Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:20 AM

Chapter 19

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KingSilver I may have gotten an injury on my left finger and typing sort of hurt...yeah, I might slow down a bit since it's like swelling now. It's not too bad though.

Boreas POV

"Yeah, I'm out of materials to cover." Theo admitted as I was meeting with him and the director, "Well, not out, but more like I can't teach you the materials that are going to be covered in the actual academy."

"I can."

"I don't want to be fired, but as I promised you a week ago, I'll write you a recommendation letter and the director should be able to write another...but are you sure you want to go home a year early? We got other programs that we can enroll you in."

"Nah, I got an old man to find."

"The sword saint? I told you, even if you find him, he will not like you enough to teach you his unique style for free of charge."

"You don't know me that well. A protagonist like me will always find a way."

"You're one lab accident away from becoming a villain."

"A villain can still be a protagonist, I'm surprised Mr. Doron isn't one, have you seen his hairline? Or lack thereof? Sheesh, at that point, just go bald or pay for a magic hair regrowth...can't you do that, Theo?"

"I've offered." Theo replied, "But he said that it's not if magic isn't natural."

"Before you leave, I'll have several reminders for you." the director said, "When you're around 15 and a half, which is when you're applying, please come on time, once the application period is over unless you're a child of a high ranking noble, you'll have to miss a year. Unlike us, the actual academy is just completely filled with nobility...none of the staff there are of the commoner's're going to have to face a lot of scrutiny.

"Especially when you're joining them at such a young age when everyone else is usually 18 years of age at least, there are no rules against 15 or 16-year-olds applying, but they'll usually need a recommendation letter to even be allowed in, so don't forget to bring our letters. Theodore is also transferring there right around the same time, so I'll send him to pick you up."

"Oh man, I'm feeling quite accommodated."

"Well, if it wasn't for your questionable head, we wouldn't be like this. You've given 8 of our teachers an existential crisis."

"It was 7, the 8th...he always had one, I just made him realize it."

3rd Person POV

Benson and Theodore stared out the window and watched Boreas leave with Marianna. 

"Are you sure that you want to give him a test?" Theodore asked

"Well, it is, he's never actually have to fight before." Benson replied, "Besides, the victim is an actor we've sent, but the bandits themselves are real...we're just making them act their job out by being vulnerable."

"What if he kills them?"

"That's why we have an actor and not send him toward an actual case."

We decided to walk home and maybe catch a carriage or wagon on the way, the forest where the sword saint is supposedly in and last seen is on the way home, we'll have to pick him up and walk home. But as we walked a good distance past the city gates, we saw a wagon being attacked by bandits.

"Finally, my first fight scene, this is awesome!"

"Do you want me to help?" Mari asked

"When I'm in trouble, but these rank 2 and four rank 1s, assuming that they'll underestimate a rank 1 like me...I'll win."

"Well, I'm also interested in how an otherworlder would fight, so go ahead."

With a flick of my wrist, sparks fly from my fingertips, igniting the air around me in a dazzling pyrotechnics display. Fireballs erupt from my palms, exploding sporadically like fireworks in the night sky, surprising the bandits. The bandits recoiled in surprise as flames erupted around them and forcing them to scatter. But they were quick to regroup.

"Hey look! A knight!"

And somehow, 2 of them were dumb enough to look. I conjured up several rocks and shot them with wind magic at them, as they turned back, the rocks hit them straight in the face and knocked them out as the others managed to deflect it. One charged at me with a sword clad in flames, but I made a small piece of rock protruding out of the ground, it was enough to trip him face-forward, and using the momentum of his descent to my advantage, I quickly summoned a stone pillar to fly out of the ground and shit it up against his head, knocking him out.

I then cast some thorny vines to wrap and restrain the 2, especially the rank 2 one as I signaled Mari to handle him for now. The last rank 1 bandit then charged at me with dual daggers. I then shot a large area of weak water blast, he then burst through it, but I then cast a wave of cold winds. it froze the water on his body and caused the residual water on the ground to freeze, causing a slippery surface beneath his feet.

And with his momentum, he slipped and flailed right toward me, I then readied up a punch in a stance, but as he saw that, he had his arms raised defensively to protect his upper body. But at the last moment, I shifted my weight and executed a swift, sweeping kick instead, and with a satisfying thud, he tumbled to the ground. I then finally finished him off with a wooden club I manifested using magic.

"Ah, the rank 2...unfortunately Mari is too good."

The rank 2 bandit was bound in thick vines of water, and with a quick signaling, Mari shot him in my direction, to which I summoned several layers of rock pillars, which he crashed through all of them and ended up unconscious by the time he broke through the last one.

"Thank you so much!" The merchant exclaimed and bowed several times, "But can you call one of the city knights here, I'll even grant you a request."

"Sure, that'll be good."

From the way that this guy's dressed and how there are not a lot of things in this wagon...could the director have set this up somehow...? Too much thinking. Sword, I'm about to steal all your moves once I reach that stupid forest of yours.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!