Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:10 AM

Chapter 29

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KingSilver I'm quickening the pace for this chapter, but it'll go back to normal. But I can tell you for now that the scene I planned to write for the battle royale was not as exciting as I envisioned, so I wrote it like this.

Boreas POV

"...We repeat, there are now 20% participants left." an announcement blared again, "Those who remain are eligible to participate in the individual tests. The test will end once there are 10 teams left."

"Aren't we a bit too passive?" Eve asked after the announcement, "We only defeated 3 teams so far, and you completely soloed the first. Being so passive...well it worked, but I can't keep thinking that there might be more to this."

"There isn't. Why would it? Besides, we don't have to worry too much, we're all scholarship students, we're passing either way."

"Wouldn't it be better for us to just drop out and give the opportunity to someone else?" Matt asked

"I mean you can, but I'm not. I want to be in the top 15."

"Do we continue being passive?" Eve asked 

"We can, but eventually, we'll be forced to fight."

"Let's do that then. I kind of rather not waste too much energy, I have to attend a ball after the tests. And are you going to keep using that claymore?"

"Obviously, cheap quality though, can't handle simple flames."

Theodore POV

After hearing that the headmaster managed to pinpoint the location of the invading life signature, I had to intervene on the boy's behalf, I then basically just asked to talk to her one-on-one before the news spread further. The existence of the dragon will not only put him in danger but all of us.

"So will you please tell us who or what this foreign life signature is?" the headmaster asked, "Because if I do not like the answer, I will not only expel him for cheating, but I'll also fire you for being an accomplice."

"I understand, will have to promise to keep it a secret."

"'ll have my word."

"It''s a dragon."


"It's a dragon?"

"I heard you the first time, but...are you sure?"

"I can ask him to show you."

"And why would a dragon follow him of all people?"

"He saved the dragon or something, I don't know the full story myself, but the dragon took a liking to him and is following him to repay a personal debt, he has no control over the dragon. But it means no harm as long as he's around."

"...Fine, but show the dragon to me or I'll disqualify him, there's a few candidates that got eliminated that the others want in."

As soon as the battle royale was over with Boreas and his overpowered teammates carrying him and eliminating the other competitors during the last minutes, they were being very passive, but I didn't mind, that means that there's fewer injuries with him being passive. But as soon as I was about to go for them, a staff came to tell me that there was a visitor.

I saw 2 hooded figures and based on the height... it was my sister and the princess, so I called to tell the others that I wouldn't be there to help them with the healing, and I pulled them to my room.

"Why are you here?!" I demanded, "And milady, should you not go out without any guards?!"

"I am her guard." Amelia replied as she pulled her hood down, "Well, she apparently overheard our conversation and wanted to check out this person first, but I saw her and caught up with her...since we're here, why don't you bring us to him? What kind of intern fits the description?"

"Or maybe he could be a senior." the queen added

Both guesses made me cringe to my core. Amelia immediately recognized it. Damn me for having close relations with my siblings.

"Oh no...younger?!" she exclaimed, "A first year? That means like he's 18!"


"Is it a 16-year-old genius?"

"Well...he's almost there."

"No! We're leaving, at once."

"Wait, but the dragon." the queen stopped my sister, "Even if he doesn't turn out to be the same person, he still has the favor of a dragon, we can ask him to go meet the dragon that he met, maybe he's talented because he has learned the dragon's tongue."

Please kill me now, why today of all days?! Maybe the boy was right, maybe I'm in some simulated novel where I'm some stupid side character that the author wants to mess with. Maybe I'm some comic relief character...if I act annoying enough, the readers will want me to go out of the story, and I'll become irrelevant and won't be tortured mentally like this.

"Oh, Your Highness!" the headmaster knelt and greeted the queen as soon as she entered and saw the queen with her face revealed, "What do you need of me?"

"No need to fret, I'm only here to witness the dragon." the queen replied.

I gathered all of them in one place and had the nymph, Marianna, bring Boreas along, I gave her a hint that the dragon got found out and he may be disqualified if he doesn't come, so he should be here shortly. It took a couple of minutes, but he arrived with the nymph, much to the horror of my sister, who gave me a very...entertaining expression, it would be hilarious if I was in a different situation, but I'm with the headmaster and the queen, I had to be stoic.

"Hmm, who's the maid and the 2 beautiful women?" Boreas asked, "Are they the escorts or something..."

He saw the headmaster's ears. And he just called the queen and headmaster escorts...2 of the empire's most notable think that I would witness his execution this early...I'll be sure to ask for a quick merciful kill.

Boreas POV

I've done my research, I know that the maid was Theo's half-sister or whatever and the only person sitting would be the queen...and the other was the headmaster...and they're very think that I'm meeting them this early. Yes, I called them escorts, but don't be disappointed readers, I will guarantee you a harem ending.

I am not like those stupid dense protagonists who'll choose only one girl and yet somehow also manage to choose the wrong one. It's all a part of my plan.

"Are you not going to kneel or formally greet us?" Amelia asked


"Well, you should, in front of you are the headmaster and the empress herself, Queen-"

"Yeah, still not happening."

"Good, human." the dragon said before he appeared in his shrunken size, the size of a small dog, and got into my arms, where I hugged him closer to my chest.

"May I ask you why? I do not require one, maybe a good afternoon will do, seems that you're in front of the queen." the headmaster questioned as she eyed the dragon.

The dragon alone will prevent me from getting into trouble, so I wasn't worried, and now that I've seen these 2...I'm not letting them out of my parents would probably die of a heart attack once I tell them about my dating partners in the future.

"The queen herself prefers it this way, does she not?"

"Boreas!" Theo called as his face was filled with cold sweat, "You-"

"He's right, I much prefer it this way." the queen said while standing up, "Why don't you tell us why?"

"Simple, you're a person who's been placed on the throne at a very young age, even though you're a placeholder at best, you're still always regarded with the highest level of respect. You're probably bored of it, you much rather prefer someone treating you like a person rather than a figurehead. Someone who can stand beside you as an equal, not just bow before you. And honestly, I respect that. You've been confined to the castle for most of your life, unable to experience the world beyond its walls.

"But here, in this moment, you don't need me to kneel and grovel before you. What you need is someone who can look at you as neither a superior or an inferior person. And that's what I intend to do. So forgive me if I don't adhere to the usual formalities. I'm here to treat you like a person, not a monarch. And I hope that's something you can appreciate."

Amelia POV

Oh no...their's the same.


Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!