Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:06 AM

Chapter 33

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Boreas POV

The ranking tablets were flown around and eventually, a golden glowing tablet popped out, with 15 names on it. It got our overall ranking and our individual ranking. I ranked 1st in both the physical combat test and the magic test, I tied with Matthew for the former, I got 12th for the writing test and I ranked 5th overall.

My parents were overjoyed, and the director was too, he treated us to lunch nearby, I caught up with my parents after they spent the whole afternoon giving me plenty of scolding, but they also brought something up as soon as Mari arrived for dinner and I felt Jett hovering over my head.

"We thought about setting you up for marriage and I've got 2 candidates that may fit well." Mom said

"Uh, I'm not interested, like I appreciate the gesture, but I'm fine."

"It might look like that, but maybe your eccentric behavior will go down once you have someone. It might be for your own good, you're pretty smart and you're very good-looking, even for your age, so it won't be too hard even if you don't like the 2 we picked out for you." Dad added

"Sounds good and all...but it's not going to work out, so I'll save them the heartbreak."

"Well, it's up to you." Dad shrugged, "After all, the academy is the best time for you to make connections and find potential partners, that's where there's going to be a drop of students of your year next year due to them dropping out to start their families."

"If I'm that desperate to marry, I'll take advantage of low self-esteemed divorced women."

"No offense son, you keep going on about being able to have a harem in your lifetime, and yet...I'll be honest if you keep going like this, the only women you have in it are shallow women who'll break your heart one way or another, so you should take this more seriously."

"Why don't we make a bet?"

"What kind?"

"I'll get a woman so good within 3 years time, and I'll bring her home then, if she doesn't meet your requirements, I'll accept any arranged marriage proposals that you'll present me with."

"What do you get if you win?" Mom asked, "It sounds a bit one-sided for us."

"I'll get to see you 2 and Theo faint from shock."

"We can't just pass out at will." Theo pointed

"Oh, trust will."

"Alright, I'll join in, if I faint from shock, I'll let you pick out a blind date for me, it could be anyone or anything, you can humiliate me. And if I win, I'll get to slap you as hard as I can for having me put up with the antics that you'll come up with during the 3 years."

"Oh man, you guys just keep making this easy on me. But I'll add in the condition if you were to have that reaction due to meeting that woman earlier than planned, it'll still count as my win."

"I'm surprised that you're against an arranged marriage." the director commented, "I would think that you'll be all up for it."


"You're a teenager, a time when people your age would usually try to pursue potential love interests. So having them brought to you and arranged for you should be right down your alley."

"Unfortunately I am already married to the goddess."

"I know that you're religious, but you're not that religious."

"Oh trust me, if her pope sees me, he'll be granting me the title of saint."

"The saint of tyranny..." he and Theo muttered under their breath

"Why do you guys always think negatively of me?"

After promising to call home often ever since we purchased the call crystals, my parents and the director went home, the director did say that he'd be here for important events, so I didn't have to worry too much about not contacting him. My parents also said that they'll visit again at the end of the year before taking me back home for school break or whatever.

After I got home and clean myself up, my call crystal rang in my pocket. And Isabella's name glowed on it after I had it connected to hers. In this world, you have a call crystal, they have an audio and video feature, but incredibly expensive. And the equivalent of having a phone number, you imprint your call crystal with your own unique mana, and if you want to connect it to another, you'll have to use yours and the other crystal and have the crystal memorize the other's manna signature and essentially download the unique mana signature.

"What's up? Why are you calling today? It's Thursday."

"I just happen to have time to myself and I was bored." she answered, "Has the dragon grown bigger since the last time I've met him?"

"Oh, this is his original size."

"The bed looks small for both of you to share."

"Well, I did suggest him to have a room all to himself while I share a bed with Mari, but he hates being alone, and it's hard to sleep in a shrunken size, he's not used to shapeshifting since those bandits restricted his powers all the time."

"It sounds like you share a bed with Mari often."

"The sword saint sleeps in our guest room due to him too lazy to want a house of his own, so Mari and I share the bed."

"I see, I'm quite jealous."

"At least you're honest." I commented as I placed the crystal on my nightstand as I then lay on the bed

"Looks like you're thinking about something." she said before doing the same thing and placing her call crystal on her nightstand as well

"I am."

"Let's start with talking about our day before we get to the more serious topic." she suggested

And we did, she talked about how boring her days went. How she now has the authority to do what a queen should be doing, but just pass on those duties to her uncle and cousins to do it while having her aides and other advisors to pitch in. She never really wanted the throne, but it was forced on to her and stuff like that, then I told her about my day and my bet.

"3 years sounds like a good enough time." she nodded after my report, "How strict are your parents?"

"They're lax enough, they'll be shocked, but they'll accept you."

'That might be different from my end once we announce our relationship status in 5 years, my uncle will chase you with an axe. And after you get past him, Amelia will go after you."

"I'm very nimble, don't worry."

"So, out with it, I like things being straightforward."

"I plan on joining the blood raven."

" this some sort of plan where you want to destroy them from the inside?"

"You caught on too quick."

"I would do the same, but I'm not that good at defending myself and I'm simply in too risky of a position."

"So why are you doing something so risky? You'll be getting nothing out of this, being a hero is nothing but a title, and I rather have us live for a long time instead of having to mourn for you for the rest of my life."

"I want to kill the demon lord and I think that the blood raven thing might be useful, but they've gone quiet for the past few years."

"You know, if you tell anyone else this, they'll have you imprisoned."

"Well, it's you."

"We barely met." she pointed out

"We know each other more than you how did you know about me having a dragon?"

She then explained to me how this prophet told her about her fated partner and all of that, I definitely fit all of the descriptions, but no one would have thought that we'd hit it off instantly. I should meet this prophet person, she could be useful, but for now, I'll just relax. Isabella then also revealed that the empire also noticed the silence of the blood ravens over the past few years, there are rumors every now and then, but we got basically nothing.

" will you handle the headmaster?" she asked

"You're asking about how I plan to flirt with another woman?"

"Well, it'll be fun, because if we have her influence plus our brains...if we're ambitious enough, we can easily take over the world."

Theodore POV

Oh...why am I shivering out of's not even cold. Weird.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!