Published at 24th of May 2024 05:34:52 AM

Chapter 44

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KingSilver This chapter is not so plot-heavy, I apologize.

Laurel POV

"Headmaster, wait!" a person shouted

I turned to see the princess from the western kingdom, she was out of breath and holding onto me, stopping me from interfering, which was stupid, I could take down that demon within a heartbeat.

"Matt and Boreas will distract him, the demon, he connected his life force with the priests, I tried using holy magic on the curse, but it only weakened it, I need help." she said which shocked me and the pope

"Holy magic? That...only the pope and a few cardinals..."

"Doesn't matter, help me, those 2 got it covered!"

Since when were they all good friends? They don't interact often. But I need to save those priests first, and after that, I'll kill that demon.

Boreas POV

The rush of wind against my face as I soar through the sky is exhilarating, but there's no time to savor the moment. As the demon swoops down towards me, claws bared and wings spread wide, I summon all my focus and channel my mana into a whip that has light magic envelope it. With a flick, radiant energy of light lashes out, crackling with power as it flies to ensnare the demon.

The demon dodges and weaves through the air with unnatural agility, its claws leaving streaks of fire in its wake as it claws and counters all my lashes. But I was relentless I anticipated its every maneuver and just continued to break past some of its defense and had the whip hit it and sear itself onto the demon, forcing the demon to stay on the defensive.

Matt charge at it with his sword and keep on shooting some spells at the demon through the whip and from a direction or spots that aren't covered by my relentless attacks, keeping the demon occupied for a bit. Jett even shot a fireball in the middle of the fight by firing it from behind me and stayed close to me as he attacked in his invisible form, making sure that people could just say I conjured up spells while fighting with a whip.

Anytime the demon conjured or cast a spell, it would get intercepted by Jett, and it would then take some light hits from Matt while I kept it occupied, we couldn't finish it off or even try to based on Eve's signal, so we are just keeping it occupied by annoying it and it's working very well.

Despite our combined efforts, the demon proved to be a formidable opponent, we were now just focusing on having it not escape or retreat, preferably we wanted it alive, but let's hope the headmaster doesn't kill him in one shot, with each passing moment, the intensity of the battle only seems to grow, the air crackling with the mana of our clash. Yet amidst the chaos, there's a sense of exhilaration, a thrill that comes from facing such a demon and emerging victorious.

After a bit, there was a signal, it was a quick blinking of light 3 times, and we then backed away, in the next moment, a swirling wind in the shape of a lance blew threw the air from the ground and took away the demon's wings and in the next moment, the headmaster was next to Matt and throwing that same spell again which took away its whole lower half.

I rushed in and forcefully opened the demon's mouth to take out a large poisonous pill as it was then encased in a cubicle mana barrier by the headmaster.

"Everyone, go back to class for today, and any visitors of the island are ordered to stay on the island until permitted to leave." her voice boomed after reinforcing it with magic,

Since the principal called Theo, our class was essentially canceled for now, apparently, he was needed to keep the demon alive until they could extract everything and then dispose of it, like any other undercover demon that may still be working in the church, and any info is not to be leaked out of the island since it may reach the demands, that's why no one is allowed to leave the island.

At about 9 pm, I received a call from the headmaster to approach her office, and I had Mari accompany me since she was awake anyway, in the office, there was the fatigued headmaster and Theo, they then talked about how my actions were reckless and brash because I chose to go fight against a high-level demon instead of just having a teacher fight for me. Also scolded me about my actions of making several students cry and sending 4 to apply for therapy.

"I had to make it authentic, and I only told those schoolmates of mine the truth, why argue on righteousness when you're benefitting from those crimes? Heck, I technically am too, the mana crystals that go into those megaphones had to come from somewhere, and there's no way of me knowing its exact origins."

"Still, words sting, and you have to be respectful, you are a student council member now." Theo commented, "You are a role model."

"I used your class time to resolve 20 cases that needed to be addressed by myself, I helped expedite the process for better restroom facilities and even got us all classes new chairs and tables, the budget was set and should be sent by tomorrow, and I also helped approve the renovation for better infrastructure near the town square."

"You did?"

"I did, I did more work in one afternoon than the rest of the student council, and you can check, it was impeccable."

"Since when can you do paperwork?"

"My father taught me to be his successor and since I'm the only good thing that has come out of the village since my dad, I plan on doing my job well, and let me tell, it's way harder since we're more underfunded by the empire."

It's not anymore since I'm dating the queen. And the duke, Matt's dad, did plan on putting in some investments, but just let me have my cool moments as I showed myself off.

"And by the way, you all should hire more librarians and fire her student helpers, she's overworked as hell, and having all information go through one sweet old woman is only going to help her into an early retirement."

"Oh no, not Ms. Terrison." Mari exclaimed, "I can work as a librarian, I read a lot and even though I'm registered as a servant, I don't do anything...I'm also quite lonely."

"Really? I'll come home early more often then."

"Don't do that, you got class, prioritize that."

"No, you're my closest friend, it'll be bad of me to make you feel that way."

"What is going on?!" Theo exclaimed

"One question, did you know that the western princess knew holy magic?" the headmaster asked, "The pope confirmed it, not only that, the pope said that she's the equivalent of a living saint based on the blessings he sensed on her."

"Oh, I knew, I'm surprised that the western kingdom didn't reveal it, they would earn more allies from strong adventurers and better suitors."

"What's wrong with her current fiance?"

"Weaking and based on the portraits, it looked like his knee was touching."

"He's described as one of the most handsome men in the western kingdom."

"Right, and you're the most beautiful woman on this island, your point?"

"Was that sarcasm?"

"I use humor and sarcasm as a defense mechanism in order to hide my insecurities, I have a lot of unresolved issues."

"Hah? You?"

"I've seen more dead bodies than I could count, unresolved trauma from deaths of loved ones, abandonment issues...quite a few."

"That would explain a lot, but the death of loved ones? I checked your files, and all of your relatives apart from your grandparents are still alive. And abandonment issues? You have good parents."

Well, it's not my current life ones,

"My uncle Greg said a plain salad is his favorite food, might as well be dead to me."

"On a serious note, do you think you can help teach the rest of us on how to sense things better? I know that the sword saint himself might disagree, but if it's just a few advanced techniques...?" she asked

"No, I'll pass it down to my future children and disciples."

"I the main issue...our academy does have a system of sending you students on field trips and on your next you think you can help us distinguish demons at a ball?"

"Sure, you'll have to pay for a suit, I don't have one."

"Then I'll choose the color."

"Fine, I'll look good in anything."

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