Published at 24th of May 2024 05:34:50 AM

Chapter 46

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Boreas POV

"How are you so unphased?" The headmaster asked as I was writing down the report in the student council room, "You were almost killed?"

"Killed? Those bozos? The only thing in this novel that can kill me is myself."

"Oh, so you're going to disregard all the vampires who would love your head and all the other people whom you've angered and also want your head?"

"Trust me, headmaster, in this world, not even you can kill me."

"Sounds real tempting right about now."

"Sure, but without me, this world will end since you will all need me to kill the demon lord."

"Kill? Do you not mean seal?"

"No, I'll kill the demon lord, it's so that this world won't need people like me ever again."

"I do not understand."

"You don't have to. But just know...this is going to only be the first, a lot of people want me dead than you think."

After I finished my work, I went straight home, and here I was hoping to meet the other members of the student council for the first time, but it was my safety on the line. Theo even came to sleep in my dorm as some sort of bodyguard, so we offered him Mari's bed while she can share mine with Jett.

"Why do you 2 sleep together often, again?" Theo asked

"Simple, despite her stoic and calm Depression, Mari still suffers some trauma from loneliness from living under the sea for so long, and she would occasionally ask for company anyway, it's fine during the day, but at night, in the darkness, it reminded her of her loneliness when her family passed on, and she hates that feeling."

"Well, I'm glad to be able to learn more about you."

"Yeah, keep this up, because you may be the best man at our wedding if it goes his way." Mari grumbled

"Huh?" Theo gave a questioning look

As I slept somewhat comfortably being sandwiched by a dragon and a nymph, my sleep drifted off just like usual, but today was somehow quite different, since I got a dream at the exact moment I fell asleep. And it was a bit of a strange one since my dream had my exact clone standing in front of me.

"Yo!" he greeted

"Who are you?"

"Hmm...what do you people call me again...He who shall not be named, Demon king, king of kings...Oh-please-spare-my-life-great-demon lord...ah, I like the shorter version, the demon lord."

"Well, nice seeing you."

"Are you not scared?"

"If you wanted to kill me... I'd already be dead."

"That's somewhat true, but Lucille is protecting you, at least more than the others, so I can't. Not yet, at least."

"Of course, she would show some favoritism, I blackmail her quite a lot to give me a few extra perks, and apparently the others do not have the same mentality as me yet, so she's giving them to me first."

"So, what do you want?"

"Same as what I've offered the other weaker 2. And it's to extend an offer, of course, after all, it's much easier to recruit an ally than it is to contend with an enemy."

"Really? I'm quite flattered."

"Well, you possess a certain quality that I like, and the other two... let's just say they weren't exactly brimming with potential."


"Quite selfless like the rest of you: oh no, I would never work with you, I'd rather die. Or: Do you think that kind of offer would even tempt me?" he then somehow perfectly mimicked Eve and Matt

"Since when was selfishness a bad thing?"

"I know, right? They were just made up by greedy people who want to exploit people's vulnerabilities, like if they want us to be so selfless, why don't they donate their money instead of guilt-tripping us? It's all about control, keeping everyone docile and easy to manipulate. But hey, us? We see right through it."

"I know, we definitely got something going on here."

"Well, think about it, a position as my general...I'll promise that I won't betray you when it's all over, I plan to take over this world and then the multiverse, you can then pick yours to rule over."

"Can Lucille listen to us right now?"

"Nope, I've made triple sure of that."

"Are you her in disguise?" 

"Really?" he raised his eyebrow...or my eyebrow, "I would take the form of the guy who talks shit to me everyday?"

"Fair enough, wouldn't you giving me the position set her alarm off?"

"I'll give you it when the war starts, you can continue her charade until then...but for now, that should be all, I'll contact you after a while."


"War takes up a lot of effort, I'm afraid, and I'll be honest, being sealed over and over again while listening to the same kind of speeches really bores me."

"Have you maybe thought of not doing a monologue as you are about to kill the heroes?"

"I've tried, but a 3 on 1 is hardly fair, heck, they usually have their stupid power of friendship thing and it somehow works? I can't believe it."

"Isn't the power of friendship just them unleashing their powers recklessly and screaming at the top of their lungs? It does help increase the brute output of power, but how'd you lose to that?"

"My generals usually fail me somehow." he shrugged, "Now that we got all of the pleasantries out...before I go...I'll just repeat what I'm about to show you for all of eternity if you do fail to reach my expectations...bye, Reyes...that was your nickname, right?"

3rd Person POV

Flashing red lights painted the house red and blue. Broken glass glittered on the ground like scattered jewels. Blood, thick and dark, stained the floor. Police tape was everywhere, keeping everyone away. The air was thick with tension as officers moved about, their voices hushed as they surveyed the aftermath of what appeared to have been a violent shootout.

Inside the house, bloodstains marred the walls and floors, evidence of the fierce struggle that had taken place. Furniture lay overturned, shattered glass littered the ground, and the faint scent of gunpowder lingered in the air.

Amidst the wreckage, a group of officers gathered, their expressions grim as they discussed the situation amongst themselves.

"We've got multiple casualties," one officer said, "Looks like a small-scale warzone in here."

"Forensics is going to have a field day with this mess. But what about survivors? Anyone else make it out?" another asked

At that moment, their attention turned to a lone figure sitting and trembling in the corner of the room, a young boy with wide eyes and a look of disbelief on his face.

"Looks like we've got one survivor," one of the officers remarked with sympathy. "Poor kid. How are we going to tell him about his parents?"

The other officers exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting the weight of the task before them. It was never easy to deliver news of such profound loss, especially to a child who had just witnessed the unimaginable horrors of violence and death.

"So I'm out, last time...well, it ended with a mom trying to rip my face out." the first officer said, "Susan, you do it, you're more compassionate."

"What do I do then?" the officer named Susan sighed, "Based on the fact that hed had a gun when we found him...Self-defense or not, a kid his age shouldn't have to go through something like this. I've never done this before."


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