Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:05 AM

Chapter 34

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Boreas POV

"You should also try to aim for the number 1 ranking." Isabella said

"Why? There's not really a point, I'll get the same large room, And I'll have the same opportunity...apart from the title of number 1, I'll be pretty much working hard for nothing. I'm already good as is, I'll be getting all the good privileges as long as I remain within the top 15. I'll be getting my upgraded room soon too, bigger, better, and I don't have to pay for the bills. Not even for food, unless I want it delivered."

" know what...I can recommend a private investigator that can help you in achieving your goal."


"Of course, besides, if you do good, I'll have to eventually reward you, giving us a chance to meet each other in person again."

"How good is the guy?"

"Really good, but also really hated. He's also friends with the sword saint."

"I see, is the name Chirs Ren by chance?"

"Yes, that's exactly it, he's the sword saint's childhood friend who stood by his side during his adventuring days. He's working for me right now and since I can't recommend him to you directly, since that might reveal our relationship, I can tell you his location, you can just say that you heard about him from the saint."

"Thank you, that'll help out a lot."

" know what? You'll need motivation if you want to get number 1, so I'll give you one."

"Go ahead."

"If you get number 1 by the end of the year, I'll get on both my knees...and I'll give you a...pleasurable experience." she said in a very seductive tone. Luckily Jett is asleep because this conversation just steered way left.

"What are you getting out of this?"

"Just get number 1, I prefer to date the best."

Today's a Friday and I get to move to my better room, we got there, and the dorm room itself was very luxurious, a bit too fancy for my taste, but we got 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, a dining room, and a small kitchen. We even got king-size beds for each bedroom, that's...just wasteful, but it's the best bed I've ever slept on.

I've already laid out my plans for the day, I'll go find the private investigator in the afternoon and go meet the headmaster and Theo this morning, all so that I can meet Isabella at our supposed first call, though it'll be second for today and I'm not wasting this chance...I don't deserve this kind of chance.

I can skip the meeting with the headmaster. Still, everyone within the top 15 has a chance to fill in for the student council, and unfortunately getting number one would require a lot of extra credits, so getting into the student council is the easiest thing for that...well, not the easiest. Still, they give out the best extra credits, based on what the director said.

Now, before I go to the meeting, I need to get some complaints out, I don't want my opinion to affect me later. Now...Can someone please explain to me why every fictional story have to make the student council members out to be these all-powerful, untouchable beings? I mean, come on!

In the real world, the student council is about as useful as a game steering console in a submarine. They talk big with their shiny badges, but when it comes down to it, what do they really do? Plan dances and argue over the cafeteria menu? Please. Heck, at my school, all they did was labor, the teachers handled all of the organizing and budget, while the student council just provided the labor, by volunteering themselves and their friends, otherwise, they're useless!

KingSilver That last bit was just a bit of a self-inserted opinion, my school's student council members were arrogant af, but also very useless, even a local politician would try to appease you, but they didn't, I'm out now.

And don't even get me started on the characters they parade around like they're some kind of elite task force. The charismatic president, the brainy vice-president, the shy treasurer...etc. It's like they're playing an IRL high school-themed RPG. Unfortunately, in this world, I'm the idiot for thinking so, because they're going to happen to wield those powers that a student clearly shouldn't have.

And let's not even mention the student council elections. It's like watching a popularity contest on steroids. Do people really believe that voting for Kent C. Strait as president will magically solve all our problems? Please. Y'all only voted for him because he's popular, not for his platform!

Alright, that's it for now, but just know, I got a lot of complaints. I plan on just skipping this and basically ruining their day when they do mess with me, but the things that you would do for a beautiful woman.

"You? You made the elite class?"

The same leader of the group of 9 goons from the enrollment was here and apparently...he qualified for the top 15, all my trash talk and laughing were all for naught, I was hoping that he'd go home to cry to his parents, not to appear in my class. All 15 students showed up, and this guy already got 3 guys to follow him.

We were in a conference room and I had Jett with me, but I told him to back off for now as he and the other goons surrounded me, accusing me of cheating. So I one-upped him by laying back and putting my feet on the table before crossing my legs, just to show them how less I truly care, and eventually, ignoring them worked as they then walked away.

"What did you do to them that caused them to hate you?" Eve asked as she sat to my left

"I don't know either, but I guess that it's probably envy. Like a true protagonist, I'm good-looking and talented, so he must feel really threatened that I'll take all the beautiful women for myself. I mean...all of it is true, but it's really nice to have someone acknowledge it." I gave him a smug smirk as he slammed his fist on the table.

"I don't think it's ethical to have multiple lovers." Matt chimed in as he sat on my right, "Even if it's a consensual har-"

"Shush, you live your life, I'll live with mine. And don't just direct that at me, do it toward the princess, she got a boyfriend already."

"What boyfriend?" she retorted

"The childhood friend of yours? We all heard of the engagement."

"Engagement? We're not!"

"Not yet. And you also have a lot of suitors, one of whom is a cousin of yours, which by the way, is totally disgusting."

"I do not like him and even if I were to miraculously have feelings for that delusionist, it's already publicly known that I'm adopted, we're not blood-related, so it'll be fine."

"He's your cousin, it is quite weird." Matt commented

"Your uncle is married to a half-sister because he wanted a pure bloodline." Eve retorted

"Okay, let's stop with the nobility and their questionable taste."

Once everyone gathered, all of our teachers were revealed as well, there were 5 teachers for 6 subjects: Healing, magic combat, magic theory, physical combat, weaponry, and last but not least general studies. The difference between weaponry and physical combat is that the former only allows us to spar or study using all forms of weapons while the latter focuses on just hand-to-hand combat, in our second year, weaponry will be mixed into physical combat as the first year is to help us find proper specialties and such.

Theo was our teacher for healing and general studies, and the others, I'll introduce them later.

The headmaster then told us how the student council in this school functions, and unlike other schools, we have no treasurer as that's a job more befitting a teacher, not a student. The current filled positions are president, vice president, public relations officer, and discipline officer. Discipline officer is sort of a different branch within the student council, but it's still counted.

Vice president is the only position that can't be occupied by the 3rd year. The current student council only has one 3rd year, and that's the president position, unlike a fictional story, they won't have to step down halfway through, they mostly stick to the end. The position of president will also be prioritized for the vice president when the former steps down, and the title of discipline officer can only be offered to the assistant discipline officer.

The open positions that we're competing for are secretary, assistant discipline officer, and event coordinator. Of course, we're competing within ourselves and the 2nd year elite class students for it while the 3rd years usually do not stay in the student council in their 3rd year to focus on their studies.

After a brief summary of the positions, the headmaster pulled out a blackboard, drew 3 columns, and wrote down the title, one title for each column. She then told us to write our names down under the title if we were interested, we could put our names in 2 columns at most, but we could only accept one position if we were to be accepted into both.

Too bad the position of vice president is occupied, I don't mind inheriting that, I would give the school and myself so many privileges. But there's only one position I want. I got up, took a chalk, and wrote my name down under secretary.

"Secretary?" Theo stumbled

"Not interested in organizing events, my detentions starting from Monday will affect my standing for assistant discipline officer, and...with the secretary's the easiest one to become vice president...a position that can help me become president."

"Oh...what have I done? Please...don't ever become president."

"You? Secretary?" Eve exclaimed, "Why?"

"If he becomes president, this academy is doomed!"

"And why is his reaction like that?"

"Simple, he's just being sarcastically joyful, he knows me well enough that I won't be using such a position for selfish purposes."

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