Published at 24th of May 2024 05:35:00 AM

Chapter 38

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The chapter ended up being a bit longer than expected, with my frequency, don't expect this often lol. I usually write with a 1000-word limit minimum in mind.

Boreas POV

"Why are you offended?"

"You said you want my heart and now you're rejecting me." she responded

"You're rumored to be a very cold and stoic person, I just wanted you to open your heart more. There's billions of women in the world and you think that I'd settle for you?"

"Settle?!" she gripped her fist so hard that I heard her bones cracking, "Then why did you word it like that?!"

I obviously worded it like that on purpose, I'm not some dumb dense protagonist who accidentally makes people flustered without intentions, I, alone, will change the perceptions of protagonists.

"No, why would you think that I want you? I got standards."

"Standards?!" she retorted

"Shush, you don't want to alert our enemies."

"We are not done, Boreas Silver. After this is over, we will have a talk."

Man, people of this world are so easily manipulated. I want to see what else I can get away with.

As we burst through the doors of the dance club, we found ourselves face to face with the group of thugs who served as the local muscle for the Blood Ravens. Their faces twisted into snarls as they caught sight of the local knights and mages in their uniform, their hands instinctively reaching for the weapons at their sides.

Without hesitation, the gang members launched themselves at us, their weapons gleaming against the neon lights as they clad them with different elements of magic, I then swiftly shot their weapons out of their hands, the magic gun erupting in a chorus of crackling energy as I fired shot after shot. Each blast found its mark, disarming the gang members one by one as they recoiled from the onslaught.

But it can only be effective for so long as they all shot out powerful blasts of spells at us, some even charging in and reaching an uncomfortable close distance.

*Roll in cool montage music*

With lightning-fast reflexes, I dodged a swinging fist and countered with a powerful punch to the gut, sending one of the thugs reeling backward with a grunt of pain. Before he could recover, I followed up with a swift kick to the knee, sending him crashing to the ground with a cry of agony.

With a quick spin, I lashed out with a sweeping kick, knocking two more of them off balance before delivering a series of rapid-fire punches that sent them sprawling to the ground. Another came in, but I rushed in, grabbed them by the neck, and slammed them against the ground with full strength, causing cracks on the ground.

With a swift dodge, I evaded a swinging club and retaliated with a lightning-fast jab to the ribs, doubling over my opponent with a pained gasp. Before he could recover, I pivoted on my heel and unleashed a powerful roundhouse kick, catching another thug square in the chest and sending him hurtling backward, and with the momentum of my kick, I spun gracefully on my axis, sweeping my leg out in a wide arc and taking down two more assailants with a single, fluid motion.

They crashed to the ground in a tangled heap, their weapons clattering to the floor as they struggled to regain their footing. That felt amazing. I felt like Jackie Chan.

"Why must you disturb me today?" An eerie female voice asked as the gravity around the area doubled all of a sudden

A pale woman then appeared, she was very pale, and beautiful, with sharp fangs, black hair, and red eyes. A vampire, couldn't get any more of a stereotypical look than that, but there she is. She grabbed one of our mages, and we all tried to rush in, but she was faster as we couldn't even get close before she used her nails to puncture his neck and caused him to limp immediately.

Blood then flew out of his neck like some sort of red candy string and went into her mouth as she tossed the body aside. For the record, vampires are recorded to be able to live for 5-6 centuries max. And they can live off of any kind of blood, it's just that the blood supposedly has a different taste to it or something, how or why? We don't know, since most researchers are not vampires.

"Ooh, I sensed a life signature that I haven't met before, what creature is that?" she asked as she directed her eyes at me, "You're not bad-looking yourself."

"Thanks, but I still have a couple of months to go before I become legal."

"When you have lived for 3 centuries..age becomes irrelevant." she said before dropping this blue cube onto the floor and the whole scene turned bright blue.

I opened my eyes and no longer sensed Jett nearby as I found myself in this shimmering see-through cubical barrier with all the nearby buildings destroyed, while everyone else seemed to be pushed outside the cube itself, the sides of the cube were about 50m each. Even the headmaster tried to shoot a spell at the barrier, but it did not seem to break

"Now we're alone, Boreas Silver." she said, "This barrier is impenetrable, it's quite an expensive treasure given by the blood ravens after I helped turn someone in, though it does have a time limit."

"Why do I always attract deranged psychotic women?"

"You don't look that scared."

"How will you escape? The headmaster can catch up to you within seconds."

"Don't worry, I also have a getaway tool, I'm not foolish enough to even go against that nymph over there...who by the way, will not be able to teleport to you, so unless one of us dies or the time goes up, we're stuck here."

Huh? That's good to know, that means that she's not that powerful, but her speed earlier was something else, and the aura she gave's not something someone with only that level of strength would have, there's more to her. Vampires do have unique powers depending on their "bloodline", which will be explained later.

"Why don't we just have a picnic?"

"With your corpse as the meal? Sure."

"How'd you know me?"

"Please, the papers documented you well, white hair, brown tan, dark brown eyes, toned body, and always accompanied by a beautiful nymph...need I say more?"

"Why do you want me?"

"Simple, I just love the blood of handsome young men."

"Yeah, and as I've said to another person earlier, I like older women, not old women."

"You do realize that it's quite rude to bring up the age of a lady...right?" she asked as several blobs of blood started to form midair and transform into rock-solid blood weapons.

3rd Person POV

At the Silver household, Joyce and Ralph were relaxing in the living room, or at least, trying to do so. Boreas called them earlier and told them that he wouldn't be able to talk to them during the actual scheduled time and then updated them early, but he also revealed that he was safe with a very well-known private investigator, Chris Ren.

So they are incredibly worried about their son who managed to always scare them somehow, they know that he could handle himself, but the thought of anything bad happening still hurts a parent.

"You 2 shouldn't worry much about the boy, I taught him everything I know, he just needs experience, and once he gets that, he'll surpass me for sure." Wiles said as he headed to his bedroom and stopped to talk to them

"We understand, but as a father, worrying is just part of the duty." Ralph replied, "What if he meets a demon or anything related during his journey? I read those murders and they resemble that of a demon, not a human, no human should be able to do all that, especially not in groups."

"Unfortunately, we humans are no different than demons, there have been many stories depicting our differences, but I also read many that say the opposite, the boy will do fine. He is a unique magic swordsman, I'll tell you that."

"How? All you said was that he absorbed your teachings like a sponge." Joyce questioned, "You said the same thing about Marianna."

"Oh, he is definitely different...he's the only one I know...that can use his imagination for magic to its most outstretched limit. There are many magic elements that he can use that no one else can. Death magic, which only 2 other people currently in the world can use, blood magic, unique to certain demon kinds, star magic, never been discovered...not only that...I trained his mana reserves to be better than anyone else."

"What do you mean?"

"To progress to another rank...let's say you progress to another rank after filling a 100ml bottle, you then take out a 500ml water bottle to fill up to progress to the next...what if I helped him expand that reserve, to progress from rank 0 to 1, his reserves require 5L instead of 100ml.. the technique is dangerous and even then, most only practiced that when they're at a very high rank already...

"The technique is quite difficult and yet, he did it at the youngest age recorded...his magic ranking is not slow because he only focused on the sword...he is slow because he builds up the strongest foundation possible. Plus...he knows how to use sword aura in its 3rd stage already, the maximum is 5, and his enemies will only somewhat stand a chance if they are at least an experienced rank 5 mage, otherwise...I doubt that anyone in that first year of his can beat him...I will have to punish him for getting 5th though, that is unacceptable for my successor."

Boreas POV

"You know...Vampire lady...I rather not make an enemy of the Blood Ravens if possible, so I'll give you a chance to run. I'm going to have to get a bit serious when I fight you, and I rather not. I've done so many types of reveals already, and the somewhat serious side of me would love to not be the same."

"You amuse me." she giggled as she now dual-wielded 2 long blood swords.

The air crackled with tension as I faced off against the female vampire, her eyes gleaming with an otherworldly hunger as she prepared to strike. With a feral snarl, she lunged forward with blinding speed, her movements a blur as she closed the distance between us in the blink of an eye.

Reacting on pure instinct, I conjured up a sword made up of sword aura with lightning-fast reflexes and used it to deflect her attack. But she was relentless, her attacks coming fast and furious as she sought to overwhelm me with her superior speed and strength. I twisted away from her next blow, narrowly avoiding both her swords that slashed through the air where I had just been standing. Sensing an opening, I countered with a swift strike of my own, the blade of my sword slicing through the air as I aimed for her vulnerable flank.

She somehow dodged that and jumped to attack me from behind, but I might as well turn it up a notch.

Star Magic: Stellar burst.

A spell that would channel the energy of distant stars to create explosive bursts of light, manifesting as dazzling explosions that dazzle and disorient foes. The perfect time to use the spell would be at night when the stars are most visible. I cast the spell and sure enough, there was an explosive burst of light behind me that disoriented her and even burned her skin a good bit. With a spin, I aimed my sword at her right hand and cut it off.

I tried to cut her down, but she intercepted my blade, my aura blade easily cut past her sword and was flying directly at her neck, but she kicked me away to try and create some distance. As her boot connected with my chest, sending me sprawling backward, I twisted in mid-air, using the momentum to somersault gracefully and land on my feet.

"Hey, guys, are you proud of me?! I landed perfectly!"

"Why are you looking away, you idiot!" the headmaster retorted

"But I'm winning!"

"Kill her or else I'll kill you myself!"

I steadied myself, my sword held ready in a defensive stance as I watched the vampire regain her footing and healed both her arms, and instead of a dual-wield, she was now using a large blood claymore to fight us. With a snarl of frustration, she charged at me once more, her sword a deadly blur as she sought to overwhelm me with sheer speed and ferocity.

She unleashed a flurry of slashes and thrusts. But I was ready for her, my movements fluid and precise as I parried each blow with ease. As she pressed her attack, with a lightning-fast counter, I deflected her blade and launched a devastating kick to her midsection, sending her staggering backward.

I charged in and unleashed a quick onslaught of my own, causing her to go on the defensive, she was faster, but her blood swords couldn't stop my sword aura, the more relentless my attack was, the harder it was to defend as I started to chip in at her flesh.

3rd Person POV

With a series of lightning-fast slashes and thrusts, Boreas drove the vampire back, his sword a blur of motion as it danced through the air. His sword was then clad with lightning magic as the vampire tried to get some distance, the sword extended into a large sharp lightning-whip that cut through the air and the vampire's torso.

Boreas just continuously released several more slashes and whips, it was quick and relentless, so relentless that the vampire couldn't even conjure up a simple mana barrier to protect herself. She then instead chose to just heal herself and went on all-out offense as the defense was clearly causing her life.

She charged in with blood-enforced claws and exchanged hits, but Boreas never backed down a bit, she knew that her physical attributes were better, and yet, he was the one winning. His sword aura was also more refined than expected, making any of her gears almost useless against it.

His speed was only increasing, and any long-range spells were also cut down, so she just had to rely on close combat, hoping that she could inflict a decent enough injury that she could then use his blood against him. The time for her barrier was running low, and she rather not waste it, she would prefer to take Boreas' life before then because she was sure that his blood would be very beneficial for her. Blood of young geniuses always benefits vampires in one way or another, but they were not easy to come by and this is a good opportunity for her.

However, she has not even landed one hit, from the beginning, she was playing into his hands, if anything, Boreas' swordplay was only getting faster and more ferocious as the seconds went by.

"Your healing's slow now...out of mana?" Boreas smirked, "Not only that, out of blood? After all, vampire relies on either one of those.

The vampire knew that he was right, so she then went into her storage spell and took out a red-colored cube, the tool for her escape.

"How long will that need to activate?" Boreas asked

"20 seconds." she answered as she activated it, the red cube lit up and glowed brightly as she held it in her hands, "Enough for me to evade you."

"How do you turn it off?"

"With me dying."

"Good enough, that's more than enough time."

Light magic: Light speed dicer.

This Boreas' original spell allows him to move his sword hand at light speed for a split-second, and within an instant, the vampire found herself completely diced up into several hundred pieces. Boreas would prefer her alive, but he knew that the vampire was too prideful to lie, and he also rather have that escape tool for himself, so he used that spell to finish her off, any other spell would not work on such a fast opponents, and now any researchers can pack up the vampire bits for further research on the creature.

With the vampire's death, the blue cubical barrier fell and everyone rushed into the scene as Boreas picked up the deactivated red cube.

"Why'd you play for so long?" Marianna asked

"I was just trying to see what a vampire can do, never fought with one before, and this one was also not like what Sir Wiles described...this vampire was special, but I can't spare her unfortunately. She would have escaped otherwise." Boreas answered as he inspected the cube

"That's not very good, you have a lot of us worried." Jett whispered

"You were worried about me?"

"I was clearly excluding myself, but you did well against that blood-sucking human."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!