Published at 24th of May 2024 05:36:15 AM

Chapter 2

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Boreas POV

"Same name, same look...hopefully you'll get bullied." the goddess grumbled

"Is that something a goddess should be saying aloud?"

"No." she admitted, "But you annoyed me."

"Can I ask a couple of questions before I go?"


"Are there others like me? Being reincarnated and stuff?"

"You're the 3rd and last."

"Can I know who they are?"


"Why am I being reincarnated?"

"You have the potential to save the world from the demon lord."

"Can I like request a change? I mean, all I wanted was a cookie because I was having a really good day, so you might want to get a more passionate guy instead of me, I'm not the sacrifice-myself-for-the-world type."

"So you're a coward?" 


"Well, too late." She then snapped her finger.

As the goddess snapped her fingers, a blinding light engulfed me, wrapping me in its warm embrace. I blinked, my eyes adjusting to the dazzling light around me.

"Welcome to the world...Boreas." a male's voice said.

'That's not what we have in mind...but I don't mind that name." a woman's voice chimed in.

So you see that horizontal line on the screen, yeah, that's where the transition happens. It's been about 14 months since I was born and I rather not narrate my life after being born, being breastfed was embarrassing enough, even though I know some of you sickos are either delighted at my suffering or let down because you're into such things.

Either way, I can now somewhat walk and talk instead of just going "Goo goo gaa gaa, bitches". For some reason, my parents thought they were mishearing things and commenting on how I sounded "wooden", which I assumed to mean robotic.

We lived in some sort of 3 bedroom wooden cottage, wasn't anywhere fancy. Though by the standard of those who lived around us, we're just somewhat better off, my dad was a baronet, basically just a commoner who can be referred to as a sir or something. He's overlooking our coastal rural village, it doesn't look too big, I think we have around 200-something people.

I'm an only child and my parents once discussed whether they should have another, but in the end, it seems that they're very content with just me as their only child. Something about hoping that I'll become more successful than them and giving them many grandchildren.

This world has magic, monsters, and many other things. One of which is the worshipping of Lucille. The goddess I met just a while back, assuming that she can hear prayers toward her, ever since I can start talking in secret, I would pray annoyingly in her name, just to piss her off for reincarnating me against my will.

Alright, let's time skip a bit to when I can do something interesting so that people will keep reading.

Well, it's been 6 years since I felt this invisible camera observing me, so what's up, losers?

As I observe the world around me, I can't help but marvel at the simplicity of magic in this realm. It's like the author took the easy way out, crafting spells that seem to materialize out of thin air based solely on the power of imagination. No intricate rituals or convoluted incantations, just scream "fireball", imagine one, and bam, fireball.

No magic circles or any other thing either.

Yes, yes, the harder and more complex the magic is, the more mana it consumes, and so forth. Magic is divided into 10 ranks, rank 1, and yada yada.

I mean, seriously? Is that all there is to it? It's like the author couldn't be bothered to come up with anything more complex, so they just went with the old "imagine it and it shall be" routine. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. It certainly makes my life a whole lot easier. As I sit in my classroom, surrounded by my fellow classmates, I can't help but feel a sense of boredom.

Concepts that seem complex and abstract to my classmates are simple and straightforward to me, well that's because I'm like 28 years old internally. 

"Our goal," the teacher said, "is to prepare you for the challenges that lie ahead, whether it be gaining entrance to the Lucille Magic Academy or embarking on a journey as a famous adventurer."

The renowned academy is located in Lightfall Empire, the world's strongest nation, but it's also a neutral nation where it doesn't participate in any war, except the one against demonkind. I'm bored, so let's mess with the teacher a bit.

"What's the difference between a mercenary and an adventurer? Aren't mercenaries just adventurers who didn't register with the adventurers guild?"

"Adventurers," she answered "are seekers of knowledge and defenders of the innocent. They embark on quests to hunt down monsters, protect villages, and explore the unknown corners of our world. Their bravery and selflessness inspire hope in the hearts of all who look to them for protection. On the other hand, mercenaries are driven by profit and personal gain. They may take contracts to kill people or engage in unsavory activities that bring harm to others. Their actions are often motivated by greed and selfishness."

"Aren't adventurers essentially glorified mercenaries? They pick out quests or bounties at the guild, sometimes involving killing people, all for the promise of money. How is that any different from what mercenaries do?"

The classroom falls silent as my words hang in the air. Our teacher was a former adventurer herself.

"I mean, there are good mercenaries and the bad ones are in the minority, you can say the same for adventurers, the most infamous killers in history are also former adventurers." I added

"But," she countered, "What sets adventurers apart is not just the quests they undertake or the bounties they pursue, but the principles they uphold and the values they embody. True adventurers seek to protect the innocent, uphold justice, and make the world a safer place for all who inhabit it."

"Don't mercenaries also take on requests from people in need, sometimes for little or no pay? They too uphold values of justice and protection."

I'm the first person ever to be banned from school for giving a teacher depression.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!