Published at 24th of May 2024 05:34:41 AM

Chapter 51

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3rd Person POV

"Death magic: Souls of Valhalla."

As the spell took effect, the air around them crackled with ominous wild energy, and from the very ground beneath their feet, ethereal forms began to materialize. Glimmering souls emerged, their spectral figures pulsating with otherworldly light. Each soul bore a distinct hue, casting a colorful array and brightening the dark night. These were no ordinary apparitions; they exuded a wild and untamed aura, their essence pulsating with an otherworldly vitality.

KingSilver Just a quick second here, I somehow realized this today as I typed the word Ethereal, I can't pronounce it, it just sounds weird somehow. I've used and typed it a couple of times before and yet I never realized that I can't pronounce it lol.

The spectral fighters were all equipped with fighting gear made of shimmering light, each unique and strong, the souls roared in excitement as if they were waiting for an opportunity like this for a long time. The sight of these spectral warriors sent a wave of unease crashing through the ranks of the surrounding demons as this was not the kind of prey they were accustomed to. This was a tempest unleashed, there was no fear felt by these souls.

"You wanna pit your boys against mine?" Boreas laughed as he pointed an aura blade at the succubus, "Mark my words, you will die by my hands...boys, go wild!"

With a mighty cry, the souls of Valhalla surged forward, their spectral weapons raised high as they charged into battle against the armored demons and surrounding mages. Though outnumbered and outmatched in terms of raw power, the souls fought with ferocity.

Despite their valiant efforts, the demons recovered quickly and fought the spectral warriors, the souls then found themselves constantly pushed back by the relentless onslaught of the demons as the demons easily overpowered the souls and the demons breezed past them. But even as the souls fell in battle, their essence dissipated into the air only to reform moments later, ready to rejoin the fray with renewed vigor.

Driven by an unrelenting thirst for vengeance, the souls of Valhalla unleashed wave after wave of attacks upon their foes, their strikes guided by an instinctual knowledge of their enemy's weaknesses. Though their tactics were reckless and their defenses nonexistent, the souls fought with a ferocity that knew no bounds, their every action fueled by the burning desire to emerge victorious.

As the battle raged on, the demons found themselves growing increasingly frustrated by the relentless onslaught of the souls. No matter how many times they struck them down, the souls simply rose again, their numbers seemingly endless as they continued to push forward with unwavering determination. It became clear that the demons would have to win several times over to claim victory, while the souls needed only to win once to secure their theirs.

"I knew that bitch would lie somewhat." Boreas muttered as he deflected a tall opposing demon knight away, "That guy is at the 3rd stage of sword aura while also being a competent mage."

Unlike the others, this one had dark purple armor and the magic emitted off of his body seemed to be somewhere below Marianna, an upper rank 5 mage, but even more, a stage 3 user of sword aura. He was about 215 cm tall and was muscular with wide shoulders, a monster of a physical figure.

Sword aura can be applied to any weapon, however, sword aura became synonymous with the sword as it's the most common weapon. The first stage is commonly misunderstood to be where one can bring it out and turn it off on demand, but that is the 0th stage, something that can't be considered for a swordsman.

The first stage is to be able to bring it out when you have no weapon, a very hard task that most couldn't accomplish, the second stage is control, where one can change its shape, and most use this to clad their weapon, the third is where one can compress or expand it, with a compressed or condensed aura, it will be sharper and harder. And since Boreas' aura couldn't break his every time they collided, it was more than safe to assume that the demon knight was at least at the 3rd stage.

"It's rude not to introduce myself, my name is Kai Asher." the demon greeted as he stabbed his blade onto the ground

"Boreas Silver, but I'm sure you've heard of me." Boreas mimicked the knight's action due to how cool it looked.

Cool it looked? Why the casual phrase in the middle of a formal and professional script? I get that this novel is everything but professional, but please at least try, you stupid buff-

KingSilver I have your family, 3rd person POV's narrator...continue.

"Of course, it's an honor to fight with the disciple of the sword saint, I'm quite a fan of his stories."

"I like you...let's say that you serve under me if I win."

"That's if you win."

"Alright, deal."

Boreas lunged forward and Kai parried the blow with a swift interception as their blades collided, each blow ringing out like a thunderclap ringing throughout the field. Kai unleashed a burst of magic, sending arcs of lightning crackling toward Boreas, but Boreas was quick to respond, deflecting the magical assault with the flat side of his blade. Undeterred, Kai pressed forward, his strikes becoming faster and more ferocious with each passing moment.

Boreas matched him blow for blow, and suddenly, Boreas unleashed a torrent of flames, engulfing Kai in a blazing inferno. But Kai was not so easily defeated, summoning a gust of wind to extinguish the flames before they could consume him and cast a large smokescreen to surround Boreas. With a roar, Kai launched himself at Boreas, his blade flashing like a streak of lightning in the darkness. But Boreas was ready, meeting his attack head-on, and swept Kai's feet.

"Don't scream if you don't want people to know what direction you're attacking from." Boreas said as he stabbed his sword toward the demon's torso, to which the demon used wind magic to burst and blow our protagonist away.

"And don't talk when you're at a winning distance." Kai retorted as they clashed once more

Their fights were close, Boreas was winning in their one-on-one fight and was gaining ground by the second, but eventually, once his mana ran low, the spell of his small army filled with spectral warriors disappeared. The regeneration of those warriors required mana, and no matter how good Boreas was and how large his mana reserves were, it had a limit, despite that, Boreas still had a good 30% of his mana left after taking out half of the earlier small demon army.

Boreas knew that keeping the same game plan was only going to end up in a loss, so he had to change it up.

"Since the cat's already out of the bag..." Boreas smirked as his left arm stretched out with a shining palm," Holy magic: God's Blight."

The light focused and turned into a searing beam, sliced through the battlefield. Any creature caught was utterly unprepared and didn't even have a chance to scream. Their flesh dissolved instantly, leaving nothing behind but a wisp of smoke. The beam continued its merciless path, scorching across the battlefield in a wide arc. Demons who dared stand in its way met the same gruesome fate as any shrieks were cut short as they were reduced to smoldering cinders. 

After the attack was finished, he then cast a bright flash to blind his enemies as he charged in and incapacitated Kai before putting on the anti-magic cuffs he borrowed from the student council room and placing them on the demon before charging at the others. 

"Fire magic: Solar flare"

With a deafening crackle that mimicked the birth of a supernova as there was a miniature ball of hot white flames igniting in Boreas' palm. The air shimmered in its presence, warped by the intense heat radiating from its core. The flare launched itself forward with a speed that defied mortal perception. It arced across the battlefield, leaving a trail of scorched air in its wake. The earth seemed to melt where it struck, turning into a molten hellscape. Demons caught in its path were vaporized instantly and even those located close to the attack felt the damage as their armor glowed red hot causing their flesh to singe by the sheer intensity of the heat.

The surviving demon mages healed themselves and cast their spells at Boreas while the knights charged in with magic enveloping their bodies, Boreas then called out and cast the same spell, but the demons managed to just get out of the way fully instead of trying to defend against it.

As the flare arced and missed, the demons used that split second to get close as they knew he needed a few seconds to cast such a spell, however, their plan did not go according to what they thought as the earlier spell actually turned and flew upward before crashing on the mage from above where their defenses were opened, the spell crashed on their head, killing them.

"Dumb mages, if you're gonna fight, wear a magic resistance helmet." Boreas taunted as he took on several attackers

"You gave a valiant effort, but please give up, I can maybe make it painless for you." Morgan offered, your mana is draining very quickly with your reckless spells, for your own sake, just give up while I'm feeling generous. utilizing the flames of the sun for pure destruction is not something many can pull off despite their rank or imagination, so I would at least applaud you for that."

"Shut up, you ugly bitch." Boreas retorted as he managed to use his aura sword to cut through a spell and charge in to finish off a knight, "But you are right, I can't keep this up for long, so I'll just finish the rest of these guys in one go."

"I'd like to see you try." Morgan taunted

Boreas POV

God's tongue, the very essence of divine power, is a force reserved solely for the hands of the divine. But such power is not meant for mortals. It is a realm beyond our understanding, beyond the limitations of our mortal minds. To speak with God's tongue...well, it's classified as forbidden magic. There's" dragon's tongue", but it's confirmed to be nothing more than a myth in this world, however, God's tongue exists, something about a hero tricking Lucille into revealing such information to use against the demon lord during desperate times.

The consequences of tapping into this forbidden magic are severe. The consequences of tapping into this forbidden magic, even if they survived, it'll injure them severely, it can cause permanent damage that even the goddess herself can't heal, it will also render a person insane, even the world's worst murderer won't use it, not that they have access to such information.

But I do, Mari found a secret compartment in the library and snuck the book to me. It was quite simple really, just chant some lines and survive the process, for a god, just cast spells normally, but this is what mortals have to do. People can die after chanting a line, but I'm the protagonist. The damage from the spell will also affect the surroundings, but all life signatures have disappeared, they're all already dead, and desperate times call for desperate measures, they won't mind me destroying the surroundings to injure a demon general.

The spell itself is more like borrowing and channeling a god's power through your body than actually using one of a god, which is another story, but such differences doesn't matter if I can help us get to safety.

I whistled loud in a tune and that gave a signal for the other 3 to gather, after a minute, they did, and we found ourselves once again surrounded.

"On my signal, create a barrier around us, and after you can, teleport us to safety before I die."

"Wait, die?!" the headmaster exclaimed

"No matter what you do, just don't interrupt me, I'll have a higher chance of death."

"Jett, stop her just in case, a protagonist like me will survive, but I rather not decrease those odds."

After a few deep breaths and the headmaster keeping the demons at bay, I started my chant.

"In your name, I invoke this power,

To banish demons, in this darkest hour,

With righteous fury, I shall fight,

Guided by your divine light.

"Goddess, hear my plea,

Grant me strength and set me free,

With your name, I shall smite,

Using the brightest light."

As I continued my chant, the air crackled with an energy so potent it felt like lightning coursing through my veins. But with each syllable uttered in the divine tongue, the toll became painfully evident by the second. The skin on my hands began to crack, fissures splitting open like fault lines on the earth's surface. Blood welled from the wounds, and with each word, the cracks spread, spiderwebbing across my arms and creeping up my neck. I could feel the warmth of blood trickling down my face, mingling with my tears from the pain. The very ground beneath me trembled as dust and rocks floated and swirled around us.

"...Sacred light, pure and true,

The divine light of judgment, I call on you.

With every word, with every breath,

I shall bring justice, even in death. Light magic: Divine light of judgment."

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!