Published at 24th of May 2024 05:34:49 AM

Chapter 47

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KingSilver Sorry for the late uploads lately, just been busy, I have a very busy week up ahead.

3rd Person POV

John McGinley, a man in his 60s, 184cm tall, has rough white skin, grey hair, blue eyes, and a bushy mustache, currently, he's an off-duty police captain, he was enjoying himself at a barbeque with some friends as his phone then buzzed and ring, he took it out of his pocket and saw that it was Sister Francine. Captain McGinley sighed heavily as he answered the phone, knowing all too well the nature of the call before Sister Francine even spoke.

"Sister Francine," he greeted, "What's the situation this time?"

"Captain, it's happened again. The boy, he's disappeared," she said on the other end to which he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed once more.

"Where was he last seen?" he asked.

"Right, I'll send someone to check the usual spots. But you know how this goes, Sister. The boy's like a ghost when he wants to be found."

"Understood, Captain," Sister Francine replied with a heavy sigh of her own, "Thank you for your help."

"No worries."

The captain then set off to find the boy himself. He needed to act fast if he was going to find Boreas before he disappeared for days again. As he approached a nearby convenience store, McGinley spotted one of his subordinates, waiting in the alleyway beside the building. It was Susan Clark, a woman about 173 cm tall, in her 30s, has dark brown skin, long wavy black hair, and green eyes. She's the same officer at the scene of the Silver family's death a few years back.

"Hey Susan, why are you here?" he asked

"One of the kids called me, did they call you too, sir?" she asked

"It was the sister, is he here?"

"You can look for yourself."

He looked into the alleyway and spotted Boreas, the boy sat perched on a discarded crate, his posture relaxed as a cigarette was dangling from his lips with tendrils of smoke curling upwards. The boy watched the smoke go up and just sat there in silence. The whole alley was quiet, except for the sounds of nearby cars.

"You should really pick a new spot for yourself." He said as they both approached him, "If you want to hide from cops, don't go to obvious places."

"Wasn't trying to." Boreas answered

"Yeah, and I thought you said you weren't addicted to cigarettes." Susan chimed in and took it away from him.

"That's not cigarettes, it's weed, I don't go for things that are made up of fake ingredients, I like the pure stuff." Boreas replied, "Besides, as I told you, I can quit at anytime, I was just bored today, the last time I smoked was my 14th birthday."

"3 weeks ago? What will Sister Francine think?"

"Hey, you guys were the ones that stopped my business, I'm only making sure that the rest won't go to waste...Where will you 2 send me this time? Juvie?"

"No, you just came out worse." Captain Mcginley sighs, "You also traumatized the therapist."

"Your fault for sending me there, I beat that guy in self-defense."

"And that's why we managed to help get you out early, the only reason it wasn't faster was because we were cops affiliated with you, they suspected corruption and we had to prove otherwise. Who knew you could somehow learn how to pickpocket, make drugs, and many other things in 4 months."

"Correction." Boreas spoke up, "I didn't learn to make drugs there, I learned how to contact the guys who can teach me it, I learned it all on the outside And the therapist was stupid. A guy with no parents has parental issues? Make that make sense."

"Sending you to live with your uncle all those years ago was a mistake." the captain sighs, "Come, you 2 can join the barbeque and we can talk about what happens after."

"Can I not?" Boreas asked, "I'll just ruin the mood."

"We're cops, we've seen many kids like you, don't worry, though we had more success with them than you."

"Shouldn't you just make correctional facilities focus on rehabilitation instead of punishment? I know that we tend to make fun of the Europeans for treating their prisoners too well, but it does somewhat work."

"You sound so smart for someone who was caught in the act a while ago. But to answer your question, I'm trying,'s not like my boss will allow it." Captain McGinley replied as he led the boy into his car, "Susan, you got a car or did you walk here?"

"I walked here, sir."

"Then come in and help watch over him, you know that we can't handle him alone."

Boreas POV

I then jolted myself awake. It was only 2 am. But that demon lord, what a dumbass, I can lucid dream, I can just change the scene and skip the traumatizing stuff, though it is quite strange that I'm seeing everything from a 3rd person's perspective. But thinking back on it though, if I'm accepting the position at the Blood Ravens...can't I play the role of one of his generals too?

Even if he suspects and knows that I'll betray him in the end, until then...he'll provide me with resources and no demons would be allowed to kill me. It's a very safe thing for me because even if the demon lord knew and was planning to kill me, he's still my enemy whether I do or do not accept the position.

Since I was bored anyway and couldn't sleep, I went and had my workout early before heading off to the student council room where I found the president, the vice president, and the Discipline officer, it seemed that they hadn't gone to sleep yet. The vice president was a 21-year-old who went by the name of Francesca Cecilly Morelli, she's 141 cm tall and had red hair and pink eyes.

The discipline officer was also 21 years old but looked the total opposite, he went by the name of  Oliver Thomas Briar, he was 2.05m tall, burly and muscular, and had dark blue hair and black eyes.

"If it's the assassin report thing, you can just let me handle it."

"No, conflict of interest, and that's not why we're here." Francesca replied, "The school festival this year, we're planning on making it no longer just exclusive to our academy, other academies proposed to do it at a beach somewhere in the south, so we planned all night organizing with everyone else from other schools."

"A beach and festival episode at the same time, we must be lucky."

"If you plan on leering at women, we would advise you to stop, you are a part of us now and it would give us a bad name." Oliver grumbled, Besides, the fact that royalties from all 4 nations possibly being might also get yourself punished."

"Are there any rules against a student council member opening up a stall?"

"No...but help us please, and we'll help out with the stall when the time comes."

"Do I have to give the school a portion of my earnings?"

"Only 7% for you, 10% for everyone else, we got some perks."

"Cool, consider all these papers done by the morning, because I'm doing this for the beautiful women in swimsuits."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!