Published at 24th of May 2024 05:34:42 AM

Chapter 50

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KingSilver The Next chapter will be longer, I promise, it was supposed to be 2000+, but I ended up with only 1200+. So it'll be a 2000 word in the next chapter.

Boreas POV

The next night came, but I noticed something, it was oddly quiet, it's as if everyone had gone to sleep, it's not ordinary, a few pubs that were open, and when I stared inside and looked, they were talking, but they were just regular mundane conversations, it was weird, I even overheard someone said that they were celebrating a promotion, but no cheers, no laughs...not even a smile.

The headmaster noticed the same thing, and since the eldest kid yesterday, Sam or so he said, asked me not to poison him, we sort of guessed that they snuck the spores of that fungus through food, and sure enough, tonight, we found that almost all restaurants or food supply had it...but despite it being consumed a lot, not a lot were showing signs of the symptoms, which is unusual, the spores change colors the longer they were out, some even take up root after a period of time, we noticed that meaning that it has passed enough time for the whole city to show symptoms by now, and yet it...wasn't.

This presented a much bigger issue than we thought, something that the empire itself would have to come in and investigate, but as the headmaster tried to call someone, her call crystal malfunctioned and stopped working, I had Mari try using hers too and the same thing happened.

Sure enough, after an hour or so of investigating near the baron's house itself, once we stepped foot into the courtyard, a large dome of purple barrier appeared in the sky before turning translucent, and as this happened we heard a loud giggle as we looked around to see every light being turned on as groups of demons teleported and appeared around us, they were all fully armed. A beautiful woman then appeared in the sky and her aura was terrifying, it pressed down on us and it took a while for us to gain our posture.

She was about 173 cm tall, she had this pinkish white skin, with long black hair and piercing blue eyes, she was also wearing this dark purple robe, and she definitely looked quite tempting.

"That's...a rank 10 demoness general." the headmaster said with her eyes wide opened, "She's...Morgan Eisheth...what is she doing here?"

"Ah, Laurel, long time no see." the succubus greeted, "The last time I saw you was when that 2nd boyfriend of yours dumped you after taking advantage of you, just because your first was nice and caring, it doesn't always carry over with men, you know."

"You...did you cause that?"

"Merely suggested, but he did it to try and gain my favor, it did, feeding on his lust and your broken heart powered me enough to break past the 10th barrier, and here I am...don't try and use your teleportation crystals, I have a specialized mage among that crowd there, you wouldn't get far, and outside this dome is the city, and I rather not hurt innocent souls that I can feast on."

"Can I ask something before your men over there surround us?" I interjected and raised my hand, "What was the red snail fungus for? Why do some have the normal symptoms because of it? How is the baron involved? And...who are you after? Me or the headmaster?"

"Why would she come for you and what are you doing?" the headmaster raised her voice in a slightly angry and panicked tone

"You can't even defeat her even if you tried not as long as I'm here, we're also surrounded, might as well get some answers as I think of other ways to go about this."

"Well, I am here for the boy." Morgan confirmed, "I just wanted to see why my master liked him so much, and so I used this town since it's one of my more disposable ones. And to answer your question, once the spores are mixed with a rare medicine of ours, the people will be subservient to me, except that some minority couldn't digest that medicine and so only the spores took effect, I merely used what I can to have them spout the name of the baron since I needed you to come here."

"Boreas, what is she talking about?" Mari asked, "Was this why you were acting weird last week?"

"Oh, you haven't told her?" Morgan giggled, "My master recruited him to be one of his generals."

"What?" everyone exclaimed, including the demons that were surrounding us, this was news to them too

"I can sense it." Morgan commented, "Even though the density of your mana is that of a rank 2 mage...the quality is purer than that of the dragon beside you, purer than any creature on this planet, it's...something that only a hero can have, your mana reserve is also exponentially larger than most mage of a higher rank, you can definitely take down a group of mages of a higher rank if you really wanted to."

"So...I'm here now, are you here for the answer?"

"Answer? No, Boreas Silver, this is a test." she replied, "I respect my master, he's the ultimate perfect being, seems that his judgment is quite skewed, it's almost an insult to recruit a hero to fight for him after they sealed him so many times in the past. Even if I were to suffer punishment for it...I will test you today to see if you're worth it, a lot of my colleagues find it irritating when we hear the news, even more shockingly so when the nerd who hates you most follows the order and stays away."

"The vampire king, Vlad?"

"Of course, but it's probably his loyalty that took over his own pride...since I don't want interference, I also brought a rank 10 mage to keep her busy." Morgan pointed at the headmaster, "I sensed her presence ever since you both arrived and for the rest of these demons, they're mostly rak 4s with a couple in rank 5, if you can defeat this army while your headmaster and your 2 companions can hold off or kill my rank 10, I'll remove all of my control on the 10% of this empire that I worked so hard on for the past 6 years."

"Can you promise that?"

"You  have my word, a demon's word holds a lot of weight, unlike a human's." Morgan scoffed.

"Boreas, do you think you can handle these lot?" the headmaster asked as a black-armored knight appeared floating right next to the succubus, "I did not prepare my best gear, so I'm going to need a slight help before I can get to you, your dragon and Marianna is more than enough."

"Don't worry, my swordsmanship is one of the best, combined with sword aura, these fools can't stop me."

"I hope you're right." the headmaster said as the wind burst and swirled all around her, "But I heard that one-on-one fights are your specialty."

"They are, but that doesn't mean I'm not prepared, a hero has to a wise man once said...ready perfectly."

"I don't think that it's grammatically coherent."

"Shut up."

"You better tell me this hero thing later or I'll kill you."


Most spells can be chant-less, they require lesser and lesser mana the more you're familiar with it, but some spells require so much mana that if you want to save it, you'll have to verbally announce or chant it, calling upon the surrounding mana to help lessen your burden.

"Death magic: Souls of Valhalla."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!