Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:07 AM

Chapter 32

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Boreas POV

"Apologize? Why should I?"

"You just insulted our honor." the leader of the group replied

He's a 20-year-old guy, 182 cm tall with black hair and orange eyes. The staff managed to calm the group down, but they demanded me to grovel and bow with a proper apology, but I refused, eventually, the staff managed to convince them to ask for just a verbal apology, but I still refused.

"And you insulted my friend? Don't think I'm deaf, you overused trope of a character."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" he retorted

"Look, I get it, you're the classic schoolyard bully, the one-dimensional antagonist who thrives on intimidation. But seriously, does your dad have over-expectations or something? Because your character arc needs some serious development. Let's face it, you're not just a bully. You're the product of a toxic environment, raised in a world where expectations were always sky-high, where anything less than perfection was deemed a failure.

"You're not some groundbreaking antagonist with a complex backstory, you're the same tired old bully we've seen a thousand times before, recycled from one story to the next like a worn-out cliché. Seriously, do you even have an original thought in that thick skull of yours? Or are you content to just keep regurgitating the same tired lines and tired actions, like some poorly-written character in a bad fanfiction?

"Does your creator have any imagination at all? Or are they just recycling tired old tropes because they couldn't be bothered to come up with something new? But that doesn't mean you get a free pass to make everyone else's lives miserable. Look, I'm having a great day today, so why don't you go home, have a sad wank and just leave me the fuck alone before I get pissed. Capiche?"

Since the others were so outraged, they actually let me go first, and I would then be asked to be escorted to the other arena where the physical combat test would be and I would have to wait for the others. As the targets began to appear and vanish in rapid succession, I focused intently, summoning flames to my fingertips.

One by one, the targets fell to my assault, the flames engulfing them before they had a chance to vanish. Despite the rapid pace of the test, I remained calm and just focused on shooting the next target, some I even shot in advance and hit the target as soon as they popped up. I was shooting spells faster than the targets were popping up, and I didn't shoot recklessly where I'd missed and would get a point deduction either.

The test ended with me hitting all of the targets perfectly and the staff also scored me perfectly. The training with the sword saint over the past few years helped me with my instincts and reflexes, it helped me a lot with this.

"Accuracy, power, speed...all 100. Good job." the staff said with an impressed tone

"Good job human." Jett whispered as I headed out, "Don't let those eyesores upstart you."

The single target was a moving mechanical bird that had a mana crystal powering it and was also the object that was giving us our grade by measuring our damage output. The bird would be about 8m in front of me and would set off flying at any moment, and I would have to shoot it down before it got away, I'll be only given 2 misses.

An alarm then rang to let the bird set flight. I then conjured up a blade made of light in the sky to chase after the bird, the bird was evasive, but it wasn't fast, at least, not for me, most would use some sort of AOE skill to have a higher chance of not missing it, but my spell was homing it in at a much faster speed, eventually, it caught up and pierced the bird through the heart, the bird was still flying but I gripped my fist and set the sword off in a bright explosion, destroying the bird and the crystal in it.

"Perfect score?"

"Umm...yeah." the staff said as I left and bid the other 9 losers a proper farewell.

So the physical combat test is a quick round-robin style tournament where I'll have to fight all of the other 9 in one-on-one fights. Basically, the more wins I have, and the better I do in each fight, the better I score. I waited there for a while and just talked with Jett, who just kept asking questions about the world and my past life and all the other crap until all the other 9 arrived with furious expressions...with me setting a high standard right from the get-go should be bad for them, and scoring lesser than me should have set them off.

Which is just what I wanted, now they're all too titled in the head to fight me properly.

The first round was easy, he charged at me, and I just slide-tackled him and I broke his leg once I got on top of him, giving me an easy win. Luckily there's a healer nearby, so I can really let off some steam, it didn't help that most of them just went off on a speech on how noble they are, so I just attacked them in the middle of those speeches, giving me a win each and every time.

It feels weird winning all of a sudden though, because the sword saint beat me in hand-to-hand combat each and every time, so losing to a blind man each and every time does leave some sort of mark on your soul. So all of this was pretty easy. The leader though was a bit more challenging.

We fought each other a bit, and I gave him several blows to his body while dodging his strikes. He was taller and larger than me, so I used his size against him, clearly, this guy only fought during sparing and never against an actual enemy. If this was a real fight where I'm allowed to fight however I want, I could have won already.

As my opponent lunged forward with a powerful strike, I deftly sidestepped his attack, using his momentum against him. With a swift maneuver, I leveraged his own strength and size and executed a well-timed judo flip, harnessing his weight to send him hurtling through the air. With a resounding thud, he crashed to the ground, the force of impact reverberating through the arena. He charged at me again, but like before, a quick flip and slam onto the ground and knocked the wind out of his chest.

"By the way, there's no rules against me boasting in front of the losing opponents, right?" I turned to the nearby staff

"...No, but it's still very unsportsmanlike."

"Will it affect my scholarship in anyway?"

"No. Unless you do something that will give us a bad name on public property, but on academy's what you would say fair game."

"Woohoo, bitches, all of that money spent, only to not get enrolled. Imagine not putting your money where your mouth is! Hahahahaha, now while I go and get a luxurious dorm room to sleep, I'm really bad at trash talk...but yeah, go home and wallow in your sad exhausting lives after insulting me, that's what you get!"

Hopefully, the headmaster is watching, because I'll need to talk to her in private soon...but the guys whom I wish to watch over my performances the most are the blood ravens...well, I know they are, I just don't know where from. 

Theodore POV

After my sister left, I went to watch over a lot of students with my colleagues. There were a lot of promising students, but the ones that stood out the most apart from Boreas were Matthew and Evangelina, though Evengelina did not do great in the physical combat test, she did okay, but not the best. But she did score perfectly in the written test. Matthew and Boreas did score within the top 20 and moved up to the top 15 in the written exams after their bonus grades.

But all 3 were guaranteed to be placed in the elite class after this, especially Boreas and Matthew since their combat prowess shocked everyone, though most of my colleagues overwhelmingly prefer Matthew over Boreas since the latter just has a bit of an attitude problem. After a while, the headmaster called me into her office, where she was watching and listening to Boreas making fun of his opponents.

"Tell him after this that the attitude he showed just now will earn him an extra day in detention." the headmaster told me as we were watching Boreas celebrating and just boasting in front of other enrollees. I'll have to break it to him later that at least half would be enrolled as they scored well on their tests.

"But they did make inappropriate comments against him, I'd say that this is deserved, they were not comments befitting those of nobility."

"They won't get away with it either as I'll send a reprimand letter to their household, which should affect their reputation within the house and affect their standings against other successors within the house for a bit."

"Can't you do the same for Boreas?"

"He was rude to the queen. Not even an enemy would call her a bitch in her own territory, it takes a whole new level of courage and stupidity to do that."

"So, is that all?"

"Well, tell him that I'll be in charge of his detention myself, that'll be all."

That boy is in so much trouble...I should make a call to the director to help bring his parents here for a bit, maybe they can at least suppress his wild nature.

About 2 days later, I received a call from my parents that they were on the island to go with me to see the results of how high I ranked. I asked just how they got here so fast, but the director apparently went to get them personally, the sword saint stayed home since he liked the coast. I eventually called the director himself and heard that Theo asked him for a favor and since I ranked pretty high, the director would get a raise since he was also my teacher, which was why...he's also here.

I got up, pushed Jett away, and washed myself before setting off to find them, and sure enough, they were at the square, where magical tablets were flying around and showing us our rankings, I could hear a lot of crying from the people who didn't get in, but I couldn't really care less.

"Um, what are you guys doing here?"

"Just thanking you for my raise, I'll treat you to lunch later." the director replied, "I heard that you ranked quite high, proving the success of the youth program."

"So my insults and attitude should be tolerated?"

" shouldn't."

"Anyways, Mom and Dad, why are you here? Did you not receive the letter that I'll be getting detention for insulting someone of a very high status to their face?"

The headmaster left out the real identity of whom I insulted so that it wouldn't cause too much of a mess, well, I didn't mind since Theo did say that the headmaster would be personally watching over me, and may be giving me some lessons on how to properly interact with others after school.

"Of course, but luckily you did well." Dad said as he firmly gripped my shoulder, "Otherwise, I'd strangle you."

"Uhh...I'm your son?"

"Exactly, I'll be merciful."

I think for the first time in my life, I can understand why children fear their parents because both of their expressions just now freaked the hell out of me.


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