Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:15 AM

Chapter 24

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3rd Person POV

In the grand throne room of the Empire's grand palace, the Queen of the Eastern Empire, Queen Isabella Victoria Marie Harper, sat upon her throne, and beside her stood her trusted head maid, Amelia Quinn. The queen is a 27-year-old beautiful woman about 171cm tall and has bright blue eyes and brown wavy hair. Amelia was a 49-year-old woman, around 178cm tall, has blonde hair and pink eyes.

To the queen, after the death of her parents and elder brother, Amelia and her uncle were her closest parental figures. Amelia, in particular, was always by her side, and despite just being a maid, she was highly trained to be able to protect her if there were any nearby dangers. And before them, was a trusted royal prophet, Madam Jane. An old lady who looked to be in her 70s, about 150cm tall, with grey hair and light green eyes.

"Your fated a cunning man whose hair is said to be as white as snow." she spoke, "Not only that, it seems that the man in question has received the favor of a dragon."

"Like this this metaphorically speaking...or literally speaking?"

"It seems to be literal."

"Is there anything else that you can tell about this mysterious person?" Amelia asked

"...No..." Madam Jane shook her head, "Well...I do know one thing for sure...and it's that he's younger than her highness."

"Well...that would fit into my preference." the queen shrugged.

"Fate isn't always correct." Amelia replied, "If we meet this man and he turns out to be unworthy, I'll turn him away on your behalf."

Boreas POV

"Hey guys, where are the guests?" I asked as Rob came to greet me at the entrance

"Human-pulled really are a weirdo." he commented as he patted the dealer's horses that I brought along to pull a different carriage, "Why are there also a lot of animals in this one?"

"Most of them sort of rather come along with me...I'm assuming that it's because of Mari's blessing. I released most of them, and some along the way too, but even then, a few ran back, so I thought that our village could use them."

We got a couple of wild magical wolves, domesticated dogs and cats, some rare birds, and even some expensive lambs and sheep, a couple of them like the lambs won't last long in the wild, so I brought them here, hoping that their wool could be good for some money. These were the types whose wool was worth more than their actual meat, so they should live well here, the village was looking for other sources of money anyway.

"Didn't your wife want a cat? You can adopt one now."

"Well, thanks, but I'll take it from here, that healer said that it's more optimal to leave within 2 days since he doesn't want the princess or whatever to stay here too long." he then pointed to some fancy tents near the woods as he beckoned several of his subordinates over to take over the 2 carriages and the drug dealers.

"Hey, what's up?"

"We haven't met in years, and your first words are 'Hey, what's up?' " Theo sighed and shook his head in slight disappointment

"Well, I got a gift for you." I then handed him a dog who's about 2 years old, "I believe that this one is from a type called the Herb sniffers, as their names imply, they're good at sniffing herbs and medicine, a lot of healers would love to have one by their side."

"Oh...wait, you're serious?" he asked as he picked the dog up, "Was this from the drug dealers?"

"Yeah, I managed to get his tail back, it was barely hanging on earlier this morning."

"Does he have a name?"

"Nah, he's all yours."

"...thank you."

"Hah, I've matured, haven't I?"

"Tch, just be humble for once." he clicked his tongue, "I'll name him Galen."

"When do you want to leave?"

"It depends on our ride." he gestured toward the direction of the tent, "The princess wants to recruit you and the sword saint."

"Hah, did you tell her that I'm not accepting stupid deals?"

"She's offering millions." he responded, "As a citizen of this empire, I would rather not have you go, but if you do, I won't blame you...the empire is putting money into the academy and a lot of other things...a guy like you would probably be offered good money and definitely great status, but I doubt that you'll get as much money."

"Tempted, but I'm still not gonna do that...I plan on marrying an empress, and I rather have one whose age gap is only 12."

"Man, I would love to see you arrested, but I'll spare that thought since you've given me this guy."

I arrived home and washed up, reported to the sword saint and my parents separately. The blood ravens have been really quiet over the past couple of years, and as predicted, the people we've captured all those years back were found to have killed themselves a couple of weeks after I started training.

I used the card and tried to get in contact with that leader again, but no criminal we ever came in contact with recognized it, even the drug dealers didn't know about it. So even if I want to join them, I can't. There's just no way to make any sort of contact with them. After washing up, I got to the living room, where Eve was talking to my parents. I joined in and she then started with her offer talk, showed me the contract and everything.

"By the way...can I call you Eve?"

"Preferably not." she replied almost immediately

"Especially, I would also want to ask permission on the narrator's behalf, reading Evengelina all of the time or just princess would take too much effort."

" this your know what...yes, just call me princess in public."

"Ok, so like I've said before and I'll say it again, it's a no, I rather not be tied down to you."

"I'm offering 5 million a year. The sword saint's salary was 4 million in his prime...this is a lot. Considering that your village doesn't even make 100k a year."

"I know, tempting, but no."

"Am I allowed to at least have priority to make an initial offer when you do consider such jobs? Like at least let me know first when you start to want to work for someone?" she asked

"Sure, I'll send you a letter then."

"Thank you."

"I'm surprised that you're not putting up much more of a fight."

"Oh, I'm just waiting for the right time...especially during the academy, you're going to need my help."

"Be sure to always rank first in swordsmanship." Sir Wiles adviced, "Or else I'll go and give you more training."

"I won't let you down, Sir Wiles."

"Sir Wiles?" Theo questioned

"That's what he asked me to call him. He said to remove the sir once I can beat him in a spar."

"Are you sure that you don't want to come with us?" Theo asked Sir Wiles

"No, I've taken quite a liking here." Sir Wiles replied, "Enjoy your time, not disappoint the academy, I'll be sure to visit it at least once while Boreas is there."

"I see, I'll be sure to arrange a proper welcome then."

"Enjoy your teachings there, the academy is called the best and they deserve a teacher like you."

I'm currently sharing a carriage with Mari, Theo, and Galen. I glanced out the window every now and then to just enjoy the view while Mari and Theo discussed some healing theories or whatever. Mari has been obsessed with learning about the world since she was stuck underwater for so long.

Before long, we arrived at the sea, where we then got off and walked to the docks, where giant magnificent ships awaited us and was bobbing gently in the water. I can also see so many students waiting to board the ships to attend the enrollment test. I got the scholarship all those years ago and I should already be accepted, but I'm still taking the test along with the others to have myself ranked.

The top 15 are given a special class with a lot of benefits, so I plan on just getting myself put on that list. After a while, I got on the ship and went to my private VIP room, which had its window open, and on the seats...there were small claw prints that disappeared after we sat down...the dragon is here.


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!