Published at 24th of May 2024 05:36:08 AM

Chapter 5

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Boreas POV

As I stroll along the shores of the beach, I spot a weathered fisherman mending his nets nearby. With an innocent glint in my eye, I approach him, eager to learn more about the mysteries that lie beneath the surface of the sea.

"Excuse me, sir, I'm Perseus Silver, the protagonist." I introduced myself, "I couldn't help but overhear talk of a local legend. Would you mind sharing it with me?"

"Your mom told me you'd be here sooner or later." he replied, "But I think I know what you're talking about, you must be talking about the tale of the underwater ruin and the guardian nymph."

"Underwater ruin? That's interesting."

"Well, something about gaining her blessing if you passed some test, but I wouldn't wanna go there if I were you."

"Why not?"

"Nymphs around these parts will suck you dry, you can ask your parents what that means. But yeah, doesn't matter if you're a man or little boy...she's likely the only nymph left around here, and with no one seeking her out in years...yeah, you wouldn't wanna go."

"What if I bring a lonely man with me and have her distracted by him?"

"Well, good luck finding it, I tried finding it myself when I was younger, I was hoping for a wife and to become a local hero...but well, here I am."

"You're a great fisherman, you're still essential."

"Thanks, but your mother did also warn me of you buttering people up to get free favors, so nice try."

"Tsk, damn that woman."

Since I couldn't get anyone to help me sail a bit out, I used the money I got from my earlier looting to just buy a small used sailboat and rowed it out myself.

Based on the fact that the legend or story came from the village, means that it shouldn't be too far out, and with my protagonist's luck, I should be able to find it, besides, I have a stupid but great plan. And you readers must be wondering, how do I know if it's even true?

Look at the title of our novel: "That time I reincarnated into a fantasy world where I'll surround myself with super rich older women to divorce in the future and make me rich; the demon lord is weak to a slap using wads of cash".

It's real, they originate from somewhere. Fantasy worlds do this all the time. For now, though, I should really work on physical exercise, this is tough, so while I'm narrating like this to you all in my head, I'm cursing so much on the outside that even Lucifer himself would shy away in fear.

"Alright, should be a good enough distance. I can't even see the shore anymore."

Alright, my plan? It's why go to an underwater ruin when you can bring the nymph to you.

"Man, whoever this nymph, they must be a bitch! Blessings are meant to be given, so why the hell are they being so secretive? She mustn't be real, because they are clearly a terrible person if they're real. I mean, let's be honest, nymphs? Overrated, I've seen way hotter humans. What do nymphs even do? Frolic in the woods and seduce unsuspecting travelers? Please! Give me a break! Y'all are so useless!

"And don't get me started on their magical powers, I've seen the same thing, heck, I've seen street performers pull off better tricks with a deck of cards and a sleight of hand. Damn those villagers, with their whiny please be respectful. What's the nymph going to do? Pull me underwater and drown me? Well, so be it! Nymphs are cowards who like surprise attacks. So do it, coward! Prove me right!"

For those who think that this is's a fictional world, so deal with it, people's egos are based on the writing, and with my author, it's going to be pretty low.

KingSilver What the hell did I do?

"And don't even get me started on your tests," I continue, "Who are you to judge me, to decide whether I'm worthy of your blessing? Last time I checked, you were just another pretty face in the sea. So let's face it! You're nothing but a glorified fish with a superiority complex!"


As the waters churned with an explosive fury, a powerful force surged forth from the depths, rising like a tidal wave to meet the surface. With a thunderous roar that echoed across the expanse of the sea, the figure of a woman emerged, her form radiating with an otherworldly beauty.

The nymph stood tall and proud, her beauty was truly a sight to behold. She stood at around 171cm tall, she possessed the timeless beauty of a woman in her mid-20s. Her dark grey hair cascaded in gentle waves around her shoulders, framing a face that exuded an otherworldly allure. But it was her eyes that captivated me the most, a mesmerizing shade of purple.

"YOU DARE INSULT ME?!" she exploded

"You sure that you're a nymph, you got regular human skin. You also don't have a tail."

"Do you expect me to be a blue-skinned mermaid?"

"Kinda? I mean you're so ugly that there are no drawings of any of your portrayal in any book."

"How dare you question my appearance...Do you think yourself worthy to dictate the form of a divine being?"

"Aren't nymphs not divine? Otherwise, you'd be a water goddess...well, I rather not meet a useless water goddess who'll only give me useless deaths...Fine! I guess being a glorified fish and being surrounded by fish would make you somewhat divine. So sorry, I seek your forgiveness, your fishy highness."

"I can't believe this!"

"Anyway, your test is fake, right?" I asked while I pretended to file my nails and blow on it

"You insolent fool," she seethed, her voice a barely contained tempest of anger, "I have already deemed you unworthy for daring to insult me."

"Then I suppose your so-called test is just as fake as you are."

"It's real! And I'll more likely bless a whole kingdom rather than a fool like you."

"I mean, does it even count as a blessing if everyone has it apart from me? Wouldn't that make me the chosen one?"

The nymph's eyes blazed with fury, but I could see a flicker of uncertainty beneath the surface as she couldn't deny the logic of my words.

"Enough of this!" she exclaimed

"Enough of what? False advertising for blessing? Or identity fraud because a glorified fish claims to be a beautiful nymph?"

"My beauty may be subjective, but the blessing is as real as your foolishness."

"Like I said, it can't be a blessing if you can just give it to how many people you want."

"The blessing I possess can only be given to one person. It was passed down onto me by the original guardian, it's no ordinary nymph blessing."

"'re just going to give them and then take it away when they ain't looking because it was only passed down to you and you still want to be relevant around these parts, man...My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined."

"Stop trying to row back to shore!" she ordered, "You're clearly trying to go back and tarnish my reputation."

"I I wrong? I'm here, the first guy to meet you in centuries, and yet see no sign of blessing, so I'm just going to tell the baronet to warn the others not to chase such tall tales."

As the nymph's anger simmered beneath the surface, the water around the boat grew wild, churning with an intensity that threatened to capsize me. But I refused to show any sign of fear, maintaining a false calm facade as I stared defiantly into her eyes.

"See? This is exactly what I'm talking about. If your blessing is truly genuine, why resort to such theatrics to prove a point?"

"Fine, I'll prove to you that it's real."

With a sudden burst of radiant energy, the nymph's blessing manifested as a brilliant ball of light, pulsating with otherworldly power. She reached out with trembling hands, her fingers trembling as she pressed the orb against my chest.

I gasped as the light enveloped me, warmth spreading through my veins like liquid fire. It felt as though a thousand stars had ignited within me. As the light faded, I could feel the nymph's gaze upon me, her was surprise...and realization of what she's done.

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