Published at 24th of May 2024 05:34:55 AM

Chapter 42

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Boreas POV

"Fine, you're going to have to promise me that none of this gets out, not your uncle, and not even Amelia."

"Sure, you'll have my word." Isabella nodded as she gripped my left hand

I told her the whole thing about my reincarnation, the reason why we're here, and what we were told to accomplish, unlike Jett and Mari, whom I told about most aspects of my former life, I gave Isabella only a summary since I have to gauge out the situation first, she didn't freak out though, so that's a sign.

"Whew, I thought you were about to say that you were secretly a demon or something." Isabella sighed

"You are not scared of my human?" Jett asked

"Well, if he were secretly a demon, I'd still continue this relationship of ours, it's already quite exciting of a romance as is."

"You're seriously not freaking out?" I asked

"No." she shook her head, "The concept of reincarnation isn't foreign, it's even taught in the academy by some former teachers, the fact that you have memories of your former life is a bit weird...but if the goddess sent you here, that means I can trust you, besides, I already knew that a man befitting all my standards won't be in this world, so you revealing that just proves Amelia wrong and me right."

"You're super weird."

"Coming from you, I'll take it as a compliment."

"If it helps, sure."

"For that, I'm sleeping with you guys tonight, just to help me process it all, but our relationship remains unchanged."

"Won't you be caught on your way back?"

"I have a one-use teleportation crystal, it's how I got here, don't worry too much."

I barely got sleep, and since I was quite reckless, I went to the gym in the middle of the night since some facilities of this academy were open 24/7 anyway. After getting back from the gym, I showered and tried to get some sleep in since I was finally tired, but it was quite hard to get back into bed as there was a dragon and a beautiful woman there, the bed was luckily quite big, so I easily got on and still had space left.

After a bit though, Isabella woke up, she must have sensed me squirming around, trying to sleep.

"Where were you earlier?" she asked as I turned to her

"Working out."

"I see, why aren't you sleeping in the middle?"

"It would have woken the both of you up."

"You're quite cute, you know. I'm surprised that you aren't more popular."

"I am actually."


"Mari already rejected them all on my behalf."

"Good, because you're our possession, and we shouldn't let you get away that easy." she then giggled as she wrapped her arms around me

There's a surge of weird feelings within me, and I'm seriously warning you readers to not make fun of me for it, my heart is beating quite fast and I'm pretty sure that I'm blushing furiously. And being flustered after being called someone's possession is not something I want within my reputation.

"Did you have a girlfriend before?" she asked as her face was uncomfortably close

"I did."

"How did it end?"

"Her best friend confessed to her that she also had feelings for me, and my girlfriend at the time...well, she had a lot of issues and it didn't turn out well. Her parents were divorced and...her first boyfriend cheated on her with her mother, so after that confession, even though her best friend said that she never planned to act on those feelings, my ex started to accuse us of cheating behind her back and eventually we broke up."

"Did you?"

"No, unlike my current greedy and lustful self, I was a monogamous man, or so to speak."

"So you didn't want a harem?"

"Who doesn't? But it was only until I came to this world that I decided that if my first life was taken away from me without my permission, I'll just do what I want here."

"What happened to your ex?"

"She got the help she needed and apologized to the both of us, but I never really talked to her again after that, I had other things to focus on, and she needed time to recover, as for her best friend, well...she felt guilty and pretty much moved away after that, but that was quite a long time ago, I was 17 at the time. Last I heard, they both seemed to have good things going for them."

"Then, let it be on record that I'm your first, understand? All of your first kisses and everything else should be wiped from memory."


"Just a question though...does this mean you're legal?"

"Probably not."

"Then, I'll still wait till you're 16 before I can do something."

"We can wait longer."

"I rather not. Imagine having an attractive dating partner like either of us and not making use of it."

"You're quite full of yourself."

"Well, you like me and since I'm not letting you get away, you'll have to deal with it. It doesn't help that you've been staring at my face this whole time."

"Who wouldn't?"

"You'll have the rest of your life to do that, for now, just sleep, because you need some rest, we can talk more in the morning or when I call you on Friday, we already don't follow the schedule as is."

"This feels weird to say, considering that we barely talked, but I think I'm actually falling for you."

"Not that weird since I'm a very beautiful woman who's also very understanding."

"You own a large successful business that was started because someone insulted you and now have bought said competitor."

"I only bullied him, not his family, see? Understanding, but it's interesting that you found that out."

"Well, I know a lot more than you can imagine...if you want, I'll tell you some of my secrets in exchange. So, when I was..."

After bidding farewell to Isabella in the morning, I set myself off to class. Jett was a bit dejected to have Isabella leave so early, but he understood her duties. For now, my focus is joining that stupid Blood Raven group and finding out their goals to destroy them from within while also finding out what they did to Jett.

This project of theirs...

"Lucille, is it also a hero's job to kill those trying to seek immortality?"

"Not necessarily...but in this case, yes." the goddess answered in my head 

So immortality could be achieved through other means that don't involve siphoning life force out of others...that's interesting, but I'm also not an advocate for immortality, I rather not live too long that I'll see everyone I love gone.

"Why is the pope planning to come?"

"I tried stopping him, but seeing the rising number of demons emerging unsettles him and he's trying to find the heroes, I told him not to...but he means well, and don't use your whatever on him, he's a good person who means no harm, careful of his company, it's why I didn't try harder to stop him."

Oh? Omoshiroi.

It was time for magical combat class, and I had to participate this time since my arm was no longer in a cast and seem to have made full recovery. Our instructor was Ms. Cecilia Camilla Belmont Rafferty, 150cm tall, 60 years old, and has orange hair and blue eyes. She was quite a short mage, but I can easily tell that she was more delayed than her stature made her be as Richard got quite a beating during her class.

Just when you know he couldn't go further down, he did, as he was rejected from his position due to his well-known discrimination against commoners. The only reason he was put into the elite class was because all the teachers believed that he could still change despite his talent, so I helped out a bit by having Matt befriend him, but Matt's idea of getting along with everyone did not work with the guy.

The class was fun and educational and before we knew it, class ended, and it was time for lunch, but on my way to the cafeteria, I sensed something amiss, something that wasn't right, and I couldn't get my hands on it, but as I walked by the courtyard, I knew why. They hid their presence well...but not well enough.

I saw a group of priests far away from the headmaster, who was talking to an old man, who I assumed to be the pope. And among that group of of them is not human.

They're hiding it well, and the headmaster seems to be careless, I know that security is tight for everyone else, but she became lax once she saw that they were with the pope. The culprit themself is also smart, there's no way that the headmaster isn't sensing something off, but the group of priests are also far away from her and close to another much weaker guide, so they're staying far away since the headmaster can't just accuse any one of them as it may offend the church.

I can't call Mari and just keep staring. I also can't get close since I rather not have them retreat.

"Jett, call Mari and have her tail them, she just needs to confirm who it is and we can then take it on from there."

"Good choice, I can't pinpoint that non-human even if I tried." Jett whispered back before his presence slowly faded away.

I'm going to have to skip healing class, but what I'm doing is definitely for the better good.

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