Published at 24th of May 2024 05:34:57 AM

Chapter 41

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Boreas POV

Seth's face showed that he was very clearly irritated, but at least he kept his calm, he tugged and pulled his collar a bit before slowly loosening his tie.

"Well, it seems you have quite the confidence in your abilities. But let me assure you, the student council takes its responsibilities very seriously. We strive to maintain a high standard of professionalism and efficiency in all our endeavors." he said

"Is that so? Because from where I'm sitting, this interview doesn't exactly scream professionalism to me."

"I understand your concerns, but I assure you, our selection process is rigorous and thorough. We only seek the most qualified candidates to join our team."

"And yet, here I am. So what does that say about your selection process?"

"It says that we value diversity and unique perspectives. We believe that every individual has something valuable to contribute to the student council, regardless of their background or experience."

"Oh? How noble. But let's cut to the chase, shall we? What's in it for me if I decide to...grace the student council with my presence?

"Grace...? Well, as a member of the student council, you would have the opportunity to make a real difference in our school community. You would have a voice in important decision-making processes and the chance to implement positive changes that benefit all students."

"Interesting. But forgive me if I'm a bit skeptical. It seems to me like the student council is just another useless bureaucratic organization, bogged down by endless meetings and pointless bureaucracy that will lead to nothing."

"That's not true at all!" he got up and slammed the desk.

He saw my smirk and realized the trap that he was in, but he calmed down and sat while taking off his tie entirely.

"The student council plays a vital role in representing the interests of our fellow students and advocating for their needs." he continued and ignored his earlier outburst, "We work tirelessly to address issues and concerns raised by the student body and strive to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone."

"Is that so? Well, color me intrigued. Perhaps I've underestimated the student council after all. But I'll need more convincing before I commit to joining this council. Before we continue, may I ask whether you are a man of your word? I rather not have to work with a person who's not fully determined on making this academy great."

"I assure you, I do not go back on my word."

"Excellent. Then let's make a deal. If you can convince me that the student council is worth my time and effort, I'll consider joining the council. But if not, well... let's just say I have other better options."

"The student council takes on a variety of roles and responsibilities, ranging from organizing events and activities to advocating for student concerns with the administration. We work tirelessly to foster a sense of community and belonging among our peers, ensuring that every student has a voice and the opportunity to thrive."

"Not bad. But tell me, how does the student council handle disagreements and conflicts within its ranks? Surely, with so many passionate individuals, there must be some friction from time to time."

"Indeed, conflicts do arise from time to time, as they do in any organization. However, we have established clear channels of communication and conflict resolution protocols to address such issues in a fair and timely manner. Our goal is always to find mutually beneficial solutions and maintain a cohesive and collaborative working environment for all members."

I then let him go on a long rant and just listened with a slightly intrigued look. Man, fictional characters are just too easy.

"Well, you've certainly given me plenty to think about. I must admit, I'm starting to see the value in what the student council has to offer. Perhaps I've been too quick to judge. It seems you've proven yourself to be a man of your word, after all."

"Thank you. I'm glad I could make a convincing case. So, does this mean you'll consider joining us? I will put you as our top priority right away."

"Do consider me interested."

"Excellent. I look forward to hearing your decision. And rest assured, if you do decide to join us, I have no doubt you'll make a valuable addition to the student" he trailed off as his eyes went wide open, "...oh no..."

3rd Person POV

"I told you not to fall for it." the headmaster sighed as she read the list of the students who are currently in the number one spots for each open student council position.

"I'm sorry, headmaster, but before I knew it...he was the one interviewing me." Seth replied sheepishly, "And it's not like I can go back on my words."

"He really can just do anything he wants...but I don't mind him joining the student council entirely, as you saw, he's very cunning, he can definitely be pitted against our competitors if they were to continue annoying us."

'Yes, but cunning doesn't always seem to translate to leadership, you did say that he plans on becoming president."

"That's your job as the senior to guide him, and always have someone accompany him, he's quite young, most people will not listen to him, and I rather not have them suffer since Boreas is one hell of a monster."

"Especially the annoying politicians who will try to have their way with our academy."

"Of course, he can be used for that."

Boreas POV

The close-combat class was taught by Miss Lader Amber Roseline Windward, a 2m tall woman in her 60s, but looks to be in her 40s at best, she has dark red eyes and red hair. I saw the muscles of her forearm when she rolled up her sleeves, and let's just say, it's incredibly toned, she had me be excused for the class and let me watch everyone from the sidelines as she beat everyone in the class up, and it wasn't even close.

She's a commoner who got promoted into nobility, so any sarcastic remarks from Richard and his buds against me were pretty stuffed back into their mouths, it was a fun class, to say the least. The next class was magic theory, the teacher was a guy by the name of Paul Harold Calesto, a guy in his 60s, 167cm tall, with dark blue eyes, and dark green eyes. The class itself was pretty much self-explanatory and not that worthy of an interesting narration.

That's pretty much it for today, and tomorrow is magic combat and healing class, which will be fun. As I was resting and preparing my materials and going over my plans, we sensed a somewhat familiar presence by our front door, they rang it, to which Mari went to greet them, mari definitely knew who it was, Sir Wiles did taught her for a bit after all.

She opened the door and a cloaked Isabella walked in.

"Won't Amelia notice your absence?" Mari asked

"Trust me, I've snuck out many times before." Isabella replied, "And I can stay over the whole night and she won't even notice, she's quite busy. Boreas, you're out of your cast."

"Of course, due to my constant praying, the goddess has blessed me with a great body."

"I would have never taken you to be a religious nut, but oh well." she then gave me and Mari a light hug while also patting Jett on the head, "I came to see you, I read the reports and what the headmaster was planning for you, I even saw your name on the secretary position, which was a surprise."

'You could have just given me a call."

"Don't need to worry so much, the rumors of me not being involved in the politics are only because I choose not to be, but I do have my way a lot since I'm old enough to make actual decisions."

We then went to sit on the couch as she helped apply this expensive healing salve on my almost-healed arm. I just gave her a light update and she gave me hers. She then had Jett's head on her lap as she gave him head scratches.

"I like her." Jett said

"I offered, you're the one who didn't want it."

"You 2 get along really well." Isabella commented, "Anyway, I need to tell you something, this isn't that urgent or serious though."

"Go ahead."

"The pope has recently announced that he wishes to visit the academy, he said that he heard from the goddess that there were 3 blessed beings in the school. I'm also curious about who these 3 are, so make sure to call me then, I'll be sure to be alone as I'll send Amelia off to get information from other spies."


3 blessed beings...obviously, one of them is me, something is happening, otherwise the pope himself won't be sent over to check. Eventually, I will have to reveal my reincarnation thing to Isabella, I don't how she can take it, we are similar, sure...but we are also raised somewhat differently in different worlds, what if that minuscule truth can separate us...

My parents, I can definitely keep it from, whether they will accept it or not...I just think that it would be the best decision to keep it that way but for a future partner like Isabella...I don't think I can live hiding something like this forever, it's just weird.

" can tell her now." Mari nudged, "Keeping it longer would only hurt the both of you and even if she would stop dating both at least trust each other enough that you can still be allies, right? "

"Why? The fact that you might be one of the 3 that the pope is looking for?" Isabella guessed, "As I said, I don't mind you being a religious nut, it wouldn't change a thing between us."

"Oh, the secret is bigger than that." Mari commented, "Apart from Jett and I, only 2 more people know this secret."

"And I'm assuming that they're the other 2 that the pope is looking for?"


"It doesn't really matter to me," Isabella shrugged, "I have a lot of secrets that I don't even share with Amelia and plan on keeping them to myself if you don't want to say, then don't. I won't force it out of you."

"What if I say I can pull the goddess into my harem?"

"If the chance is there, I'll help out, it'll be funny."

This woman is too perfect for me.

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