Published at 24th of May 2024 05:34:39 AM

Chapter 52

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3rd Person POV

The Divine Light of Judgement had been unleashed.

The beam struck the ground with a force that defied comprehension, creating a towering pillar of light that reached up to the heavens. Its radiance was so intense that cities far away could see the luminous column piercing the sky. Cities miles away witnessed the spectacle as they awoke to see their nights lit by an unnatural, holy dawn. They broke through the barrier set up by the demons and struck the baron's mansion, the light consumed everything it touched, disintegrating walls and shattering windows and reduced to rubble and ash within moments.

The surrounding area fared no better. Trees were incinerated, their leaves and branches turning to cinders before they could even fall to the ground. The earth itself seemed to recoil, scorched and scarred by the intensity of the light. Buildings within the vicinity collapsed, their foundations unable to withstand the cataclysmic force.

The demons suffered the same fate, caught in the heart of this divine wrath, the demons were instantly overwhelmed. They disintegrated under the pure relentless light and when the light finally faded, the demons were gone, utterly annihilated except a special few that Morgan helped protect in a barrier, the demons were the demon knight, Kai, and a few mages that helped them teleported here and causing the inferences to sabotage any intervention or outside help.

Even though they didn't suffer any harm, the fact that there was a small visible crack in the barrier shocked them and angered Morgan greatly, but right after Morgan put the barrier down, from right behind them, they felt a great amount of mana being sent at them. They turned to see Boreas wielding an enormous blade of white flames and swung at them.

"Fire magic: Cleansing flames."

The speed of the attack was so great that Morgan had to intercept it with her hands, and despite having a very tough skin due to being a rank 10 mage, with the addition of mana enveloping her for protection, Boreas managed to cut off 2 of her fingers, her left pinky and ring finger before the large blade of aura and fire magic dissipated due to boreas being out of mana.

"You broke through to the 3rd rank and used the last bits of your mana...just to cut off my fingers..." Morgan's face contorted into a rage, but before she could do anything, the environment's gravity started to press down on them and caused a greater tremor than what they'd been experiencing so far.

"Morgan, I'll say it once, retreat." a familiar voice said, "You, demon knight, you will stick to your word."

"You've arrived..." Boreas smirked as he collapsed and grabbed his sides while his bleeding got more severe."

"I apologize for their disobedience, so I shall give you more're going to need it if you survive the consequences of what you've done."

Morgan then immediately ordered a retreat, but her face showed something that Laurel would have never expected, true fear, what's more shocking was that she could sense the demon lord from every direction, as if he was everywhere and nowhere at the same time, the power he emitted was many times more than the general, and she, also felt the pressure of death, it was terrifying and her face was still pale when that presence disappeared.

Boreas eventually lost consciousness.

Boreas POV

I blinked and woke groggy and disoriented, as light pierced through my eyes. My entire body throbbed with a dull, persistent pain, and every muscle screamed in protest as I tried to move myself up. I tried to lift my hand to my face, but it felt stiff. My skin... it felt tight and rough. I glanced down and saw the faint scars everywhere crisscrossing and spiderwebbing across my arms and the rest of my body, the aftermath of casting that spell that is forbidden to almost everyone. I can still feel the searing pain.

A groan escaped my lips. Everything hurt. It felt like I'd been run over by a stampede of horses and then set on fire for good measure. I just wanted to sleep, to escape the pain for a little while longer, long have I slept? I looked around and saw that it was my dorm room, and Mari walked in after a bit.

"You're awake." she commented

"How were the kids? The one I promised to help take back to the village."

"The headmaster helped with that, but to answer the rest of your questions, those scars will go away eventually, but will become permanent if you keep doing what you did, and you've been gone for 27 days. Jett also cried for a bit but I calmed him down."

"I see. Where's Kai?"

"In prison and interrogated for answers."

"Did the headmaster reveal anything?"

"She didn't, she said that a hero chosen by the goddess is to be trusted and will keep that portion of your secrets but will eventually question you later out of her own personal interest and curiosity."

"Did Theo cry?"


"Did you tell Isabella to help solve Morgan's claim of doing this to 10% of the empire?"

"Yes, she initiated an empire-wide investigation and the issue should be solved within 3 weeks."

"Am I getting a medal?"

"No, the headmaster is, she took credit for most of it, including the damages."

"Fair enough."

"But there's no hiding that you used a forbidden spell, and we'll all probably be gifted a few equipment or some money."

"That'll be good...did my parents hear about this?"

"...Yes, your name has become quite famous. Even though the headmaster took credit for it, your name was included in the contributions. Your rank has increased to number 2, but Matt did also get the number 1 spot due to him beating a 3rd year and several 2nd years to defend a lady that is from a duchess household of the south. Eve solved a few problems that are supposedly way ahead of your grades, so she's 5th."

"All of that happened within a month?"


"You seem stressed." I commented as I sat across from the headmaster

"I had to deal with the board and the journalists for a long time." she replied, "You have no idea how stressful this job is."

"Then just retire, you deserve that."

"Not until I find a good reason to, for now, retirement will take at least another 10 years. Why is Jett wagging his tail? And why is he more clingy to you than normal?"

"Well, he said that it's to make up for the time that I was unconscious, but me missing all of this isn't going to affect my grades, right?"

"No, I made sure of it, besides, accomplishments outside of the academy affect your grade, it's why many students try to go on quests or missions during weekends. Though death rates are higher than they should be because they would take on side quests along the way or not retreat when they find out that the tasks are harder than they should be due to pride."

"So, is there any bad news?"

"Yes, first, the demons you fought were all lesser demons, so they were sacrificial pawns that shouldn't affect them much, the demon I fought was a pure one, but we injured him enough that it should affect her performances permanently, but that's the main news here is that...according to the captured demon, the demon lord's army is in no way associated with the blood ravens and has revealed that the blood ravens has also attempted to attack them before, however, they suffered fewer casualties...meaning that they are stronger than us."

"I see, that shouldn't matter. So, when can I meet Kai?"

"You're seriously not going to make him serve you...are you?" she asked

"Why not? I could use a butler. besides, are there any rules against housing demons?"

"No...there was a quarter demon in the past who attended here, he suffered discrimination and fought for equality way back in the past. It's why we have always spared most of the demons if they choose to surrender."

"What was his name?"

"Craven Moorehead." the headmaster answered

"...Are you serious? That hothead has no demon traits, no tail, no horns, no visible fangs, no...him?"

"Quarter demons do not have to have demonic traits, sometimes you'll have to do a blood test to determine that. And do not insult your predecessor, he is a legendary alumnus who is considered to be one of the greatest heroes of all time."

"Then how did he lose to me in a fight?"

"If you're going to make up lies, make up a better one." the headmaster scoffs

"Is that a bet? I can get the goddess to answer."

"You may be a hero, but the goddess won't just answer your every call, the pope and Princess Evegenlina confirmed this."

"Is that a bet?"

" he bluffing?" the headmaster turned to Mari and Jett.

"I'd rather not go against him if I were you." Mari responded

"I suggest you go with it without any resistance, he'll just pester you harder." Jett chimed in

"One last question before I let you go." the headmaster asked, "Will you accept the position offered by the demon lord?"

"Oh, hell yeah."

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