Published at 24th of May 2024 05:34:59 AM

Chapter 39

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Boreas POV

"Why is your arm bleeding badly?" Chris asked as he saw Mari healing it

"Simple, moving my arm at light speed while only being ranked 2 would cause me a lot of backlash since moving the arm at light speed would subject the muscles to extreme stress, resulting in tears, strains, or even ruptures of muscle fibers, the tendons that connect muscles to bones would also be at risk. Moving at such speeds could cause tendonitis, tears, or even complete ruptures.

"The sheer force generated by moving the arm at light speed could exceed the strength of the bones, leading to fractures or stress fractures in the arm, particularly in the wrist, elbow, or shoulder. There's also slight nerve damage, but eh, I won, so it doesn't really matter."

"Looks like it hurt like hell."

"Oh, it does, but the sympathy from such an injury would easily help me earn a spot for student council."

"I'll write you a recommendation letter if it helps, but for now...I'd say you can go back to rest, I'll handle the aftermath."

My interview time was right before lunch, so I had to attend my first class anyway, which was general studies where Theo came in to teach us, when I came out of the dorm, all eyes were on me, it's because the headmaster bumped my ranking to 3rd while the papers also write about me. Didn't help that I got a cast on my right arm, even though it's technically healed, it's not fully, it still feels weak and there were visible tears on my skin.

I should be able to use it multiple times within one fight, but the adrenaline wearing off after and stuff like that rendered it very weak, so I just need it wrapped with potent healing herbs and a cast around it. Got to class and earned myself 2 hateful glares, one from Richard, the forgettable bully guy we met during the enrollment exam, and the previous 3rd place, the now 4th place, Sasha Susan Abigail Bardot. 20 years old, 173cm tall, blonde, blue eyes, and a beautiful green necklace, do you reckon she'll sell it to me for cheap? I can gift it to Isabella.

"Since when did you wear glasses?" Eve asked

"Oh, I'm about to go for an explanation monologue, and I thought that wearing glasses would make me look smarter...Mari also said that I looked better with glasses, so that's a plus."

"You are surprisingly easy."

Now that I got this annoying princess off my tail, let me explain why the vampire I beat was quite easy to defeat, creatures like elves and vampires are often depicted as beings with incredible longevity and supernatural abilities. But what many people fail to realize is that this longevity comes at a price.

You see, nature has a way of balancing things out. While elves and vampires may live for centuries, their growth and development are often much slower compared to humans. This means that even though they have more time to hone their skills and abilities, they don't progress as quickly as their human counterparts no matter how hard they try. People of those races progressing as fast as the headmaster is rare, and you won't find people like that often.

And then there's the matter of urgency. When you live for hundreds or even thousands of years, there's less pressure to achieve your goals quickly. Elves and vampires tend to take their time, leisurely pursuing their interests and ambitions without feeling the same sense of urgency that humans do. It's also why humans of this world don't progress as fast despite being able to incorporate magic with technology, they live longer and have a better quality of life, but they don't have the same kind of urgency our world does.

That's why Mari isn't that strong, she can probably surpass her own limit by being in continuous dangerous situations, but for now, having her rank ranging from 6-7 is fair, but she has not been properly evaluated yet.

And by now, there should also be some stupid cutscene where Sir Wiles explains to you why I can use certain types of magic that most people can't, of course having a goddess blessing has a lot to do with it, but while magic is indeed based on a person's imagination and creativity, there are still limits to what can be achieved. And one of those limits lies in the realm of understanding.

You see, magic is deeply tied to the fundamental concepts and forces of the universe. It draws upon the energies and elements that exist in the world, shaping them according to the will of the caster. But there are some concepts that are beyond the comprehension of most beings. Take death, for example. It's a concept that eludes understanding for many. The idea of mortality, of life coming to an end, is something that can be difficult to grasp. And because of this lack of understanding, most people simply cannot fathom the intricacies of death magic.

The other 2 people who can use this in the world, well aside from Eve and Matt, who died once and only we know, there's Lucille's current pope and a cardinal of the goddess. Usually, you can just face a lot of near-death experiences and maybe even have a literal brain-dead moment. As for me, blood magic, and many other things...well, I came from a family of morticians, and being raised in the hellhole where I'm from, it's easy to understand.

But for other powerful elements like star's more of a fun element to use because our author used to take a lot of subjects like astronomy or earth science in high school out of boredom.

KingSilver I can confirm this, but how did you know?

I know where you live.

KingSilver You what?

I know where you live.

KingSilver I heard that, but h-

Shhh, it's okay, you're broke, and I don't want to go to such a home.

Class started and Theo started to teach about philosophy and ethics, which was pretty boring, but I still had to take notes like a good student, even though Sir Wiles taught me to be able to use my left arm well, it still feels really weird to use it for just writing, all because Theo said that we can't just use our magic to make our pens write for us.

It was quite boring, but I learned a bit every now and then, and for some reason, he never picked me when I raised my hand to answer a question, it seemed like he learned his lesson, especially when he didn't want me to just ridicule him, the class ended peacefully on his end but he did say that I'll have to go see the headmaster before my student council interview.

Our next class was weaponry, our instructor was this guy named Albert Romero Sebastian, who looked like was in his late 70s, 184cm tall, classy look, had dark blue eyes, white hair, and a white Hungarian-style mustache. He's also dressed in a classy and fancy suit while talking in the most stereotypical noble accent ever. Apparently used to rank 10th in the world when it came to the sword, master of the rapier, but has now opted to teach all sorts of weapons to the class.

And just when I thought I could basically just laze off because I have only one arm. But he forced me to participate anyway since I can still use my left hand, and he also forced me to spar with him one-on-one since it's an odd-number class while I'm also the best in the class, and it would be unfair for me to spar with anyone else. So he's now just going to use me as an example.

His class mostly focuses on helping students improve their specialized weapons while also helping students know other alternatives in times of emergencies.

"Since you're already good at the sword, why don't we switch it up a bit? Do you mind using an axe?" he asked

"I'm pretty good at it, I'm quite a brute when it comes to fighting."

"Brute...then we'll revert back to the sword for you, you should use a rapier for now. It's a weapon favored by nobles and duelists alike. While it may seem elegant and refined, wielding a rapier is no easy task, especially for someone accustomed to more brutish forms of combat. Unlike heavier swords or axes, which rely on sheer force and momentum to deliver devastating blows, the rapier requires a delicate touch and precise movements. Its slender blade is designed for thrusting rather than slashing, requiring the wielder to rely on speed and agility to outmaneuver their opponent.

"The transition would be a challenge for you. It requires a shift in mindset, from overpowering opponents with sheer strength to outsmarting them with patience. But despite its challenges, the rapier remains a highly effective weapon in the hands of a skilled practitioner. Its long, narrow blade allows for quick, precise strikes, making it ideal for dueling and close-quarters combat. And its lightweight design makes it well-suited for agile fighters who value speed and mobility above all else.

"As for why nobles favor the rapier, well, it's simple. The rapier's elegant design and graceful movements are perfectly suited to the refined tastes of the aristocracy. It's a weapon that exudes sophistication and style, befitting the status and prestige of those who wield it. And every noble in the school has had a course on this sword, have no doubts about your skills, but this sword is usually never taught to commoners."

"I like a challenge."

"Then I'll have fun drilling you about the sword." he gave off a smirk.

"You look well." Theo commented as we met up in front of the headmaster's office

"That old guy was relentless like he couldn't have any sympathy for an injured victim."

"Victim? You describe yourself as a victim?"

"Yeah. I mean, he beat me so many times, and I did great with the rapier, I even got several hits in with my LEFT hand by the way, but nope, instead of teaching the others and using me as an example, he did only the latter while also just almost beating me senseless."

"Oh, maybe this is a form of physical retribution for what you put me and your parents through."


"At least he meant well." Theo responded, "By the way, is your dragon nearby?"

"I am here, lanky human." Jett answered

"Lanky...? Anyway, this discussion will involve you."

Once we saw that it was only the headmaster and Mari inside, Jett made himself appear in his somewhat shrunken form.

"Are we here to talk about your rejection?"

"I didn't get rejected." the headmaster denied

"You did, you thought about giving your heart to him." Jett countered

"I did not. I only misunderstood his suggestive statement."

"I don't think that a relationship between you 2 would be ethical." Theo commented

"I told you, I did not get rejected, he said that he wanted my heart, who the hell wouldn't misunderstand such a statement? Even then, I was the one who rejected him, not the other way around."

"But you did think about it." Jett pointed out

"Let's just talk about why we're here, we have other urgent matters to discuss."

"Ah, changing the subject." I chimed in, "It's alright, we can talk in private right after."

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