Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:09 AM

Chapter 30

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Amelia POV

"Equal?" the dragon exclaimed and jolted into my arms, "She's a person who's weak at enforcing the illegal trafficking, until she can solve such problems, she should not be an equal."

"Say, would you mind me asking a weird question?" I requested

"Go ahead." Boreas nodded


"Let's not." the queen interjected, "He got the dragon like we wanted, he also will have to return back to take the test along with everyone else, if he stays any longer...people might think that he's bribing the staff."

"Alright, that means that I can go, right?"

"Your Highness, we must at least question him a bit more." the headmaster pleaded, "The boy may be a good soul, but the dragon's intent is clearly unknown, he could be harboring ill intent against humans due to what I believe is his past history as a part of a trafficking ring, it could still be dangerous."

"Go ahead then, Amelia."

Okay, breathe. I've gotta figure this out. Is he really the right one for her? I mean, she's like my daughter, I can't mess this up. But how do I even test him? Do I ask tricky questions? Put him in challenging situations? Ugh, I don't want to sabotage anything, but I also don't want her heart broken if she's already fallen for him...Alright, calm down, I got this, maybe I can start by being subtle.

"Ok, how would you personally make a lot of money?"

It's not too direct, just a casual conversation starter. I'll observe his response closely. Does he dive straight into typical methods like investing or starting a business? Or does he offer something more creative, showing his ability to think outside the box?

"Does it have to be through legal means?" he asked

"...Surprise me."

"Oh no." the nymph and my younger brother responded

"Alright, I always thought about starting up a drug subscription service."

"...I'm sorry?"

"See, since I don't have a lot of money, we don't have to start big, people are already addicted enough to alcohol and smoking, so we can just add products in slowly, we can start with marijuana, then we'll move to ecstasy, cocaine, meth...etc. And I know what you might be thinking, won't people die of overdose? Why are you so unethical?

"We can use that as a means of population control, with a lesser population, there'll be lesser demands and that will cause cheaper housing. As for ethics, most nobles get away with a lot of terrible things all the time, I mean...they're overworking commoners and looking down on them despite us being their main workforce and source of income. Besides, the business will never die...I mean, what are they going to do? Quit?"

"Don't look at me, headmaster. I've never taught him such things." Theo shook his head furiously while trying his best to avert my gaze

"Am I wrong? We just need to start legalizing drugs first."

"Wrong." her Highness responded, "You're clearly a disturbed individual! You're trying to normalize drug use!"

"Disturbed?!" Boreas retorted, "Your Highness, I'm just a visionary in a world of short-sightedness! You see, legalizing drugs isn't about normalizing them, the question was about money and I gave an idea. Besides, have you seen what coffee does to people? Now that's a legal drug if I've ever seen one!"

"You can't compare drugs to coffee!"

"Your Highness, please, this is unsightly of you." I intervened

"Why are you smiling?" the headmaster asked

Phew, that didn't quite go as planned. And honestly, I'm kind of relieved. I mean he went with a typical answer of starting a business, but with a big illegal and moral twist, but he's definitely not the kind of guy I want for my friend, let alone for a queen. Looks like my instincts were right on this one.

Boreas POV

"Well, that was easy."

"Yep, we threw them off the scent." the queen replied, "You caught on quick."

The others left the room because the queen wanted to debate me and punish me in private, she allowed Mari and the dragon to stay behind, who both were now looking at us with expressions that were questioning everything that was happening after our 20-minute argument earlier.

"So how will this work?"

"Until you're 16, I'd say we can hug, hold hands, and maybe kiss each other's cheeks and a few other places." she answered, "Arms, shoulder...tame places."

"H*lding H*nds?"

"Why was there a loud beep just now?"


"Do you have a call crystal?"


"Here, connect it to mine, I got 2, one that I share with Amelia and a private one, call the latter, but the former in emergencies, how often?"

"I'd say once a week."

"Sure, Friday, 6 pm, I'll have 3 hours to myself then."

"Deal, but are you sure?"

"Hmm, the moment I saw that twinkle in your eye, I knew." she replied, "We're more alike than you think."

"...Does that mean you want a harem as well?"

"Hmmm...that might be difficult, I prefer not having one, and since you asked...does that mean you want one?"

"Yeah, is that a deal breaker?"

"Is this..." she turned to Mari

"Mari or Marianna."

"Marianna, is she a part of it?"

"Not yet, but I'm not really trying."

"Sure, but if you want anymore, you will need my approval, I don't mind it that much, because you might be needy and I can have the others help with that."

"Seems like I'm winning a lot here."

"You are."

"One of them is the headmaster, by the way."

"Good, we could use her." she nodded, "Just to be clear, nothing happened during my last marriage, but the label of a divorced woman does hurt my reputation a bit."

"I won't mind, 16, kiss or pecks on the lips are acceptable, right?"

"Yes, but just as I'm waiting for you, you will also have to wait for me, I can't say I'm dating you till I step down, and since my younger brother wants to not inherit the thrown, it's passed down to my older cousins, which one, I do not know."

"How long will this process take?"

"I'd say 5 years."

"Good, we'll move in together then."

"Okay, please explain what's going on here!" Mari demanded

"I'm dating the queen?"

Amelia POV

"Of course, it wasn't going to work out, just because they are similar, doesn't mean it'll work out."

Too much of the same thing can breed contempt. Each sees the other as a threat, a rival in the game of manipulation, they both want peace and I don't think that they can give each other that. My brother looked relieved too, but the headmaster gave us these questioning glances, I do plan on telling her about what the prophet said, she could be useful in our search for the perfect candidate.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!