Published at 24th of May 2024 05:36:14 AM

Chapter 3

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KingSilver If you have any suggestions, let me know in the comments, like tropes I should add or anything really.

Boreas POV

Man, the school even sent a letter and a poster to our home. The poster is basically a sketch of me for security purposes so that future staff won't let me in since I mentally damaged their most qualified staff. Under the sketch: Brown skin, dark brown eyes, white hair, bored face...I'm not even gonna comment.

Most qualified? If you received that much damage from just little words, you should have never become a teacher in the first place. Don't you realize the danger of kids? 

After receiving the letter, my parents called me in for a talk.

"Ok, so you have a choice." Dad offered, "The school can give you a certificate if you choose not to do this since you're already more than smart enough to graduate or you can go apologize to Ms. Jane."

"Apologize for asking a question?"

"You gave a 40-year-old woman a midlife crisis."

"I was just pointing out similarities."

"Sometimes, the truth can hurt more than silence...but you're still young, so it's understandable for you to not get it yet." Mom chimed in.

"So, you're saying, that I can graduate early if the apology thing still doesn't work, right?"

"...Yes." Dad hesitated, "But for the love of Lucille, please at least try."

"I'm pretty sure that Lucille doesn't like me at all and is heavily regretting her decisions."


"Yes, father."

I can't believe that the village actually arranged a therapy room for us to "mend our differences". Heck, I didn't think we even had a therapist here. But apparently, she also worked as something else and this is more of a second job.

The session started out okay, just random burning questions and I had to sit through it with a fake acting face.

"Just because there are similarities between mercenaries and adventurers," the therapist said, "doesn't mean that you'll have to quit to find yourself. This village needs you, the kids need you."

"I know," Ms. Jane finally replied, "It's just... sometimes it feels like I'm fighting a losing battle. But I think I'm getting better now."

"Yes, look back at your career, you've helped a lot of people, he's only a child, he just sees things differently, and despite his smarts, it's not like he can fully understand everything."

I want to graduate early, so sorry about this.

"Oh, but I do." I interjected

"Really?" the therapist smiled, "What do you know that we don't?"

"I know that children my age can comprehend a lot of things. We also have many things that most adults don't."

"Oh, what do you have that we don't."

"Lack of responsibility, free time..."

"Of course, that's great, but we adults-"

"I'm not finished." I cut the therapist off, "Joy, optimism, wonder, innocence, hope, free will, imagination, creativity...dreams..."

"Seriously, how do you get banned from therapy?"  Dad asked with my certificate in his hands.

Just before anyone asks, I said a lot more things than that, but it was cut, so just...yeah, let's move on.

"Yeah, I didn't know that therapists can get broken, but here I am." My mom added

At least Ms. Jane continued her job with the goal of not raising another me. She's more determined than ever.

"So, can I apply for the magic academy yet? I've finished school, and I've even received a letter from Lucille's academy youth program, if I do good, we can get a scholarship."

"We have a lot of concerns, son." Mom responded, "One is the possibility of you getting banned from the academy and giving our village a bad name and second is that you're a bit too young, even by their youth program standard, and finally...we're commoners, your dad will receive a certain level of respect, but that doesn't necessarily apply to us."

"Why do you guys have no faith in me?"

"You got banned from therapy."

"Yeah, you made the therapist cry." Dad added, "Heck, she has talked to former mages on the front lines, and you made her cry."

"Mom told me 2 years ago to aim for the impossible, and I did."

That earned a facepalm from the 2 and a "Where did we go wrong?", but they meant well.

"If it helped, I apologized to both of them."

"Ralph, is my standard that low or it's weird that I'm strangely proud of that?" Mom asked

"It can be both, can be both." Dad said while taking a deep breath

"I don't know why you 2 should be worried, you can send me to the academy youth program, I'll get myself a financial sponsor, attend the academy, make a harem of powerfully rich women, divorce for all their assets, and retire early."

Both my parents' jaws dropped with an incredulous look on their faces.

"What? I'll invest in everybody, the therapist can wipe her tears with money once I succeed. See, I'm being selfless."

"Now, I'm worried for everyone else at the academy." Mom replied, "Especially the women."

"Do you think you can just gain a woman's attraction that easily?" Dad asked, "You're more than smart enough to hold a proper conversation and definitely more than smart enough to know that you can't just go marry and divorce a princess."

"...Won't the queen better?"

"Oh no."

"The higher our magic rank, the longer we live and the lesser we age, she's also from a bloodline that was blessed by the goddess, so she's gonna look youthful...she's also divorced...if you want, I don't need to divorce her, she's apparently really beautiful."


"I'll take a note to make sure that we'll never let him see the queen if we ever get the opportunity." Mom said and left to write her note.

After much discussion, my parents said they'd send me to attend the youth program in 2-3 years unless I've achieved something that proves my worth, like a good achievement. They said that they'll leave it up to me to present them with whatever I want, but they'll be the judge.

I can't help but feel pity for those bandits I'm about to face. They're not monsters, not really. Just people trying to survive in a world that's shown them little mercy. And worse, they're fated to lose, I'm a protagonist, and they're some background characters who are going to serve as a part of the beginning of my growth in my character arc.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!