Published at 24th of May 2024 05:34:48 AM

Chapter 48

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Boreas POV

"You seem a bit off." Mari commented, "You're not complaining that the teachers were beating you up in close combat, weaponry, and magic combat class."

The day went over quickly and I was back once again to tend to my duties as a secretary, Mari was sitting directly in front of me since her shift as a part-time librarian was over, she also helped organize my messes and helped clean up my side of the room.

"We both suffered worse injuries, I can manage."

"You got that look on your face." she commented, "You also talked less often even less than usual when we're not on camera, because you are quiet then."

"If I do have issues, you'll know."

"You do, you're more jittery than usual, did you dream about the past again? You cried a lot last time."

"That was 2 years ago, I'm fine...but I did dream of the past a bit, just got me wondering how those guys are, it's why I was somewhat pissed against Lucille since she didn't even give me a chance to say goodbye."

"Well, I'm sure that she's not that much of a demon that she won't give you a chance to meet them again."

"Too late at this point, I'll be only giving them trouble if I do, time flies...and I'd rather focus on the life I have now."

The day went pretty well until the afternoon when Theo called everyone in the elite class or those who were available to help the healing ward, even requesting the help of the student council members, we arrived and it was chaos, there were too many patients. Patients lay sprawled on makeshift cots, their faces contorted in pain as healers hurried to tend to them.

I observed the symptoms and based on the things some managed to extract, it was immediate, it was the same poison as the one I'd seen before: the one where the patient whispered a name, Baron Johnson Phillip Burton. A spore from a red snail fungus, a lot of magic is needed to relieve that, it's a waste of needs an antidote.

"Mari, go get the herbs from the Academies' garden, you should know which one, and use my name. Matt, go with her."

After my time at the healing ward, I headed straight to the headmaster's room and burst into the room after I sensed no one else was there. I had Mari and Jett with me to just hold me in before I can say something offensive.

"Headmaster, I've already sent you a notice letter before, and just because we don't have evidence, doesn't mean you don't have enough influence to send spies to search his place out."

"I agree with you, but unfortunately, the school board isn't allowing me to." she replied, "And even today, even with another bunch saying the same name, they said that they would wait with Duke Hoff as he's signing the approval but his house is currently rooting out spies and it may take 2 more months. I would go myself but with the recent attacks...I need to stay here, not only that, I attract too much attention."

"You can send me in secret, I got a dragon who can hide his presence really well and turn invisible, and I can do the same."

"You can turn invisible?"

"Duh, you can see due light reflecting in your eyes, you can just use light magic to manipulate that, and long story short, anyone with decent knowledge can turn invisible. But I can also turn my own cells invisible  like a dragon or a phoenix."

"Are you a disguised dragon in human form?" she asked before we both speedrun the whole questioning process


"Have you turned invisible on school grounds before?"


"Was...was it for lewd purposes?"

"No, I have a girlfriend and almost everyone in this school is either taken, engaged, or not my type."

"There's an insane woman out there who's willing to be your girlfriend?"

"You were one of the ones who got rejected."

"I didn't, but no I can't send you there."

"I'll sneak out."

"I'll take away your secretary position."

"I'll bribe you."

"I'm richer than your whole family combined."

"Then I'll still sneak out anyway, and no matter who you send to try and stop me, it won't work, I'm too elusive. And also very annoying when captured, I've even made the ever-so-calm sword saint annoyed."

"Then how do we compromise?"

"I'll call the duke, I can use that naive son of his who also happens to be my classmate and somehow ranked 2nd when he's weaker than me in all aspects."

"That's because he has a lot of achievements and potential that the board took into account, you secluded yourself from the world while also being the lowest-ranked mage in the academy. Some of the board members think that you've reached your peak already. But if you do get an approval, I'll send you with an approved teacher to investigate."

"Can't I go alone? I can also just call Chris Ren, he's very good."

"Not allowed."

"Fine, I'll tangle them up and send them back in chains."

"Are you?"

"Do you think I won't?"

"You know what...I'll go with you if you get the duke to approve the mission, let's see how you'll handle me. I'll watch over the 3 of you."

"Oh, I can handle you pretty easily, headmaster."

"Yes, you'll have my approval, as long as I also get credited when your mission succeed." The duke said on the call after we brought Matt in the room.

After thanking him and having both us and the duke Denying Matt from being able to join us, the headmaster told me that we were leaving by the end of the next week as she'd prepare a lot of things for the mission, like proper paperwork and stuff like that, one of which will include my excused absences.

Matt was easily convinced since I just said that one of the heroes needed to stay at the academy for safety purposes, Eve managed to overhear us talking about something from nearby and asked too, but I just told her that I'd snitch to her family and told her that I can't rely on only one hero staying at the academy while I was practically accompanied by strong mages.

3rd Person POV

Vlad was currently in a dream, something that doesn't happen often as he requires very little sleep, even compared to other vampires, the Vampire King found himself sitting on his throne, his gaze fixed upon the swirling mist that filled the room. Before he stood the shadowy figure of the Demon Lord, Vlad had never seen the demon lord's true form as the demon lord was still gathering power to regain it, and so this is how they communicate.

"No need to kneel, you know I hate that, take your seat, you're going to need it." the demon lord said

''Greetings, milord, how may I be of assistance?" Vlad asked

"I'm here to ask you to stop your pursuit of revenge against that boy, Boreas Silver."

"Milord, he killed my own kin, he must pay for his crimes."

"I have made my decision," the demon lord said firmly, "The boy is not to be harmed."

Frustration boiled within the Vampire King, his desire for revenge burning like a raging inferno. But deep down, he knew better than to defy the will of the Demon Lord. With a resigned sigh, he lowered his gaze in submission.

"As you wish, my lord," he murmured, "But why?"

"I have decided to recruit him."

"WHAT?!" Vlad got out of the seat but sat back down quickly before he did any extreme action that would earn him unfavorable opinions from his lord.

"This is why I told you to have your seat." the demon lord chuckled, "This individual presents a strategic opportunity that necessitates a more… nuanced approach. I rather have him as a useful ally than a dangerous enemy. I've already tried to recruit the other 2, and like those before them, they've outright rejected my offer, he questioned me, and knowing his opportunistic nature...if he's smart, he will at least try not to anger us for the time being."

" he one of the heroes?" Vlad asked through his fitted teeth

"His capabilities extend beyond your initial assessment, Vlad. He possesses a potential that necessitates our attention. Even for a seems that Lucille is showing him certain blatant favoritism, if we can, we can use that to anger the other 2, but he possesses a lot of knowledge about this world, more than we know possible, and is exploiting it to the best of his abilities, if I can, I would prefer to have that for myself."

"Very well, my lord. I stand corrected. However, the wisdom of this course of action remains unclear. There's still a lot of chance to kill him now as time is limited, it won't be long before he becomes stronger than us generals like the past heroes."

"Don't worry, this generation's generals are stronger than the others, you're all stronger than a simple rank 10 mage. Just leave Boreas Silver to me, but...I won't stop you from wanting to spy on him."

"As you command, milord."

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