Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:14 AM

Chapter 25

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Boreas POV

"Why are you opening the window all the way?" Theo asked

"You'll see. Can you go sit on our side for a moment? Hold Galen as well, I just need to do something."

We were almost at the academy's grounds at this point, but I could feel that dragon's presence nearby. He would occasionally tap the window just to get my attention, and at some point, Theo and Mari were making fun of me for being paranoid and saying that the tap was probably caused by the water droplets hitting the windows at high speed.

"Mari, create a sound barrier, I don't want anyone hearing about what's happening."

Mari then obeyed the request. I then sat next to Theo and waited a bit before I gestured to the window, beckoning the dragon to come in. It wasn't long till we all saw something pressing down onto the seat cushions, something that made Galen bark at that side of the room while Theo jumped up in shock.

"Calm down, your name yourself."

And the dragon made himself appear after shimmering into existence. Mari and Theo's shock and disbelief couldn't be any greater after seeing that. For centuries, dragons had been a rare but not uncommon sight, but as the years passed and their numbers dwindled. Mythical creatures like Dragons, phoenixes, griffins, or other legendary creatures nowadays are endangered, but dragons and griffins, in particular, used to be something someone could see a couple of times in their lifetime.

These legendary creatures, apart from griffins and a few other exceptions, have now evolved to have certain stealth related abilities, like going invisible and morphing into other species.

"I would ask why are you following me, but I'm not sure that you know the language."

"I can speak in your tongue, but I can't read it as I was never taught." it replied

Of course, a dragon can somehow talk. It shouldn't be possible, and yet it is. I'm not going to question this world's biology and logic too much at this point, I'm just waiting for that one wise-talking lion or whatever to appear and proclaim me as king.

'This should be at least 20 years of did it survive by itself for so long...?"  Theo muttered under his breath

"So, why are you following me?"

"I am not." the dragon replied

"Oh, really?"

"Why are you here then?"

"I'm just waiting to see you get captured so that I can repay the favor, I do not like being indebted."

"Well, I'm trapped in a very awkward atmosphere, and you can save me from it by leaving. Ok, bye bye, now."

"Are you chasing me away?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"Why are you doing that? Humans would love to have me."

"Yeah, and I do not care?" I replied as I pulled Galen into my lap and prevented him from jumping at the dragon

"What are you doing?" the dragon asked while its eyes were directed at the dog in my lap

"I'm scratching and patting its head?"

"Scratching? You're trying to make that dog bleed from its head?"

"Uh no, I mean, he likes it. I mean look at his cute face. Even though Theo is his owner, he's a bit attached to me."

"That's because you freed him."

"Of course. Well, you can go now, I'll resolve your debt for you."

"Are you chasing a dragon away?" Theo exclaimed

Mari is keeping quiet because she knows exactly what I'm trying to do, she's letting me do my thing and will have me give answers later. Theo, on the other hand...well, I can't blame him, I have known Mari longer and I also told her most of my secrets.

"See?" the dragon pointed to Theo, "This is a human. You are weird."

"Hey, I saved you."

"Exactly, weird. Most will want to take advantage of me. Now, be quiet, I'll follow until I can repay my debt." he then turned invisible and fly out of the window

"How do you keep getting into weird and lucky encounters?!" Theo demanded

"I pray to the goddess."

It didn't take too long till we arrived at the island and we didn't even have time to appreciate the scenery of the whole thing as we'll be taking the enrollment test right away, the beautiful buildings, the bustling and vibrant cities, and just how cool everything looked. Living here for the next 3 years should be nice...and I heard that the headmaster was some beautiful elf woman...if I get her to join the harem, I'll get to have dates here all of the time, since you can only come to the island when you're a student, staff, or an enrollee.

Those who fail will be taken back to the mainland. Theo bid me farewell and I'm then divided into a team, and sure enough...

"Eve and Matt...of course I'm teamed with 2 of the most..."

"2 what? Finish your sentence." Eve said and crossed her arms

"Pleasant people."

"Why do you reckon that we're teamed in teams of 3?" Matt asked

Teams of students will be teleported to a much larger island, where they will fight it out until only the top 20% remain, who can then fight further, the top 10 teams will have extra points gifted to their grades for the individual testing. These survivors will then move on to the individual tests, where their grades will be calculated to determine their ranking.

The individual testing would be writing, magic, and physical combat.

The battle royale would last 3 days, and instead of having us hunt and cook our own food, due to there being many nobles and royalty, there would be supply packs spread all around the island instead, containing food that was picked out and approved by a committee beforehand. We'll all start with a backpack that will contain some essential items for camping, but that's about it.

There will also be a barrier that will close in as time goes by. The top 15 students after all the tests are done would be enrolled into a special class.

Well...enough explanation, let's beat some kids...well, most of them are legal adults now. But you get the idea.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!