Published at 24th of May 2024 05:34:35 AM

Chapter 54

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Boreas POV

I put the new Forgis on the Jeep, I trap until the bloody bottoms is underneath-

KingSilver We don't need a lawyer to advise you not to say the next line.

I wasn't going to, not that you could even afford a lawyer, we already spent a lot of our budget on the 4th wall breaks, it's why we haven't brought a lot of them up again.

Besides you named this chapter Ballin', so I might as well make some references. Since Eve and Matt were invited to the ball or whatever later, they joined us to watch the awarding ceremony, mostly it's Laurel who was getting the awards while I was supposed to get some praise I stood by her side and helped along with Mari, I have already received money on the side, Isabella made sure to give extra as well.

I'm not going to talk much about the awarding ceremony, not that it was special, I mean, it is quite an accomplishment for helping to expose something that is affecting 10% of our population, but it was a private ceremony where the Laurel just gets a medal and we then move to a private room where we're supposed to report the situation directly to the queen, Laurel then asked Matt and Eve to come in with us.

"Why should we accompany you guys?" Eve asked, "Not only am I a foreigner, but I also didn't contribute anything."

"Simple, I need someone else to help stop him." Laurel replied

"Stop him? I thought you 2 were close, he's been calling you by your first name." Matt pointed out

"I didn't give him permission to do that yet as the deal has not been done...but if it helps him behave, I'll overlook it."

"So who are we stopping him from? Did he make a pass on the maid?"

"You'll see." Laurel replied

"Long time no see, Boreas Silver." Isabella greeted me with a sarcastic tone

"...You've aged."

"Pfff-" Matt then almost spat his tea as he choked on it after our brief interaction.

Amelia and Laurel just sighed and tried their best to intervene, but Isabella raised her hand and told them not to. Laurel then just told the direct report and everything the academy found out before Isabella and I had another argument. The headmaster did leave out the demon general position being offered and all of that, but she did initially ignore my statement of wanting it due to the fact that I'm a hero and a hero wouldn't betray the goddess.

"Oh, so you were useful for once." Isabella commented

"Unlike your policies, my actions were for the better."

"I would love to slap you, but unfortunately that'll be too undignified of me."

"And I would have slapped you right back."

"A gentleman would never harm a woman."

"I am a man of gender equality, I would smack anyone and everyone with the same amount of force."

" shouldn't say that." Jett chided, "It's offensive."

"Thank you!" Eve and Laurel exclaimed

"To say's offensive to us, are you sure that this...whoever even qualifies as a person? Grouping her with you and the term everyone might be offensive."

"That was not how I saw things playing out, but we need to have you 2 separated more often, the dragon is supposed to be a noble creature." Matt said

"Like I don't mind doing this often because it's quite fun, but I'm running out of insults."

"I know..." Isabella sighed once the 2 of us were left alone as the others left to let us let off our steam, "Even though we meant none of it, once this whole farce ends, Amelia will kill me for not just telling her from the uncle will try to kill you regardless."

"Should I use my chance to meet your younger brother later? Or would you rather have me keep my distance? He's going to that ball after all."

"I'd say avoid him for now, if he approaches you, just befriend him, but try not to get too close, if he gets too close, he'll find out...not that I mind, but if you were to marry me now, it would mean that I'll be staying as queen with you as my consort, not only do I not want the responsibility, you also won't get your dream harem."

"By the way, the academy said that they can't release Kai, yet, can you help expedite him?"

"Are you sure you can trust the demon?" Isabella asked, 'I'm all for it, but if it's too much trouble...even my allies would prefer you just eliminate him, he is after all, a demon, no one would come after you for it."

"Trust me, I'll also have Craven check him out or the goddess herself if I have to, having him for help would be great, he is after all, adopted and raise by pure demons, I can learn some information from him."

"And vise versa, what if he's some sort of double agent."

"Don't worry, I've got it handled."

"You should expect to meet and free him after this mission then, but know that I can't help you against the criticisms that will come after, I can't stop people from voicing their opinions after all."

"It'll be honestly easier to just take over the world and implement our own laws at this point. Their opinions won't matter if they have nothing worthwhile to contribute, like Richard, the bastard tried to tell me how to do my job as secretary the other day...before my injury, despite me being praised for doing it right and quickly, something about not noble-like and not fitting for our school. "

"People like that does make me wish that having us rule the world with an iron fist would be better." Isabella agreed, "I don't have to deal with these old men who want my hand in marriage and we can do whatever we want. As if I'd marry them, all they want is to become king, which...they won't even be a full king, but a queen consort, I'll still have the reins."

"The problem is the fact that there's the possibility of rebellion, and I rather not have us overthrown, living a quiet life by the sea isn't bad, but maybe we'll occasionally travel as well."

"Travelling should be fun, but I'm also expecting around 20 children."

"Of course, children...wait, 20?!"

"Uh, yeah, you're a hero, your hearing should be great. And as the hero, your fertility shouldn't be a problem."

"Even between everyone in a harem combined, 20 is a bit much, don't you think?"


"Wait, what?"


"Don't hmm me. Are you saying you want 20 by yourself?"

"Eh he."

"I would love to pull a Paimon right now, but this is starting to scare me a bit."

"You know, getting along with the queen won't hurt if you plan on achieving greatness." Eve whispered, "We are heroes, after all, we'll be meeting her often."

"Tch, the bitch deserves it. I tried getting her to drink water earlier too, but that show lied to me, she was supposed to melt."

"Let's focus, after all, I can sense several demons."  Matt interjected, "They're not necessarily strong, especially when we have the headmaster here, and even then, I can't really pinpoint the specifics since they're quite strong."

"Maybe I'll have the sword saint come train your senses for that, he has quite a bit of demon flesh or other demon items to mimic the smell, it'll just take a month of torture to have your senses fully differentiate everything and anything based on smell alone. So let's split up, once we pinpoint who's the demon, we'll write it down and then head to an empty balcony. We then got tomorrow night to finalize our stuff."

"I can't get too close though, the pope technically already exposed who I am, a person blessed by the goddess." Eve pointed out

"Don't worry, Jett will stick close to you, Mari will go with Matt, and I'll go with Laurel, if you feel threatened, just shoot a harmless green fireball at the ceiling, and the rest will try to get to you. These demons will most likely not attack us as mages also surround them, but they'll note our name down before they escape, so don't let them know, if they do, they're escaping after this, and with resources spreading quite thin, we can't expect to find them again if they do run away."

I stepped into the grand ballroom and the air was thick with the scent of expensive perfumes, that's one side to having a sensitive nose because this is just a painful experience for me. As I moved through the crowd, exchanging polite nods and forced smiles, I scanned the room, and there were 14 on my end—14 demons hidden among the guests, blending in with their human disguises.

And when we gathered at the balcony, we totaled it up to 51 demons, they were rank 5 at best, so we didn't have to worry much, but with those numbers, the forces we had were more than enough to defeat them after we weed them out, so tomorrow is trap time, I guess. It'll be fun, since I plan on having chaos.

KingSilver next chapter: Ballin' (2)

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!