Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:16 AM

Chapter 22

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Boreas POV

I ain't sacrificing myself for nobody, I'm selfish as hell. Sure, maybe it wasn't the most noble sentiment to admit to, but hey, at least I was being honest. I had my own goals, my own dreams, and I wasn't about to throw them all away for some grandiose idea of heroism. I already died once, I ain't doing that again.

I just channeled my inner protagonist's talk-no-jutsu, and based on how shocked both the sword saint and Mari looked, it worked.

"You should be like this more often." Mari commented, "I almost fell for you."

"Haha, very funny."

"Your parents would cry if they heard what you just said."

"...well, if that's how you feel, I will teach you." the sword saint said

"Wait, what?"

"Is this not what you wanted?"

"I mean yeah...but isn't there the thing where you would apologize and say that despite you admiring my conviction, yours is stronger and how you'll stick to it or something?"

"Is that something you want?"

"No...this is good."

I'm so good at acting. I need to act humble so that I can really look as if I'm more sincere and grateful, just to make any doubt disappear and have my act look more convincing. I'm so good that I sometimes even scare myself. And now, he'll put in a good word for me, and I'll meet a lot of rich and powerful women who I can marry and divorce. As an isekai protagonist, I will have to have a harem to fit the criteria.

I mean, name one isekai harem protagonist who dies in the end...not a lot. And I'm not the kind of idiot who'll choose only one. Look at this world, you can legally marry several people at once, men or women, and with that kind of advantage, I'll literally have not just a good ending, I'll have the best.

This world is a bit too easy to manipulate...but if it keeps going like this...this also means that the protagonist's teacher would eventually be killed...I should prevent that somehow.

"Kid, who's the old man?" Rob asked as he got down from the watch tower

We took a bit over 2 weeks to help the sword saint pack and come here with me, where he can actually train me. It took us a while as I had to store all his things with magic, waiting at the path for a carriage heading for the city since none headed directly to our village, got there to hire one to take us to this village.

"Did you call my dad?"

"Yeah, should be heading over as we speak, did you get kicked out?" he questioned

"You guys really have no faith in me, but I graduated and I'm back early to train."

"Train what?"

"Swordsmanship, it's what most protagonists do, there's a few of them who use spears, but...say hi to the sword saint."

"Call me Wiles." the sword saint greeted

"Right...him? The sword saint? Just because he's blind, doesn't mean that he's automatically the sword saint. If he is, I'll run around the village naked."

"He is." Mari confirmed, "I think I have his documents here to prove his identity."

"Ah, to think that his playfulness rubbed off on're not joking..."

"No offense...sir." Dad then cleared his throat, "You're saying that my son...him over there...said all of that?"

"Yes, despite his outward nature, he's got quite a golden heart." The sword saint replied during my dad's quick impromptu meeting with the sword saint

There were a few other people in the room as well, mainly just my dad and his subordinates, mainly the same guys who discussed that time I caught a group of bandits, though now they were making some sort of formal greeting to the sword saint and is introducing him to everyone is charge and explaining to me why Rob can't honor his own bet of running around naked.

"Yeah, you're going to have to excuse me...I'm just a bit emotional." Dad said while tearing up, "To think that my son...made me proud for once."

"For once?"

Of course, Dad wasn't told everything, and some of the things were made up.

"Anyway..." the sword saint then cleared his throat, "The news of my being here should be spread around right about now, the smarter ones will know that I will not want to meet them, as for the others...I will have to rely on you to help me turn them away."

3rd Person POV

Word of the Sword Saint's sudden reappearance spread like wildfire throughout the world, igniting a frenzy of activity among the noble houses. For years, the legendary warrior had remained hidden from the world, his skills and wisdom were coveted by all who sought to claim them for their own as just possessing a bit of his skills would raise the status of their household.

Now, with the Sword Saint's decision to take on a successor, the nobles scrambled to send their representatives, or in some cases, to go themselves, to plead their case before the esteemed warrior. However, many people have turned away as the sword saint himself has given an official statement that he has already chosen a successor and will not be willing to help teach anyone else.

The name of said successor was surprising though, even for Benson and was none other than Boreas Silver. Matthew and Evangelina were incredulous at the news, the arrogant person who rejected their offer for friendship and partnership was the successor when there were dozens of others in history who got rejected by the sword saint.

So now they are questioning just how much the person was hiding. Maybe they judged him way too quickly and harshly.

"Ugh...he's going to be so much more to hire now..." Evengelina complained, "I knew I should have been more assertive then."

"What's the point of hiring an idiot who was rude to you?" one of her brothers asked

"Well, that idiot is now the successor of the sword saint, so I was the idiot for not just offering him an endless amount of money."


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