Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:16 AM

Chapter 23

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*7 years later*

Theodore POV

As I arrived at the coastal village, I couldn't help but marvel at the picturesque beauty that surrounded me. The sea stretched out before me with small quaint cottages and houses dotting the landscape that has a lot of lush greenery. It was a far cry from the bustling city life I was accustomed to, the air filled with the salty scent of the sea.

As I made my way through the village, I couldn't help but wonder how such a genius could emerge from such humble surroundings...especially with that brain of his, quippy and annoying, yet...made sense somehow. I was greeted by his parents and sure enough, they acted the opposite of how Perseus acted and I still can't believe how nice they were.

The princess of the western kingdom came too, she was my ride here. She plans on recruiting Boreas since bringing him over would mean that their kingdom would get the sword saint too, but I don't see it working, that guy is just too ambitious and eccentric to be locked to someone.

"Where is he?" I asked his father, "And where's Mr. Griffin?"

"Oh, he should return later today, he was sent by the sword saint to capture a group of lowly drug dealers who have been rumored to deal with the blood ravens before." he answered, "As for the sword saint, he's resting."

Boreas POV

"Who are you?!" the drug dealer demanded

I got myself caught on purpose to have him have all his members reveal all his group's members in one place. So currently, the leader was this like 2m tall brutish woman who grabbed me by the collar, demanding to know who I was. I then cleared my throat and deepened my voice, mustering up all the bravado I could.

"I'm Batman," I said, trying to sound as intimidating as possible.

The drug dealer's eyes widened in disbelief, perhaps unsure whether to take me seriously or not.

"Maybe that's a codename." one of her subordinates suggested

"Who do you serve?!" the leader demanded further

"I serve the great supreme leader, Aladeen."


"He's the Wadiyan Admiral-general."

"Do you take me for a fool?"

"Ugh...with the amount of drugs you're selling, you can't afford a mouthwash? Maybe just a cheap mint?"

"Tell us! Who are you?! If you're cooperative, I'll let you off with 4 broken limbs."

I looked around, 8 people, should be possible to fight. And unlike what Sir Wiles heard, these guys aren't just drug dealers as I found some wild endangered animals in the back as well.

I then cracked a pill that I was hiding in my mouth and blew its contents out to her face, I then used magic to spread it around. But it seems like these guys were a bit more experienced than they seem. Rank 2 in magic, but all definitely experienced in combat. I then threw several more miniature beads that exploded and spread out the same kind of poison.

As it was no longer affecting them, I snapped my finger and lit the poison that was lingering around the room, lighting everything on fire.

"Retreat!" the leader asked as she turned to me and put on spiked gauntlets and cracked her knuckles.

With a simple slash, I aimed for her gauntlet, the blade slicing through the air, and with a resounding clang, her spiked gauntlet was cleaved in half, the metal splintering under the force of my blow. The leader staggered back, her expression one of shock and disbelief as she stared down at her broken gauntlet that fell on the ground, and yet her hands were uninjured.

"You're quite lucky...because I need you alive."

She recovered with a furious expression before unleashing a barrage of spells and attacks, I then cut and deflect each of them with the sword. With a single powerful cut in the air, I sent a shockwave rippling through the flames, extinguishing them in an instant and leaving us standing in a circle of smoldering fog.

She still charged in, and with each passing moment, her attacks grew more ferocious as she summoned the full force of her magical abilities and clad them around her body. Yet, despite her best efforts, I met her onslaught head-on. And then, in a moment of opportunity, I seized my chance. With a powerful cut of my blade, I created a flying air slash that knocked her back and crashed her against the wall behind her.

Her eyes widened in disbelief, but I didn't give her time to recover as I delivered a decisive blow, the flat of my blade connecting with the woman's temple with stunning force. She crumpled to the ground unconscious. I then went for the others as well, who stood even lesser of a chance. 

With the leader incapacitated, I turned my attention to her subordinates, who had been watching the battle unfold with a mixture of fear and awe. One by one, I disarmed them, knocking them unconscious before they could even respond.

I locked all of the drug dealers up to the carriages in the horses' places as I loaded up the back with most of their drugs. For the remainders, I plan on just leaving poison in the air and indelible ink on the drugs. I then went to the back to see all the caged animals that they were locked up with anti-magic cuffs to restrain them in these trapped iron cells.

I disabled the traps one by one and tried my best to free them, I used all of the dealer's supplies of healing potions to pour on them and just turned away to help free the rest to let the earlier freed ones run away. Eventually, I made my way to this one that was covered by a tarp, and as I threw the tarp away, I found myself face-to-face with...a dragon.

The dragon itself...was like 2m in length and about a dog's height if it stood up, it got these dark grey eyes with dark purple eyes. I disabled the traps, but as I reached to free it from the restraints, it tried to bite me.

"Just how did these losers get a dragon in here...?" 

I then tried to use the healing potions, but it growled at me even more and shook up the whole thing. I tried using simple healing magic to heal its injuries, but the anti-magic property of those restraints blocked it.

"Alright...bud...calm down, I can heal long as-"

Yep, it tried to bite me again.

So I got the horses to pull and drag the cage outside the base, where it could see the beat-up and unconscious drug dealers and the sky, I then slowly used the sword to cut the cage down. It then tried to run and fly away, but there were restraints on its wings. So I got closer to it and tried to splash some of the healing potions on it, healing and mending its injuries.

I tried to free it from the restraints with the sword, but it just ran even more, so I then had to free it from its restraints forcefully by having to wrestle it as it resisted, eventually, I freed it and it kicked me away and flew...won't be long till he's back...if he's like that one black dragon to a red-haired wannabe'll be back.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!