's...unsettling, isn't it?" Benson chuckled as he swirled the whiskey in his glass, "It's as if he's already an adult with years of experience. Even during practice, he grabbed onto magic faster than anyone else, and that's even comparing him to Matthew and Evangelina, who aren't even coming close to how fast this child is progressing."

"Yeah, he absorbs information like a's either that or he knows most of them already. I know that our school's advanced science isn't actually advanced in the grand scheme of things, but he already grasp everything. He's still so young, and yet he possesses a wisdom beyond his years. It's as if he's seen and, experienced things that no other child has."

"Did he really ask for the sword saint the other day?"

"Yes." Theodore nodded, "But it's not like he can find that blind old man, who may not even be alive at this point."

"His morals are questionable though."

"Well, he couldn't be any different from me. I can tell that he's going to be a good healer, however...we think differently. He's not the type to completely believe in redemption."

"Most don't."

"I understand that...but I'm a healer. I'd heal an enemy if the fight is over, and I'd heal prisoners if I believe that they'll redeem themselves in some way...but for him, for a person who keeps asking me about healing magic...he gave me a theory the other day, quite a scary and taboo topic that most won't know about."

"I think I know what you're talking about."

"Yes, the fact that healing magic can be used to kill...he suggested it without any prompt...and I doubt that we have books like that here or where he's from...isolating him from everyone isn't the most ideal, we should let him join the others during practical magic lessons, maybe with the advanced class."

"Agreed." Benson nodded, "But one of us should help overlook the class when that happens, he has a way with words, but the advanced class is slightly older, around 14 or so for some...if they were to continue picking on him, he might act upon those weird theories of his."

"Well, you're going to like this other weird theory of his."

"What is it?"

"He asked us to check on the recent culprits, saying that it won't be long till we can't question them his words...they'll probably eliminate themselves."

"The ones we've caught before haven't."

"Well, maybe their ideologies changed over time...they've existed for quite a while."

"How are you good at magic already?" Mari asked

"Simple, I've read a lot of books due to my boredom, so I know all sorts of different techniques that I can use to possibly boost myself to the next level. Even though they're all fictional, I know that one of the lot would eventually work."

"Won't you eventually have to reveal yourself to the other 2? You know that they're all in a similar circumstance as you, and I know you have plans of using them to your advantage, but you won't be able to hide it for long, so telling them now would be better."

"I know, but I have to get a lot of leverage first. Eve is the scheming type, she'll throw me under the bus if it means that I'll have to turn to her for help. As for Matt, he's talented, but easily manipulated...he's already close to Eve, but I doubt that they both know of the other's identity."

"How will you get leverage?"

"Status and money."

"How will you get that?"

"Simple...I'll reveal it after the 8 years, the sword saint should give me what I want."

"I know that we can see him on the way home, but how will you find him? I'm sure that he's disappeared and hasn't been found for a good reason."

"I'm the protagonist, my luck is unbelievable."

My eyelids fluttered open in the darkness of my room, the faint rustling sound pulling me from my sleep. Instinctively, I tensed, my senses on high alert as I scanned the room for any sign of movement. And there, sitting calmly in a chair across from my bed, was the hooded man I had seen on the spire, the same man who had orchestrated the attack on the academy.

"What do you want?" I asked

"That nymph is a deep sleeper." he commented

"I know. How long have you been here?"

"Just thought I'd pay you a visit. But if you're offering, I could use a drink."

"You can get some yourself...can I go back to sleep now?"

"You know...after our last encounter, I thought that you were some spy in disguise as a child...but I was wrong, you're nothing BUT a weak child, and yet you've captured a few of my subordinates."

"You say that as if they're really useful in your grand plan. If they were pawns, they'd at least have a chance to be promoted...but they're not, aren't they?"

"Bold words for someone in your position." he chuckled, "I can kill both of you and the rest of the people in this academy right now and no one would be able to do a thing."

"So why are you here? Why did you attack this place?"

"The answer to the first question is that I wanted to see what you really are. The second, I've already got what I've wanted."

"I see."

"What is your name?" he asked

"What's yours? You can't just ask that without introducing yourself."

"I'm Raven." he answered curtly

"Boreas Silver."

"Why your full name?"

"Because you'd find out anyway."

He then took a black card out of the cloak and threw it, it landed right next to my head and stuck against the wall.

"If you're interested...join us in a few years, I don't mind having people like you." he said before disappearing within the blink of an eye.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!