Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:18 AM

Chapter 21

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Boreas POV

"And why would you think that I would teach you when I've rejected others?" the sword saint replied with an amused expression

"Here, I apparently can use the recommendation letter for this." I then took out my 2 recommendation letters, "I can read them out for you, they're by Benson J. Wynn and Theodore T. Krystal."

"Oh, both of them? How old are you?"

"A bit over 8."

"And you're...before I invite you inside...your name?" I turned to Mari


"May I ask that you do not try to flirt with me once I invite you in?" the sword saint requested

"Don't worry, I don't have those urges, unlike my relatives."

As we entered the cabin, the Sword Saint motioned for us to take a seat at the simple wooden table. The interior was sparsely furnished, with only a bed, a table, and a few other essential furniture scattered about the room...I don't know how he got this furniture here, but I'm not gonna question it too much, he could have a new hobby or something.

He then asked for my paper and apparently, he can train himself to feel the ink and stuff, something about the ink causing tiny ridges and stuff, so he can basically read most letters through touch. Which is quite cool.

"Hmm, so it seems that you've received a lot of praise for a person of your age." he said before handing me back my letters, "But how did you know I was here?"

I then gave him a simple explanation about how I knew and how I pieced them together. he just smiled and listened to it all, it's probably good for him since he lived alone for quite a while, and I know that the letters aren't going to be enough, but this protagonist isn't going to take a no for an answer. And I'm also too lazy to do all that stupid crap where I'll have to save someone to prove myself worthy.

I also got a trump card. Well, 2, the last would be to reveal about me being a soul chosen by the goddess.

"Why are you in this forest?" Mari asked

"Well, if I'm being honest, I heard that there was an appearance of a blood raven member here, and since I planned on retiring anyway, I came here, however...even after all these years, I found nothing, not even a I just settled on retirement."

And things just got even more convenient, I really love how things are just going my way.

"Won't you eventually become weaker than the monsters here? I'm sure that you're already being occasionally challenged." Mari questioned

"I'll leave by then, but for now, I don't mind staying here. My skills won't go rusty, and I get to live next to nature...though some of the kings or queens already fled to the outer parts, so the strong ones don't come too often."

"Why don't you come to my village by the coast?" I offered, "We're not too far from here, and we can come here every now and then to train."

"Sorry to ruin this, but it's a no."

"Why? Tradition?"

"If it was tradition, I would not need to follow such things." he replied, "However, it's simply due to how dangerous I really am, and how dangerous my style is, too dangerous to pass down to just anyone. My techniques are not meant for the faint of heart. They are born from years of bloodshed and sacrifice, trial and error on the battlefield. I can't just pass that kind of skills down...especially to someone whom I've just met."

"I can assure you, I plan on using all of this for good."

"You don't understand." he shook his head, "Look at me, I'm blind and I'm afflicted with a disease that prevents me from using magic. And yet, despite my limitations, I have achieved a level of strength that only a few can match. Now imagine these powers within the hands of someone who can see and apply magic to them...

"It'll be disastrous...and now're talented enough to be praised by 2 other geniuses, and achieved things that they couldn't during their time...I cannot even begin to imagine the heights of power you could reach. But that's precisely what worries me," he confessed with a heavy sigh, "The thought of such potential falling into the wrong hands, the hands of someone who may not fully understand the consequences of their actions.

"I cannot in good conscience teach you, I can't bear the thought of such power falling into the wrong hands, of it possibly being used for selfish gain or to cause harm. I believe you're a good person, but sometimes, even the best of intentions can lead to disastrous consequences. And that's why I chose to die with my technique."

"Well, respectfully, Mr. Griffin...but I plan on eliminating the blood ravens and the demon lord from this world." I then took out the card that the blood raven's leader gave me the other day and placed it on the table.

The sword saint reacted the moment I took it out, it seemed that he knew of this before. His hand was on the sword that was by his waist, but as I thought, he wouldn't kill me for this kind of action, after all this card is my trump card.

"First, before I address the card, one of my goals is to eliminate the demon lord. All heroes of the past managed to only seal such a monster, but I plan to eliminate such a threat so people don't have to live in fear every few decades or centuries...and now...

"After capturing a rank 5 member of the Blood Raven the other day, a leader or some higher-up within that group approached me and recruited me as he was impressed with my cunning tricks that could be used for their sake. I plan on accepting their offer and destroying them from within, and unfortunately, I can't do it without you. 

"I don't care if it's risky if it goes against everything I've ever stood for. But if it means lessening the deaths of innocent civilians, then I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen since I was given such an opportunity and I can't afford to let such an opportunity slip through my fingers. Even if it means temporarily betraying the people I know to join them, even if it means bearing the weight of their hatred, I'll still do it.

"Because at the end of the day, all that matters is that I can make a difference, that I can save lives, even if it means sacrificing everything."

"...What does it mean to sacrifice everything?" The sword saint asked

"It's to dedicate everything I have to achieve the impossibility."




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