Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:03 AM

Chapter 35

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Boreas POV

Only 3 people from our class applied, that was me, Eve, and the annoying guy, whose name is Richard Pierce Lincoln Orson. Eve applied for event organizer while this doofus applied for assistant discipline officer. The teachers seemed to heed Theo's warning as they all eyed me suspiciously.

I was asked to go to an interview on Tuesday by the student council members themselves and was asked to prepare my resume, I then made my way to meet up with Mari, who was outside. I asked for directions, trying to get to where Isabella told me this Chris guy was. Sir Wiles talked about him a bit, like the smartest guy and most trustworthy guy he's met, but they're not really in contact anymore as their paths are way different.

Since school hadn't really started, we were allowed to leave the island, and we took the ship or whatever back to the empire, it took a while, but our trip went smoothly. And as we were walking, I easily sensed that I was being followed. And it wasn't the blood ravens, it was the headmaster. I saw her at the corner of my eye, she covered most of herself, especially her ears, so no one would notice. But she wasn't the only one, Eve also came with her headmaid and head butler.

"Jett, how fast can you fly?" I whispered

"Depends, why? Are we being followed?" he asked

"Yep. You can sense the strong mana of the headmaster, can't you?"

"Hmmm...I thought about it earlier, but I just thought that it was because we're surrounded by many people. You will have to teach me later."

"I thought dragons would be able to pick them out easy."

"I was trapped in a cage, I wouldn't."

"If this Chris guy was like what the sword saint told me, I doubt he'll want this many people after him, so we'll have to lose these guys for a bit."

"So, what will we be doing?"

"Do you know how to hide your mana and presence?"

Evengelina POV

He's so nonchalant, strolling down the street like it's just another day, but there's this aura about him, a subtle hint that tells me there's more to him than meets the eye. He's always been that way, calm, collected, and never revealing too much. Yet, I've caught glimpses, moments where his eyes betray a depth, a darkness that he carefully conceals beneath his casual demeanor.

There's something intriguing about him, something magnetic yet dangerous. He's the type who knows things, things he doesn't share easily. And I can't help but wonder, what secrets does he know? What lies beneath that calm facade?

He reincarnated in this world like I have, but yet found out about me and that duke's son and revealed, meaning that he's prepared something...why didn't he contact us then...not only that, he's younger, the goddess also told him things that me and Matt haven't heard...what's so special about him? Especially since he got a dragon by his side.

He and the nymph...then went into an inconspicuous inn.

"See, I told you that their relationship is sexual, I'm so jealous." John said

"Just because they went into an inn?" Ann questioned

John Wensley is my personal head butler, 30 years old, he's 170cm tall, has fair skin, and has brown hair, and blue eyes. My maid, Ann Reese Abagail, is 32 years old, 171 cm tall, with blonde hair and green eyes.

" attractive nymph and a handsome teenager in his puberty an inn...alone, just the 2 of them..." John listed out

Boreas did reveal to me that the nymph knows of his secrets and uses being she knows his actual age...yeah, they might be romantically involved, that's why she doesn't have eyes for other men, unless the rumors of nymphs being like this are exaggerated, which is probably true.

"Okay, let's-"

"What are you all doing?" A female voice asked

We turned and it was the headmaster, she had a lot of clothing to hide her, but I recognized her face. I then scrambled to tell her everything I could, about how I was just following Boreas out of curiosity, I then mixed in a lie of me asking what he planned on doing today and him being secretive...I never asked, but she doesn't need to know.

"Well, you're wasting your time, because I can no longer sense them in the area." she said


"It seems...that he disappeared."

"Are...are you following him too?"

"I have a valid reason, you do not, I'll be giving you a 4 days detention."

"What about Boreas? He may be having an inappropriate-"

"Who he has relations with is none of our business."

Boreas POV

We just escaped through the back, and I have no doubt that the headmaster will spot Eve and send her back, but the headmaster will still pursue me one way or another. After a bit, I found the inn that Chris was residing in, I asked the owner and they said that he wasn't there, so we asked him to tell Chris to talk to us later, but the owner refused since Chris told him that he doesn't like visitors, so we just choose to remain until Chris came so that we can talk to him ourself.

After about 4 hours, Chris did come, he matched the description, and looks to be around 70 years old, but is actually 100+, slightly tan, 173cm tall, bald, and with brown eyes. The inn owner pointed at us and said that we were waiting, but Chris turned to me and then headed in my direction.

"You both match the description in the letter, white hair, brown skin, a usual smirk on the face...Boreas and Marianna." he said

"Yes, and I came to request your service."

'You got the money for it?"

"You can put it on Sir Wiles tab."

"Sir haven't beat him in a spar yet?"


"So I guess you don't have your own custom sword?"

"Nope, I can only steal from my opponents."

"Figures, let's go to the tavern next door, they can get us a private room and good food. You drink?"

"Not while on the job."

"Smart boy."

We talked for a bit, and since Sir Wiles told him the reason why he's teaching me and my plan on infiltrating the blood ravens, it was easy to get our conversation going. He said that there may be a lead to the blood ravens, but to get that lead, unfortunately we will have to wait for a fresh murder.

There is a local group or gang that is responsible for recent mass murders in the area, and their style imitates a certain person that he knew from the past, the original killer has passed by now since Chris and Sir Wiles killed him during their younger days, but the student who got away has emerged, that's why he was called. Let's call the student the imitator.

The imitator was known to have joined the Blood Ravens and these gang members are either his students or working under the successor of the imitator. Chris needs to examine a fresh body, ever since he got hired, by the time he arrives, the local authorities would usually clean up by then to cover up the grizzly scene. And he can only study the evidence and what the knights wrote and gathered, he wants to inspect it himself.

"Who's the usual victims?"

"They all vary." Chris answered.

"So it's just like the original, the original just targets whoever they want."

"Yeah, and every time they finish their work, there's always a howl that comes after they place the corpse somewhere."

"What kind of h-"

And thanks to lazy writing plus the luck of being a protagonist, there was a howl.

"Like that?"

"Yep." he then slammed some bills onto the table and we rushed out to find this corpse. To think that the howl sounded close.


"Got you, human." Jett replied in his invisible form, "I'll direct you."

"Who was that?" Chris asked

"I'll tell you later since I trust you."

We found the headmaster over there by the corpse, of course, she knew about the murder cases since she probably kept up with the news, but she was now inspecting it. She then turned to us as we got close to her.

"Boreas, Marianna...and Sir Ren, that's an odd bunch." she commented

"I know, but not important." Chris said and crouched down by the body and put on gloves, "Let me see the body."

I'm not going to describe the corpse too much, but let's just say that I can see his guts and a sliced stomach, filled with food and an enclosed envelope, no face, and the body itself is also sprawled out like a discarded puppet. There are also several slices and puncture wounds on it. It's a hard scene to look at, but...hunting helps me with this kind of stuff...and...the author didn't make my parents of the previous world morticians for nothing.

"Boreas, you should turn away, this is not a scene that you should see this early." the headmaster suggested

"Chris, would you mind me just giving in a bit of my opinion?"

"What kind?" he asked

"I wouldn't know too much of the specifics, but here I go." I said before taking a deep breath, "So from how stiff the body is based on how you touched it just now, I'd say that the death happened about at least 6 hours ago since the rigor mortis has set into the muscles. There's also barely any blood, meaning that the blood was continuously drained somewhere else through torture, so they were caught quite a while ago.

"Plus the perfectly sliced stomach and the puncture wounds avoiding vital spots of the body, the person who did this must be a healer or someone in the profession that knows the body, like a biology professor or even a mortician, since they know how to properly torture and drain the blood, it would explain the lack of blood and the clean wounds. The shallow cuts also look slightly inflamed, so he was captured only a few days ago.

"Now as for the clothing on him, it looks like it was only put back on when they were done. Based on the faint kissing marks on the collar, the crinkle on the shirt...the lack of buttons, I'd say that this person probably woke up after a sexual encounter and was caught on his way home, probably, so I'd say we just need to ask people of the nearby red light district to help identify this man, one who ripped off his shirt as they started their activity.

"We can then check every health professional in the area to narrow down the culprit if the suspect and the victim were seen near each other, then that's our guy."

Mari and the headmaster were looking at me with wide eyes while Chris was nodding with a slightly impressed expression.



I'm not a professional, so if you notice inconsistencies on how a dead body is, I'm sorry, I just used Google for help.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!